Professor Wattiaux's Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Publication List

This page lists (in reverse order) the various types of Instruction and Education publications of professor Wattiaux. To see Professor Wattiaux's list of publications related to dairy research, please click here. For more about Professor Wattiaux, you can read his Curriculum Vitae.

Peer-Reviewed | Book Chapters | Teaching Tips | Textbooks | Invitations | Venues | CD's | Abstracts | Popular Press |

Peer-Reviewed Publications

  1. Erickson, M.G. and M. A. Wattiaux. 2022. Case Study: Introductory student onboarding with a place-based, blended welcome tour. NACTA J. 66:123-132.

  2. Erickson, MG., and M. A. Wattiaux. 2021. Practices and perceptions at the COVID-19 transition in undergraduate animal science courses. Nat Sci Educ. 2021:50:e20039

  3. Erickson, MG., M. A. Wattiaux, D. Marks, and E. L. Karcher. 2021. Brief written reflection improve interest of introductory animal science students: a randomize controlled intervention study. CBE-Life Sci Educ 20:ar28, 1–11, Summer 2021

  4. Erickson, MG., S. D. Ranathunga, and M. A. Wattiaux. 2020. Animal Sciences undergraduate education since the ASAS centenial: a national survey and scoping review. Tansl Anim Sci. 4:1-16

  5. Erickson, MG., M. A. Wattiaux, and E. L. Karcher. 2020. Longitudinal measurement invariance and stability of individual interest across a 16-week introductory animal sciences course. Nat. Sci. Educ. 49:e20031

  6. Wattiaux, M. A. 2013. Student Demographics influencing self-reported learning gains and change in worldview in a discussion-driven international livestock agriculture classroom. NACTA J. 57:83-90. (download).

  7. Wattiaux, M. A., J. A. Moore, R. R. Rastani, and P. M. Crump. 2010. Excellence in teaching for promotion and tenure in animal and dairy sciences at Doctoral/Research universities: A faculty perspective. J. Dairy Sci. 93:3365-3376.

  8. Wattiaux, M. A. 2006. Preparing Sophomores for Independent Learning Experiences with a Pre-Capstone Seminar. NACTA J. 50:19-25 (download).

  9. Wattiaux, M. A. and P. Crump. 2006. Students' Perception of a Discussion-Driven Classroom environment in an  Upper Level Ruminant Nutrition Course with Small Enrollment. J. Dairy Sci. 89:343-352.

  10. Wattiaux, M. A. 2002. Parker Palmer's Message on The Art of Good Teaching. UW-Madison Teaching Academy; The Learning Link 2(4):3-6 (discontinued). (download).

Edited Publications, Books, and Book Chapters

    1. Wattiaux, M. A. and M. G. Erickson. (Forthcoming). Teaching and learning student-centered discussion-based multidisciplinary courses in flipped classroom centered on Food Systems and Sustainable Development; University of Wisconsin-Madison PressBook. 

    2. Santana Castellón, E., L. DiPrete Brown, T. Yuillm P, Zedler, E. JordelPeláez, L. M.. Martinez-Rivera, S. Caranza, S. Graf-Montero, T. C. Moermond, A. Vargas, R. Cuevas-Guzmán, S. Garcia-Ruvalcava, Michel Wattiaux, and J. Gacel-Avila. 2021. University of Wisconsin and the University of Guadalajara: A Half Century of Collaboration In Socio-Environmental Sciences; Ch 34 (pp 416-439) in: Wisconsin in The World: Internationalization at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

    3. Wattiaux, M. A. 2015. Decoding and Encoding the “DNA” of Teaching and Learning in Institutions of Higher Education, pp 1-8, Ch 1 in: Molecular and Quantitative Animal Genetic, Wiley Blackwell (ISBN: 978-1-118-67740-7)

    4. Wattiaux, M. 2012. Recognizing and Promoting Effective Teaching and Learning Practice Among Future and Current Instructors: Laying New Ground for the 21st Century pp 43-66 In Proceedings of a National Conference on Teaching and Learning in the Animal Sciences: Challenging Old Assumptions and Breaking New Ground for the 21st Century. University of Wisconsin System Boards of Regents (ISBN 978-1-59215-157-4)

    5. Wattiaux, M.A., J. Blazek, and J. J. Olmos Colmenero. 2012. An Overview of the Mexican Family Dairy Production System: Result of Research done in Altos, Jalisco, Mexico. Babcock Institute Discussion paper 2012-2 (51pp).  The Babcock Institute, University of Wisconsin-Madison.

