PI Portal: Who can see my info?

The people who can see your info are:
  1. You.
  2. Anyone to whom you delegate viewing rights.
  3. Research administrators who typically help you and work with you.
         Specifically: Each college, school, department, and center authorizes one or more administrators to do work in WISPER. Those WISPER authorizations determine who can see your info. An administrator can see your info if they are in the WISPER routing and management chain for:
    1. Your org unit.
    2. Org units in which your research projects are managed, if different from the unit in which you hold an appointment.
    You do not need to delegate viewing rights to research administrators who can already see your info because of their WISPER roles and rights.

PI, Principal Investigator, Portal 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Nick N. in VCRGE and Graduate School
VCRGE and Graduate School