Academic Staff Assembly Minutes 04-13-15
APPROVED 5-11-15
Provost Sarah Mangelsdorf called the meeting to order at 3:38 p.m.
Memorial Resolution
Diane Stojanovich read a memorial resolution for Patty Klecker.
Automatic Consent: The Academic Staff Assembly minutes of Monday, March 9, 2015, were approved.
Presentation of the Academic Staff Excellence Award Winners
Jeff Armstrong, co-chair of the Professional Development and Recognition Committee presented the 2015 Academic Staff Excellence Award Winners. They are: Ronald Russell, Department of Animal Sciences, Chancellor’s Hilldale Award for Excellence in Teaching; Thomas Cook, Department of Biostatistics and Medical Informatics; Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Research: Independent Investigator; Jun Li, Space Science and Engineering Center, Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Research: Independent Investigator; Aaron Bird Bear, School of Education, Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Service to the University; Douglas Rose, Division of Facilities, Planning and Management, Wisconsin Alumni Association Award for Excellence in Leadership: College, School, or the Larger University Community Level; Dave Black, WSUM Radio, Wisconsin Alumni Association Award for Excellence in Leadership: Individual Unit Level; Karen McShane-Hellenbrand, Department of Dance, Robert and Carroll Heideman Award for Excellence in Public Service and Outreach; Julie Graf, School of Veterinary Medicine, Martha Casey Award for Dedication to Excellence; and Steve Lund, Academic Personnel Office, Ann Wallace Career Achievement Award.
Guests: Jenny Dahlberg and Jason Jankoski, Co-Chairs Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee
A whitepaper was presented that was based on a survey of all academic staff in regards to titling and compensation that was launched in May 2014. There were more than 2,000 respondents. Not all the questions were required. The goal of the survey was to provide data to OHR and the academic staff about what was important regarding the classification and compensation study that is anticipated as part of HR Design. Some of the results include that compensation is very important to academic staff. There is a perceived lack of advancement opportunities. Several places in the survey indicated that UW-Madison was a great place to start your career, but not to grow your career. The official title matters, but compensation is more important. There was consensus that academic staff liked the promotional levels, but felt stuck once they reached the top level. There were also several positive unsolicited comments about the Critical Compensation Fund (CCF) exercise.
More than 50% of respondents did not feel they would be promoted over the next ten years. Almost 62% of respondents said their title either somewhat matched or somewhat didn’t match what they actually did. Those who felt their title didn’t match their job duties were more likely to think about leaving UW-Madison.
The general recommendations from the paper include:
• The redesigned title and promotional system should be transparent, easily understood and clearly communicated
• Titles should reflect the duties Academic Staff actually perform. This will require a titling system that is sufficiently flexible to accommodate the diverse functions performed by Academic Staff.
• The new system should provide more than three levels in a promotional series along with mandatory post-progression reviews and a review of compensation at least once every five years. Growth opportunities should be available at any level of a position to ensure all employees have incentive to perform.
• Pay bands for Category A titles should be much broader or maxima eliminated entirely, making them similar to Category B titles.
• Merit should formally be a criterion for both advancement and compensation increases.
• Compensation must be a priority despite budget cuts.
• Campus should study various models for a future state HR compensation and promotional structure and allow campus governance groups the opportunity to provide feedback before adopting a structure.
Standing Committee and Other Reports
• Academic Staff Executive Committee (ASEC) – Heather McFadden reported that the Assembly should have received a copy of the ASEC report at the door. There is a HR Design brown bag on Tuesday, April 28. Assembly members should have received a hand out at the door. The academic staff governance priorities survey will be sent to all academic staff prior to the next Assembly meeting.
• Academic Staff Professionals Representation Organization (ASPRO) – ASPRO Board member Kevin Niemi reported that Kathi Kilgore is very busy working on the budget. Part of her job is to inform those elected to the Assembly and the Senate about who academic staff are and what they do. Voting on the budget bill will start this week in the Joint Finance Committee. Voting on the UW System budget will not take place until budget projection numbers are released in early May.
ASEC Slate (ASA #552)
Tom Browne, co-chair of the Nominating Committee, read the Academic Staff Executive Committee slate after reminding representatives that nominations cannot be added to this slate from the floor. The slate includes Aaron Crandall, Steve Devoti, Heather McFadden, Rebecca Scheller, and Deb Shapiro.
Resolution on Operational Flexibilities for UW System (ASA #565)
Christopher Harrison (District #421) moved to approved the Resolution on Operational Flexibilities for UW System. Seconded. Motion approved.