    6. Van Eyck, M., L. Van Toll, and M. Wattiaux. 2012. Engaging Science Faculty in Internationalization: Teaching Innovation at UW-Madison. Institute of International Education Networker (IIEN), Spring 2012:28-31.

    7. Wattiaux, M. A. 2008. Chapter 11: Signature Pedagogy in Agriculture: Animal and Dairy Sciences, Pp 207-223, In: Exploring Signature Pedagogies: Approaches to Teaching Disciplinary Habits of Mind. R. Gurung, N. Chick and H. Aeron (Eds). Stylus Publishing, LLC, VA.

Teaching Tips

    1. Wattiaux, M. A. and M E. Erickson. 2020.  Redesigning a flipped classroom for 100% remote delivery. July 2020, NACTA Journal.

Technical Dairy Guide (Textbooks)

Books Dr. Wattiaux’s authored or co-authored books in a series of Technical Dairy Guides, published by the (now defunct) Babcock Institute for International Dairy Research and Development. These book have used for college education in more than 80 countries around the world and they continue to have an impact on classroom teaching domestically and internationally to this day. The titles of the books are as follows:

  1. Wattiaux, M. A. 1999. Dairy Essentials: Nutrition and Feeding, Reproduction and Genetic Selection, Lactation and Milking, and Raising Dairy Heifers. Babcock Institute for Int’l Dairy R&D (140 pages).

  2. Wattiaux, M. A. 1996. Technical Dairy Guide: Dairy Heifer Raising. Babcock Institute for Int’l Dairy R&D (125 pages).

  3. Wattiaux, M. A. 1995. Technical Dairy Guide: Reproduction and Genetic Selection Babcock Institute for Int’l Dairy R&D (161 pages).

  4. Homan, E. J. and M. A. Wattiaux. 1995. Technical Dairy Guide: Lactation and Milking. Babcock Institute for Int’l Dairy R&D (94 pages).

  5. Wattiaux, M. A. and T. W. Howard. 1994. Technical Dairy Guide: Feeding and Nutrition. Babcock Institute for Int’l Dairy R&D (121 pages).

Book Derivatives. The books described above were translated into French, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese, Chinese and Turkish. The German version of the Feeding and Nutrition book was made available on CD-ROM in 2005. In addition, educational power point slides were produced as multi-lingual derivative works of the books. Dr. Wattiaux authored those derivative works and was responsible for the French translation of these educational products. See Dairy Essentials (English) | Esenciales Lecheras (Spanish) | Bases de Production Laitière (French) | Bases de Production Laitière (French) | 奶牛饲养技术简介 (Chinese) | Essencias em gado de leite (Portuguese) | Молочные Основы (Russian).

Invited Presentations, Conferences and Workshops

  1. Erickson, M. G., Haningan, M. D. and M. A. Wattiaux. 2023. Teaching with the narrative and model in NASEM 2021 Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle. Invited presentation, Teaching/Undergraduate and graduate education symposium and workshop: Novel Teaching Strategies in Dairy Science; ADSA annual meeting in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

  2. Wattiaux, M. A. 2023. Repenser les méthodes d’enseignement (Reflection on teaching methods). Department of Animal Science; Université Laval, Québec, City, Québec, Canada, May 19, 2023 (in-person, ~15 in attendance).

  3. Wattiaux, M. A. 2022. (Invited panelist). Global Confederation of Higher Education Associations for Agriculture and Life Sciences (GCHERA) and the Mexican Association of Higher Agricultural Education (AMEAS) on “Transformational Change in Higher Education to Address Challenges of the 21st Century; RoundTable Discussion on Cases of Innovation in Higher Education; Guadalajara, Mexico; September 21-23, 2022 ( ).

  4. Wattiaux, M. A. 2022. Taller: Mejorando el Curso de Introducción a la Ciencias Animales de la Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; Universidad Nacional Agraria LaMolina, Lima, Perú, August 12, 2022 (~16 participants).

  5. Wattiaux, M. A. 2022. Taller en planificación, implementación y evaluación de discusiones en el aula. Universidad Nacional Agraria LaMolina, Lima, Perú, August 12, 2022 (~20 participants).

  6. Erickson, MG. and M. A. Wattiaux. 2022. Educational psychology methods to advance teaching scholarship and improve student learning in dairy science. Teaching/Undergraduate and graduate education symposium and workshop: The Promises and Perils of Engaging Students in Motivating, Active, and Blended Learning Classrooms. ADSA Annual Meeting, Kansas City, MO, June 19-22, 2022.

