Departmental Support - BigFix Self-Service Options
Departmental Support provides a number of self-service tools that empower our customers to quickly and efficiently facilitate a variety of support needs. These tools use the same BigFix technology that DoIT uses to deploy security patches, standard software and client configurations. These self-service tools are available to all Departmental Support customers who use both our managed security layer and desktop support services.
Viewing Self-Service
The self-service center is accessed by clicking on the red W on Windows and macOS.
The Self-Service center can be accessed by clicking on the red W, , on the bottom right of your screen. There may be a carrot (^) that will show hidden icons. The red W may be in the set of icons that appear after expanding out the hidden icons. You can also press the Windows key on your keyboard and search for, "BigFix Self-Service Application"
The Self-Service center can be accessed by clicking on the red W, , on the top middle/right of your screen. You can also search spotlight or your applications folder for an application called "TriggerClientUI".
Self-Service Components
Departmental Support's self-service solution is composed of a number of components covering Support, Software, and Power Management
The Departmental Support - Support Center is the best method to quickly access support resources. The support center offers a quick view of useful technical information about your computer, web links to outages, remote and email support, and quick links to view and submit support tickets. Information on the support center is available here: DoIT Departmental Tech Support - Software Offers are the easiest way a non-administrator user can install applications on their computer. Software available includes Adobe Creative Cloud, common browsers, mail clients, chat programs and productivity tools. Software installed via offers installs in the background only troubling the user with a small message indicating when the installation starts and ends. The Departmental Support - Power Management dashboard lets you set the power management settings you want and then makes sure they stay set so you don't have to worry about it. Power Management choices can be as simple as turning the monitor off after 15 minutes or can be set more aggressively to put your computer into standby mode when it hasn't been used for 30 or 60 minutes.
Need Help?
If you encounter issues or have questions regarding these Self-Service options please contact the DoIT Help Desk.