Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 05-07-15

Approved 5-21-15
ASEC Minutes
2:00 – 4:00 p.m. Thursday, May 7, 2015
67 Bascom Hall

Members Present:  Marwa Bassiouni; Bruno Browning, Trish Iaccarino; Sarah Kuba; Heather McFadden, Chair; Michael Moscicke; Robert Newsom; Kevin Niemi; Deb Shapiro

Guests: Jenny Dahlberg, Catharine DeRubeis, Ron Harris, Sarah Mangelsdorf, Meghan Owens, Noel Radomski, Jake Smith, Mark Walters

The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m.

The minutes of April 30, 2015, were approved with a change.

General Reports
•    ASEC Chair Heather McFadden reported that the Chancellor’s remarks at the Senate meeting on Monday including information on the budget and the library consolidation project.  Heather Daniels and Jake Smith are working with the Academic Personnel Office to provide governance to limited appointees sometime during the summer.
•    Secretary of the Academic Staff Heather Daniels reported that the Faculty Senate discussed the possible changes to FPP Chapter 6 committees.  Concern was expressed about the process as well as some of the proposed changes.  The Secretary of the Academic Staff office is working on recruiting Assembly representatives and alternates.  The number of votes placed in the ASEC election is nearing 900.  

Guest: Sarah Mangelsdorf, Provost
Provost Mangelsdorf asked Heather Daniels how items end up on the Assembly agenda.  Heather D. explained that anyone who is an Assembly representative can submit an agenda item.  ASEC provided a brief paragraph regarding the use of backup/concurrent appointments for limited appointees.  The Provost discussed the recent Title IX investigation.  The Division of Students of the Dept of Education investigates complaints filed against educational institutions who receive federal funding.  There is a student who has filed a complaint against UW-Madison.  The investigation could last for several years.  Part of the investigation will include talking with current students to find out how they feel UW-Madison is doing in working to prevent sexual assaults.  This could help the institution improve and change current practices.

Liaison Reports
UW System Academic Staff Representatives Council-Heather McFadden
Eight of the fourteen schools are offering retirement incentives.  Here are reports from the other System schools on their budget cuts:
UW Stout: 50-90 positions
UW System: 3 phase reduction; no longer using rolling horizons, VP for Student Affairs search was put on hold due to restructuring.
UW Milwaukee: hold non essential hires and travel.  Offering a voluntary separation program
UW River Falls: switched to central pool for vacancies.  70 positions have been impacted, mostly academic staff.  1st round of notices have gone out already.
UW LaCrosse not offering buyouts.  
UW Superior: adding men’s and women’s golf as a recruiting tool.  
UW Oshkosh: 80 positions.  Offering retirement buyouts and 120 have indicated interest.  Losing men’s soccer and men’s tennis.  Scholarships no longer available to those students.  Doing non-renewals, not layoffs.  Petition to get positions back that become vacant.
UW Stevens Point: voluntary separation, career and academic advising center is on the chopping block,
UW Platteville: Platteville Foundation staff becoming UW Platteville employees.

Kevin Niemi will be the convener of the reps group next year.

Guests: Catharine DeRubeis, Meghan Owens, Mark Walters
    ASEC reviewed changes to eleven compensation policies for HR Design.  The changes for academic staff include: performance pay (if WI statutes are changed); donating leave between employee groups; the ability to adjust pay bands; and ability to give lump sum payments for merit (if WI statutes are changed).  There was some discussion regarding catastrophic leave donation and how to better facilitate this on campus.  ASEC will share compensation policies with the Assembly once they are revised.

•    Assembly Preparation
Jenny Dahlberg volunteered to move the resolution on Category A Maxima at the Assembly meeting.
•    The Closed Book: Library Consolidation Project
Ron Harris reported that the Library Committee had talked about the project in October, and it has been receiving the messages sent out to library staff.  It is his understanding that the report will be the starting point of the conversation about what would come next.  The timeline of this project isn’t connected to the state budget.  Noel Radomski reported that he has reviewed minutes of the Library Committee, met with Ron Harris, met with Ed Van Gemert, reviewed the Provost letter, and other information on progress of the project work team.  Several ASEC members expressed that they were not uncomfortable with the librarians conducting such a survey, but felt that shared governance should be involved after data collection is finished and recommendations are released.  All present worked on revising the resolution.  It was moved that ASEC recommends adoption of the resolution as amended.  Seconded.  Approved.
•    Next ASEC Meeting, May 21, 2015 – for decision
-Guests: Lesley Moyo, General Library System and Darrell Bazzell, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration

Meeting adjourned at 4:52 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Heather Daniels, Secretary of the Academic Staff

ASEC Minutes 
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff