Building Evacuation

This document provides information on how to evacuate the Russell Labs building in an emergency. This information is taken from the Occupant Emergency Plan.


  • Entomology, Plant Pathology, and Forest & Wildlife faculty, students, and staff; Hub staff


Evacuation Options 

Evacuation Options
Option Go To This Location 
 1) Shelter in Place RL Basement
 2) Evacuation

  • All individuals must leave the building by the nearest exit immediately when a fire alarm sounds.
  • Move to designated assembly area 100’ from the building. 
  • Do not block emergency vehicle routes. 
  • Do not re-enter the building until an all clear is given by the building manager or emergency personnel.
 3) Relocation to Another Building Evacuation Steenbock Library, Main Lobby


Shelter in Place - Keeping facility attendees, citizens and staff in place or in a particular shelter location for the emergency that has presented itself (examples: tornado, active shooter, or a threat inside/outside or in the vicinity of Russell Labs).

Evacuation - Movement of building attendees, citizens, and staff out of Russell Labs and relocating to an outside assembly point. An example of an evacuation would be in case of a fire.

Relocation to Another Building Evacuation - Movement of facility attendees, citizens, and staff out of the entire facility to a designated off-site shelter facility. This may occur when there is inclement weather during an emergency.

Designated Assembly Areas

Designated Assembly Areas
If Your Location in RL is... Go To This Location
Main Entrance/Front/South Assemble in front of tower
Entomology Wing/Northeast of building Assemble at pad between Russell and Steenbock Library
FWE Wing/Northwest of building Assemble between Russell and parking ramp

 Russell Labs Building Wings

In the Event of an Evacuation 

Look for: 

  • the building exit signs
  • evacuations routes posted in elevator lobbies and hallways
  • movement of other building occupants



Please contact the Facilities and Instrumentation Manager if you have questions about building evacuations.

russell lab hub administration faculty guide safety building evacuation OEP emergency fire tornado 
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Owned by:
Alyson A. in Russell Labs Hub
Russell Labs Hub