WiscIT - Shape Widgets
The Dashboard Editor contains many different shapes that can be used to enhance a dashboard's graphical design. There are two different kinds of shape widgets. The first are simple shapes, which are things such as triangles and squares. The second kind are more complex simple shapes, such as images and links. These widgets are only found in the Dashboard Editor and cannot be found in the Widget Manager. |
These are the simplest shape widgets that can be used.
Rectangle: Simple rectangular shape that has sharp corners |
Rounded Rectangle: Simple rectangular shape with rounded corners |
Tab: Simple rectangular shape with sharp corners and a small tab in the upper left, similar to a file folder |
Rounded Tab: Simple rectangular shape with rounded corners and a small tab in the upper left, similar to a file folder |
Ellipse: Simple circular shape that can be stretched into an oval if desired. |
These shape widgets are more complex than the shapes above, but are not complex enough to be included in the Widget Manager.
Image: Widget that is only used to show a particular image.
Text: Widget that shows text on the dashboard. For more information, see WiscIT - Button and Text Labels |
Button: This is a widget that can activate some action to occur. For example, it can run a one-step, link to a dashboard, run a report, or run a search. For more information, see WiscIT - Button and Text Labels |
Link: This is a widget that is essentially a combination of a text widget and a button widget. A link can also be used to run an action, but it looks like a text widget. For more information, see WiscIT - Button and Text Labels |