Resolution on Merit-Based Salary Adjustments for UW Employees (ASA #564)
Jenny Dahlberg (District #417) moved to approve the Resolution on Merit-Based Salary Adjustments for UW Employees. Seconded. Motion approved.
Resolution in Support of the UW-Madison Chemistry Building Renovation and Construction Project (ASA #563)
Kevin Niemi (ASEC) moved to approve the Resolution in Support of the UW-Madison Chemistry Building Renovation and Construction Project. Seconded.
Eric Armstrong (District #334) moved to amend the resolution by removing the apostrophe in 1960s in the first whereas and changing the word freshman to freshmen in the 3rd clause. Seconded. Approved.
Scott Mellor (District #262) moved to amend the resolution by changing the word freshmen to first year students. Withdrawn by Scott Mellor.
Vote on amended resolution. Motion approved.
Resolution Celebrating 30 Years of Academic Staff Governance (ASA #562)
Michael Moscicke (ASEC) moved to approve the Resolution Celebrating 30 Years of Academic Staff Governance. Seconded. Motion approved.
Provost Report
Provost Sarah Mangelsdorf reported that everyone should have the new strategic framework for UW-Madison 2015-2019. Many bodies including the Assembly was asked for feedback on this document. If the feedback submitted by you isn’t included, it’s because it was contradicted by someone else’s feedback. This document builds upon the previous strategic framework that ended in 2014. The previous framework was derived from the reaccreditation report, which is a very comprehensive document. The previous strategic framework has been accompanied by an annual report with metrics to monitor progress on the framework. This practice will be continued. Department and School/College/Division plans should be complimentary to the framework.
In regards to the budget, tuition increases requested for out of state undergraduates and some professional schools were approved by the Board of Regents. There are costs to run an institution, and these costs go up even if salaries aren’t increased. In case of professional schools, UW-Madison was not covering the cost of those educational experiences. Some of the tuition revenue will be used for financial aid. The first piece was getting tuition news. There are other many other data points that are needed.
Adjourned at 4:37 pm.
Minutes submitted by Heather Daniels, Secretary of the Academic Staff
272 Bascom Hall
Monday, April 13, 2015
3:30 to 5:00 p.m.
272 Bascom Hall
Monday, April 13, 2015
3:30 to 5:00 p.m.
Provost Sarah Mangelsdorf called the meeting to order at 3:38 p.m.
Memorial Resolution
Diane Stojanovich read a memorial resolution for Patty Klecker.
Automatic Consent: The Academic Staff Assembly minutes of Monday, March 9, 2015, were approved.
Presentation of the Academic Staff Excellence Award Winners
Jeff Armstrong, co-chair of the Professional Development and Recognition Committee presented the 2015 Academic Staff Excellence Award Winners. They are: Ronald Russell, Department of Animal Sciences, Chancellor’s Hilldale Award for Excellence in Teaching; Thomas Cook, Department of Biostatistics and Medical Informatics; Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Research: Independent Investigator; Jun Li, Space Science and Engineering Center, Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Research: Independent Investigator; Aaron Bird Bear, School of Education, Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Service to the University; Douglas Rose, Division of Facilities, Planning and Management, Wisconsin Alumni Association Award for Excellence in Leadership: College, School, or the Larger University Community Level; Dave Black, WSUM Radio, Wisconsin Alumni Association Award for Excellence in Leadership: Individual Unit Level; Karen McShane-Hellenbrand, Department of Dance, Robert and Carroll Heideman Award for Excellence in Public Service and Outreach; Julie Graf, School of Veterinary Medicine, Martha Casey Award for Dedication to Excellence; and Steve Lund, Academic Personnel Office, Ann Wallace Career Achievement Award.
Guests: Jenny Dahlberg and Jason Jankoski, Co-Chairs Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee
A whitepaper was presented that was based on a survey of all academic staff in regards to titling and compensation that was launched in May 2014. There were more than 2,000 respondents. Not all the questions were required. The goal of the survey was to provide data to OHR and the academic staff about what was important regarding the classification and compensation study that is anticipated as part of HR Design. Some of the results include that compensation is very important to academic staff. There is a perceived lack of advancement opportunities. Several places in the survey indicated that UW-Madison was a great place to start your career, but not to grow your career. The official title matters, but compensation is more important. There was consensus that academic staff liked the promotional levels, but felt stuck once they reached the top level. There were also several positive unsolicited comments about the Critical Compensation Fund (CCF) exercise.
More than 50% of respondents did not feel they would be promoted over the next ten years. Almost 62% of respondents said their title either somewhat matched or somewhat didn’t match what they actually did. Those who felt their title didn’t match their job duties were more likely to think about leaving UW-Madison.
The general recommendations from the paper include:
• The redesigned title and promotional system should be transparent, easily understood and clearly communicated
• Titles should reflect the duties Academic Staff actually perform. This will require a titling system that is sufficiently flexible to accommodate the diverse functions performed by Academic Staff.
• The new system should provide more than three levels in a promotional series along with mandatory post-progression reviews and a review of compensation at least once every five years. Growth opportunities should be available at any level of a position to ensure all employees have incentive to perform.
• Pay bands for Category A titles should be much broader or maxima eliminated entirely, making them similar to Category B titles.
• Merit should formally be a criterion for both advancement and compensation increases.
• Compensation must be a priority despite budget cuts.
• Campus should study various models for a future state HR compensation and promotional structure and allow campus governance groups the opportunity to provide feedback before adopting a structure.
Standing Committee and Other Reports
• Academic Staff Executive Committee (ASEC) – Heather McFadden reported that the Assembly should have received a copy of the ASEC report at the door. There is a HR Design brown bag on Tuesday, April 28. Assembly members should have received a hand out at the door. The academic staff governance priorities survey will be sent to all academic staff prior to the next Assembly meeting.
• Academic Staff Professionals Representation Organization (ASPRO) – ASPRO Board member Kevin Niemi reported that Kathi Kilgore is very busy working on the budget. Part of her job is to inform those elected to the Assembly and the Senate about who academic staff are and what they do. Voting on the budget bill will start this week in the Joint Finance Committee. Voting on the UW System budget will not take place until budget projection numbers are released in early May.
ASEC Slate (ASA #552)
Tom Browne, co-chair of the Nominating Committee, read the Academic Staff Executive Committee slate after reminding representatives that nominations cannot be added to this slate from the floor. The slate includes Aaron Crandall, Steve Devoti, Heather McFadden, Rebecca Scheller, and Deb Shapiro.
Resolution on Operational Flexibilities for UW System (ASA #565)
Christopher Harrison (District #421) moved to approved the Resolution on Operational Flexibilities for UW System. Seconded. Motion approved.
Resolution on Merit-Based Salary Adjustments for UW Employees (ASA #564)
Jenny Dahlberg (District #417) moved to approve the Resolution on Merit-Based Salary Adjustments for UW Employees. Seconded. Motion approved.
Resolution in Support of the UW-Madison Chemistry Building Renovation and Construction Project (ASA #563)
Kevin Niemi (ASEC) moved to approve the Resolution in Support of the UW-Madison Chemistry Building Renovation and Construction Project. Seconded.
Eric Armstrong (District #334) moved to amend the resolution by removing the apostrophe in 1960s in the first whereas and changing the word freshman to freshmen in the 3rd clause. Seconded. Approved.
Scott Mellor (District #262) moved to amend the resolution by changing the word freshmen to first year students. Withdrawn by Scott Mellor.
Vote on amended resolution. Motion approved.
Resolution Celebrating 30 Years of Academic Staff Governance (ASA #562)
Michael Moscicke (ASEC) moved to approve the Resolution Celebrating 30 Years of Academic Staff Governance. Seconded. Motion approved.
Provost Report
Provost Sarah Mangelsdorf reported that everyone should have the new strategic framework for UW-Madison 2015-2019. Many bodies including the Assembly was asked for feedback on this document. If the feedback submitted by you isn’t included, it’s because it was contradicted by someone else’s feedback. This document builds upon the previous strategic framework that ended in 2014. The previous framework was derived from the reaccreditation report, which is a very comprehensive document. The previous strategic framework has been accompanied by an annual report with metrics to monitor progress on the framework. This practice will be continued. Department and School/College/Division plans should be complimentary to the framework.
In regards to the budget, tuition increases requested for out of state undergraduates and some professional schools were approved by the Board of Regents. There are costs to run an institution, and these costs go up even if salaries aren’t increased. In case of professional schools, UW-Madison was not covering the cost of those educational experiences. Some of the tuition revenue will be used for financial aid. The first piece was getting tuition news. There are other many other data points that are needed.
Adjourned at 4:37 pm.
Minutes submitted by Heather Daniels, Secretary of the Academic Staff