WCER Application Delivery Service (ADS) - Software
Effective June 1, 2015, MERIT partnered with the Wisconsin Center for Educational Research (WCER) to provide the Application Delivery Service (ADS) as a replacement for School of Education (SoE) membership in SSCC. The SSCC service provided a wide range of software to SoE members, including free software and infrequent-to-never used titles.
The new SoE secure remote service will NOT offer the exact same titles as were available from SSCC. Instead, ADS will focus on the current needs of SoE faculty, staff, and students, with an emphasis on statistical software.
There is a core offering of software currently available in ADS, with more titles under review for addition to the service. Users may also request additional software.
Software titles available right now in ADS:
Microsoft Office 2016 - Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, and Access
Adobe Acrobat Pro XI
Adobe CC 2014 - Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, Flash Professional
MatLab R2014b
R x64 3.5.1 and R x64 4.0.2
SAS 9.4
StataSE 16, 64-bit
- TeXstudio
Wolfram Mathematica 10
Software titles available by request in ADS:
- Nvivo 11 & Nvivo 12
- Please email us at support@education.wisc.edu to request access to these titles. Include your full name and departmental affiliation in your email.
Contact your primary technical support at:
MERIT Infrastructure at infrastructure@support.education.wisc.edu, or
WCER Technical Services at infrastructure@wcer.wisc.edu
The following software titles will not be available on ADS:
Google Chrome
Internet Explorer
Mozilla Firefox
Mozilla Thunderbird
- Textpad