  7. Wattiaux, M. A. 2021. Introduction to UW-Madison Food System Certificate. Food System Institute; University of Florida, Gainesville; FL (Zoom presentation). April 15, 2021.

  8. Wattiaux, M. A. 2020. (Invited Moderator). Experiential learning in the times of COVID-19: Where do we go from here?Organized by EARTH university, GCHERA Association, APAARI, and American University of Beirut, Lebanon. Nov. 5, 2020 (~200 participants).

  9. Wattiaux, M. A. 2020. Experiential learning in the classroom: Learn to discuss and discuss to learn. Experiential Learning webinar Organized by EARTH university, GCHERA Association, APAARI, and American University of Beirut, Lebanon. June 2, 2020 (~250 participants).

  10. Wattiaux, M. A. 2020. Potenciando el interés, la motivación, la emoción y el aprendizaje (Boosting interest, motivation, emotion and learning). Virtual third seminar on University Didactic Innovation (Tercero seminario de Innovación en Didáctica Universitaria); Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Campus Medellín), July 30-31, 2020. View YouTube seminar presentations here.

  11. Wattiaux, M. A. 2020. Engaging students in online format. Invited Panelist; Roundtable Discussion Online Learning: So Now What?, Virtual Annual Meetings of the American Dairy Science Association (ADSA), June 22-24, 2020. Download the remarks.

  12. Wattiaux, M. A. 2020. Use of Technology to increase interest and learning [in in-class discussion-based classrooms]. Invited Presentation, Virtual Annual Meetings of the American Dairy Science Association (ADSA), June 22-24, 2020. Download the oral presentation and the abstract in JDS 103(S1):169).

  13. Wattiaux, M. A. 2019. Como enseñar y cómo aprender efectivamente? Organizer and facilitator of a 2-hour workshop; Jornada de Reflexión y Capacitación en Nuevas Tendencias en Formación Docente, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Julio 22-23; Bogotá, Colombia.

  14. Wattiaux, M. A. 2019. Educación universitaria en el siglo XXI: un cambio de paradigma hacia la educación centrada en el estudiante. Keynote Invited Presentation Jornada de Reflexión y Capacitación en Nuevas Tendencias en Formación Docente, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Julio 22-23; Bogotá, Colombia.

  15. Wattiaux, M. A. 2019. Discussion as a mode of Teaching and Learning. Organizer and facilitator of a 3-hr workshop implemented during the annual meetings of the American Dairy Science Association (ADSA), June 23, 2019, Cincinnati, OH.

  16. Wattiaux, M. A. 2018. Taking College Education into the 21st Century: A Paradigm Shift Toward Student Centered Education. Keynote Invited Presentation. Congreso Internacional de Innovaión Educativa en Tema Agrarios (CIIETA); 17-19 Octubre Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Lima, Perú.

  17. Wattiaux, M. A. 2018. College classrooms as active learning environments. Invited presentation, annual meetings of the American Dairy Science Association (ADSA), June 25, 2018, Knoxville, TN.

  18. Wattiaux, M. A., E. Karcher, and C. C. Williams. 2018. Introduction to active learning. Organizer and facilitator of a 3-hr workshop implemented during the annual meetings of the American Dairy Science Association (ADSA), June 24, 2018, Knoxville, TN.

  19. Wattiaux, M. A. 2017. Challenging the Status Quo: Moving university teaching and learning into the 21st century. Invited presentation, August 18, 2017, Hawassa University, Hawassa, Ethiopia.

  20. Wattiaux, M. A. 2017. How to teach and how to learn effectively: A review of the recent literature. Half a day workshop organized for the annual meetings of the American Dairy Science Association (ADSA), June 25-26, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.

  21. Wattiaux, M. A. 2015. Scholarship of Teaching: What are the best methods of conducting research in teaching? Joint Annual Meetings (JAM) of the American Dairy Science Association (ADSA) and the American Society of Animal Sciences (ASAS), July 12-16, Orlando Florida (download oral presentation: 2.4 mb pdf — see abstract below).

  22. Wattiaux, M. A. 2014. Enseñanza y Aprendizaje en la Universidad en el Siglo XXI. Invitación, Universidad EARTH, Costa Rica, May 28, 2014. Descargue la presentacion (5.2 mb ppt).

