Mentoring Committee Agenda May 19, 2015
This is the Mentoring Committee's agenda for May 19, 2015
Academic Staff Mentoring Committee
Tuesday, May 19
09:30 – 10:30 am
Hiram Smith Hall, Room 225 (conference phone: 890-1070)
9:30 am - Approve Minutes from March 17, 2015
9:35 am – Announcements
Welcome three new members: Scott, Heather & Melissa
9:40 am - Discussion
1. Sub-Committees Reports
a. Campus Collaborations
b. Events
c. Structure/Architecture We Hope To Create Moving Forward
2. Follow-Up Tasks
a. Updates from last meeting
b. Moving forward
3. Summer Meetings
4. End of the Year Report
10:25 am – Action Items
Reminder: Next Meeting
Thank you to the members who served for this last term!
10:30 am - Adjourn