L&S Gift Management: How to support a student organization
This document describes how an L&S department/program can support a registered UW-Madison student organization. Step-by-step instructions are provided. This document includes a link to the form: Five Questions for Student Organizations.
Background: Supporting Registered Student Organizations
L&S departments and programs may support registered student organizations with UW Foundation funds.
The funds must come directly from the UW Foundation through a check request to the student organization; 233 projects may not be used. This keeps the financial activities of the student organization separate from UW. This gives the members of the student organization experience in handling their own finances. Payments to student organizations are made via ACH (electronic transfer) only.
You can find more details, including what expenses are allowed, in the Student Organization Resource & Policy Guide.
Process: Payments to Registered Student Organizations
Verify that the organization is registered: https://win.wisc.edu/organizations
Email the following documents to budgetoffice-gifts@ls.wisc.edu.
- UW Foundation Disbursement Request (instructions below)
- 'Five Questions for Student Organizations' form
Disbursement Request - Student Org
The 'Disbursement Request' form is a document used by UW Foundation to initiate the electronic transfer from UW Foundation funds to UW-Madison. It tells them which fund to use and the amount of the transfer. Note: Disbursement Requests were previously known as Check Requests, and some campus materials use the term 'Check Request'.
- Initiate the Disbursement Request form on UW Foundation's website: https://secure.uwadvancement.org/
- Navigate to "Fund Management" > "Disbursement Request"
- Link to the UW Foundation's Instructions: UW Foundation's Instructions
- Request access to the UW Foundation: L&S Gift Management: UW Foundation Policy Overview
Filling out the UW Foundation Disbursement Request
- Purpose of Expenditure: Add any additional info that will help you keep track of the purpose. No justification is required for these transfers, they are up to the discretion of the department.
- Signatures:
- The form should be signed by someone with financial oversight at the department. This may be the Chair/Director, Associate Chair, or Department Administrator, depending on the unit’s internal practices. For separation of duties, the person who initiated the form should not sign as the approver.
- The second line is for the L&S divisional level approval signature (i.e. Jana Valeo, Annie Powers or Amanda Mahr).
L&S Budget Office Contacts
- For questions about this policy, contact Jana Valeo at the L&S Budget Office or email: budgetoffice-gifts@ls.wisc.edu.
- For questions about allowed expenses or other policies, visit the Student Organization Resource & Policy Guide or call 608-263-0365.