Class Activity: Q&A Life Cycle Assessment

1. Using Figure 14.1, describe and explain the main elements of a "cradle-to-farm gate" LCA of milk. What do you need to know in order to conduct such analysis?

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2. Discuss the authors conclusions in regards to the comparison of pastoral versus confined dairy systems.

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3. Explain how the breed of cattle, nutrition, and reproduction may influence carbon footprint of milk.

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4. What is feed conversion efficiency and how does it relate to GHG intensity.

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5. Beyond the LCA of milk, what are the ancillary benefits or prejudices (negative aspects) of ruminant livestock? How does dairy differ form beef industry? In what way are they separate yet, intertwined?

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6. Explain the linkage between the cropping systems (crop rotations), livestock feed production, and manure management in relation to the GHG from each component.  How would you go about minimizing GHG emission while insuring farm profitability?

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Class Activity: Q&A Life Cycle Assessment 
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Michel W. in Food Production Systems &
DS 471 Food Production Systems and Sustainability