Professional Development and Recognition Committee Minutes 1-9-15

PDRC Meeting Minutes
Friday, January 9, 2015
9:00 - 10:00 am
Memorial Union
Members Present: Jeff Armstrong, Jeff Bohrer, Jay Ford, Amy Hawley, John Klatt, Stephanie Kutz, Alison Rice, Curtis Ryals

The meeting was called to order at 9:02 am.

Automatic consent business
- December minutes were approved without dissent.

Standing subcommittee reports

- PD Grants: Amy/Stephanie J.
Dates: February 24-25 Brown Bag events
    March 20 Application Deadline
    March 27 Chair signature due
    April 10 Dean signature due
    Early/mid-May winners notified
-2 new sample applications will go up: Amy will seek permission from person (to use entire packet); identifying details will be redacted
-complaints received on chair not approving in time and people want feedback on why they did not receive grants

- Awards: Elisabeth/Jeff B./John

-01/09/2015 deadline; start around 01/12 sort by award and see what is there
-Chairs should send John all the names of the winners, he will communicate to the Secretary’s office
-See timeline for specific deadlines
-John will resend instructions on getting into the system
-Chairs remember to give past winners the time commitment anticipated for their participation
-Secretary's office will do some criteria checking to be sure nominees are eligible
-2 system teaching awards are available: Jeff B. and Chris are reviewing
-Chairs asked to send PDFs to the past winners who agree to review as they do not have access to the system
-Criteria are in the Box folder

- Exec Ed Grants: Jay/Alison
-Jay started updating documents for 2015
-Previous deadlines for 2014: march 1 announcement, March 30 due, April-reviews, then communicate winners
-Jay has begun revising the score sheet; will send to Alison for review and then bring draft to full committee.
-2014: 5 awards given out of ~20 applications

Committee business

- Award for Excellence in Research in the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences – TABLED
- Committee size: Curtis moved to increase size to 15, Allison seconded the motion. Discussed various pros and cons. Motion passed by majority hand vote (6 in favor, 1 opposed; 1 member absent due to early departure)
- Academic Staff governance priorities for 2014-2015
   o Ad hoc subcommittee on funding professional development grants – TABLED
   o Promotion/communication – No new report; Curtis will check with Communications Committee
   o OHRD's existing opportunities: Suggest posting document on the web as a KB document

The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 am.

PDRC minutes 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff