Faculty Senate Minutes 2015-03-02

University of Wisconsin--Madison

shared governance document

3 March 2015
Audio recording (mp3)

Chancellor Rebecca Blank called the meeting to order at 3:32 p.m. with 155 voting members present (111 needed for quorum).

1. Memorial Resolutions were offered for:

Professor Emeritus Anatole Beck. faculty document 2541
Professor Emeritus Howard Conner.faculty document 2542
Professor Emeritus Edward Hauser. faculty document 2543
Professor Emeritus John Jack Matthews. faculty document 2544
Professor Emeritus Jan Rapacz. faculty document 2545
Professor Emeritus Charles Chuck Salmon. faculty document 2546

2. Announcements/Information Items.

Chancellor Blank called attention to a flyer distributed at the door announcing an informational session and a webinar on the Human Resources Design Project. Chancellor Blank provided an update on the budget and public authority process, possible flexibilities and dedicated funding stream, and the need for an open, transparent, and civil debate.
Professor Jo Ellen Fair called attention to a joint communication from campus governance groups statewide to UW System.

3. Question Period.
There were several comments and questions.


4. The Faculty Senate Minutes 2015-02-02 were approved as distributed.


5.  Provost Sarah Mangelsdorf submitted for informational purposes the Campus Planning Committee Annual Report for 2013-2014. There was one question. faculty document 2547


6. Professor Judith Burstyn submitted for informational purposes the revised Committee on Committees Annual Report for 2015. faculty document 2537a


7. Professor Burstyn submitted the nominations for election to the Committee on Committees. Chancellor Blank opened the floor to nominations. There were none.

8. Provost Mangelsdorf submitted for informational purposes a recommendation to change the name of the Department of Family Medicine to the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health. There was one comment. faculty document 2548

9. Professor Fair moved adoption of a faculty resolution on shared governance. Professor Chris DeMarco, District 36, moved to amend the resolution as follows.
Be it therefore resolved that the UW-Madison Faculty Senate is opposed to repeal of the shared governance language from state statute and strongly urges that the any new statutory language creating the a public authority include shared governance rights;
The motion to amend was seconded and passed unanimously by voice vote.
The motion to adopt the resolution passed unanimously by voice vote. faculty document 2549

10. Professor Fair moved adoption of a faculty resolution on public authority. faculty document 2550
Chancellor Blank asked consent to change faculty and staff members in the last paragraph of the resolution to faculty, student, and staff members. The motion passed without objection.
There were several comments and ample discussion throughout consideration of this resolution and amendments thereto.
Professor Paul Milenkovic, District 36, moved to postpone the resolution.
The motion was seconded.
 The motion failed by voice vote.
Professor Linn Posey-Maddox, District 29, moved to amend the penultimate paragraph of the resolution as follows.
Be it therefore resolved by the UW-Madison Faculty Senate that there be a freeze of the proposal for public authority to allow time to assess the viability and detailed implementation of a public authority model for UW System must so that it can be vetted in a thorough, transparent, and responsible fashion prior to its adoption, and
The motion to amend was seconded.
Professor Christa Olson, District 55, moved to amend the amendment as follows.
Be it therefore resolved by that the UW-Madison Faculty Senate recommend that there be afreeze of the proposal for public authority to allow time to assess the viability and detailed implementation of a public authority model for UW System must so that it can be vetted in a thorough, transparent, and responsible fashion prior to its adoption, and
The motion to amend the amendment was seconded and passed by a show of hands.
Professor Burstyn, District 48, moved to amend the amendment to replace the word freeze with the word delay. The motion was seconded. The motion passed by voice vote.
Professor Noah Feinstein, District 18, moved to amend the amendment to strike the phrase before the end of this legislative session from the last paragraph of the resolution as inconsistent with the amendment being considered. The motion was seconded. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote.
Professor Jim Doing, District 65, moved to call the question. The motion was seconded. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote. The amendment failed by voice vote.
Professor Michael Gould, District 93, moved to amend the last paragraph of the resolution as follows.
Be it further resolved that the UW-Madison Faculty Senate recommends that a commission of UW System faculty, student, and staff members with financial, budget, and organizational expertise be immediately convened by the Board of Regents and charged with issuing a public report of findings on the viability and implications of a public authority model of operations, before the end of this legislative session. This study will be done over the next six months and directed to the Board of Regents.
The motion was seconded and failed by a show of hands (56 yes; 62 no).
Professor Bruce Thomadsen, District 88, moved to amend the resolution to strike before the end of this legislative session from the last paragraph and replace it with by the May Faculty Senate meeting.
The motion was seconded and failed by a show of hands (52 yes; 56 no).
Professor Don Downs, District 68, moved to amend the last paragraph of the resolution as follows.
Be it further resolved that the UW-Madison Faculty Senate recommends that a commission of UW System faculty, student, and staff members and relevant nonUW personnel with financial, budget, and organizational expertise be immediately Faculty Senate Meeting, 2 March 2015 Minutes, page 4 convened by the Board of Regents and charged with issuing a public report of findings on the viability and implications of a public authority model of operations, before the end of this legislative session.
Professor Burstyn moved to amend the amendment to remove the word relevant from the proposed change.

The motion as amended was seconded and passed by voice vote. Professor Olson, District 55, moved to amend the penultimate paragraph of the resolution to substitute the word implementation for the word adoption.
The motion was seconded and passed by voice vote.

Professor Kurt Paulson, District 76, moved to amend the penultimate paragraph of the resolution as follows.
Be it therefore resolved that by the UW-Madison Faculty Senate cannot support a public authority until all governance groups have had time to vet in a thorough, transparent, and responsible fashion that the viability and a detailed implementation plan of a public authority model for UW System must be vetted in a thorough, transparent, and responsible fashion prior to its implementation, and
The motion was seconded.
Professor Aki Hashimoto, District 67, moved to amend the amendment to change the word time to opportunity.
The motion was seconded and passed by voice vote.
The motion to amend passed by voice vote.
The resolution passed by voice vote.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:25 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Steven K. Smith
Secretary of the Faculty

"faculty legislation" "Faculty Policies and Procedures" "March 3, 2015" 
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Julie S. in UW Secretary of the Faculty
UW Secretary of the Faculty