  23. Wattiaux, M. A. 2013. Recognizing Effective Teaching — Classroom and Curriculum High Impact Practices. A one day invited workshop at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE, October 21, 2013.
    Part I: Recognizing Effective Teaching (1.5 mb pdf)
    Part II: High Impact Practices in the Curriculum & Classroom HIP-Like Practices (1.7 mb pdf)
    Part III: Example of Classroom Project in a Ruminant Nutrition Course (1.0 mb pdf).

  24. Wattiaux, M. A. 2013. Knowledge, Skills and Experiences to Equip Students for the 21st Century — Current views of animal sciences instructors: Results of a national survey. Invited presentation ADSA-ASAS Joint Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, July 8-12, 2013. Teaching and Learning in the Animal Sciences Workshop | Presentation (1.3 mb pdf).

  25. Wattiaux, M. A. 2013. Moving University Teaching and Learning into the 21st Century. Invited Presentation; Michigan State University, February 22, 2013. 

  26. Wattiaux, M. A. 2013. Planning, Conducting and Evaluating Classroom Discussion in Blended Learning Environments. UW-Madison School of Engineering Teaching Improvement Program (TIP) workshop, Engineering Hall, January 17, 2013. 

  27. Wattiaux, M. A. 2012. The animal sciences curriculum of 2025. Invited presentation ADSA-ASAS Joint Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, July 15-19, 2012 Teaching/Undergraduate and Graduate Education Symposium: Giving Employers What They Want–How Ready is Today’s Animal Science Graduate?. Presentation (1.4 MB ppt).

  28. Wattiaux, M. A. 2012. Cambio de Paradigma en la Universidad: Del Foco en la Enseñanza al Foco en el Aprendizaje (College Classroom Reconsidered: Shifting the Paradigm from Teaching to Learning). Invited presentation at Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Lima, Peru June 25, 2012.

  29. Wattiaux, M. A. 2012. Recognizing and Promoting Effective Teaching and Learning Practice Among Future and Current Instructors: Laying New Ground for the 21st Century. 2012. Invited presentation, National Conference on Teaching and Learning in the Animal Sciences. UW-Madison, WI, Pyle Ctr. June 22, 2012 

  30. Wattiaux, M. A. 2012. Dairying in Mexico: Big Decisions in Small Scale Dairy Farming. Featured presentation: ½ day DoIT Engage / CALSIP Internationalizing the Sciences with Online Learning.. Sept 24, 2012.

  31. Wattiaux, M. A. 2012. UW-Madison, Delta Roundtable, Memorial Union, February 29, 

  32. M. Van Eyck, Van Toll, M. L. and Wattiaux, M. A. 2011. Globalizing Undergraduate Experience in the Sciences. UW System Global Education Conference Internationalization Across the Disciplines, Oct. 13-14, The Concourse Hotel, Madison, WI.

  33. Wattiaux, M. A. 2011. Casting a line — Creating a National Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) for Animal Sciences: Adapting to the Gaps Through SoTL and Networking. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 94, E-Suppl. 1:742 Presentation (1.7 MB ppt) | Abstract (0.2 MB pdf). Invited speaker Teaching/Undergraduate and Graduate Education Symposium: Adapting Our Teaching to Meet Current and Emerging Societal Needs. ADSA-ASAS Joint Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, July 10-14, 2011. 

  34. Wattiaux, M. A. 2011. Internationalization of the Dairy Science Curriculum; Panel presentation. Teaching Academy Summer Institute, Arboretum Visitor Ctr. June 9.

  35. Wattiaux, M. A. 2011. Effective Teaching in a Global College Classroom: Using International Students and International Faculty Perspectives to Address Diversity Issues and Effective Teaching Practices. Teaching and Learning Symposium, UW-Madison Pyle Center, May 2011.

  36. Wattiaux, M. A. 2010. Excellence in Teaching versus Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Invited presentation Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, August, 2010.

  37. Wattiaux, M. A. 2010. Getting Scholarly Teaching Projects Published. J. Anim. Sci. 88:520 (E-Suppl. 2) / J. Dairy Sci. 93:520 (E-Suppl. 1) / Poult. Sci. 89:520 (E-Suppl. 1). Presentation (5 MB ppt) | Abstract (0.2 MB pdf). Invited speaker Teaching/Undergraduate and Graduate Education Symposium: Surviving Promotion and Tenure with a Teaching Appointment. ADSA-PSA-AMPA-CSAS-ASAS Joint Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, July 12-15, 2010.

