Pitching Your Project
- 10 projects. 30 mins. 3 minutes per project, no exceptions.
- 2 time-keeper volunteers.
- 1 minute pitch. 2 minutes discussion.
1) the MAIN GIST of your research question
2) your case study scenario (that motivates this question)
3) the BOUNDARIES of what is included in your assessment, and JUSTIFICATION for those boundaries
4) why this is an IMPORTANT question (what are the leverage points: what component(s) is responsible for most of the GHG, and which can be changed?)
5) why you think you can answer the question, or at least provide some useful decision-support in your case scenario? What LITERATURE supports this?
1) Take notes on your reactions to project ideas.
2) Evaluate projects on a scale of 1-10, and keep a running ranking of the projects (while the details are fresh in your mind).
3) Be ready with succinct questions for as soon as the presenter is done.
--Do you see any problems with the research question?
--Does anything need to be clarified?
--What does the presenter expect to find?