  38. Wattiaux, M. A. 2010. Excellence in Teaching at a Research University. UW-Madison Department of Dairy Science Graduate student Seminar, April 9, 2010. Resource material: Kreber.pdf | Teaching at Research Institution Handout | 1Discussion-Techniques 

  39. Wattiaux, M. A. 2009. Students Perception of Writing Assignments in Contrasting Learning Environments (1.1 MB pdf); Presented at ADSA/ASAS/CSAS Joint National Meeting, Montreal, QB, Canada, July 2009.

  40. Wattiaux, M. A., Michel, G. D. and  Klebesadel, H. 2009. Exploring Signature Pedagogies- Approaches to Teaching Disciplinary Habits of Mind (0.3 MB pdf); Presented at the 11th annual UW-Madison Teaching and Learning Symposium, Pyle Center, Madison WI, May 20-22, 2009.

  41. Wattiaux, M. A. 2009. Teaching Reconsidered (0.5 MB pdf); Teaching Adventures and Outcomes, a collaborative monthly teaching and learning forum sponsored by Academic Technology, Center for Biology Education, Delta, Wisconsin Program for Scientific Teaching, The Teaching Academy and the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Madison, WI, March 18, 2009.

  42. Wattiaux, M. A. 2008. Teaching and Learning with an Instructional Web Site (1.4 MB ppt). Teaching Symposium ADSA/ASAS/CSAS Joint National Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, July 2008.

  43. Wattiaux, M. A. and Moore, J. A. 2008. Promotion and Tenure on the Basis of Excellence in Teaching: A Faculty Perspective Teaching Symposium ADSA/ASAS/CSAS Joint National Meeting, Cincinnati, OH, July 2005.

  44. Wattiaux, M. A. 2007. Getting Tenured on The Basis of Excellence in Teaching. Winter Retreat Teaching Academy, January 19 2007. 

  45. Wattiaux, M. A. 2007. Balancing Scholarship of Research and Teaching UW-Madison New Faculty Workshop, Provost Office.

  46. Rastani, R. R. and Wattiaux M.A. 2006. Learning Initiatives to Improve Undergraduate Education at a Research-Oriented Institution. ADSA/ASAS Teaching Symposium: Learning from Professional Associations and Campus Initiatives to Improve Undergraduate Education. Des Moines IA, March 22, 2006. 

  47. Wattiaux, M. A. 2005. Teaching Excellence, Teaching Expertise, and Scholarship of Teaching.  Teaching Academy Friday Discussion, Engineering Center. December 9.

  48. Wattiaux, M. A. 2005. Learning to do Research in Teaching.  Teaching Academy Summer Institute, Fredrick Ctr. June 9.

  49. Wattiaux, M. A. 2005. Research in Teaching UW-Madison Teaching Academy Summer Institute, Madison, WI, Jun. 2005. 

  50. Wattiaux, M. A. 2005. Using web-based tools in small enrollment discussion-type class. MidWest ADSA/ASAS Undergraduate and Career Development Symposium: Helping Student Learn Outside of the Classroom, DesMoines IA, March 21-23, 2005. 

  51. Wattiaux, M. A. 2004. Using Case-Study in Classroom Teaching.  CALS Curriculum Improvement Committee Brown Bag series, April 8

  52. Wattiaux, M. A. 2004. Leading Class Discussion.  CALS Curriculum Improvement Committee Brown Bag series.March 25.

  53. Wattiaux, M. A. 2003. Using Case Studies to Help Shift the Teaching/ Learning Paradigm Teaching Improvement Program (TIP), UW-Madison School of Engineering, Aug. 2003. 

  54. Wattiaux, M. A. 2003. What is the Scholarship of Teaching? Presented at Dairy Science Graduate Student Seminar, UW-Madison, WI, Jan. 2003. 

  55. Wattiaux, M. A. 2002. Does Team Work work? Presented at CALS Curriculum Improvement Seminar, UW-Madison, WI, Sep. 2002.

  56. Wattiaux, M. A. Teaching Excellence, Teaching Expertise and Scholarship of Teaching with discussion material of article by Kreber, C. (2002).
    • UW-Madison Teaching Academy "Winters Retreat", Madison, WI, Jan. 2007.
    • UW-Madison Teaching Academy "Friday Discussions", Madison, WI, Dec. 2005.

UW-Madison Venues

  1. Ronk, E., M. G. Erickson and M. A. Wattiaux. 2023. Accounting for changing student preferences in animal and dairy science curriculum and pedagogy. University of Wisconsin-Madison Teaching Symposium, May 18, 2023.

  2. Wattiaux, M. A. 2022. Food System Sustainability and Social Justice. Panelist at the “World-Wide Climate & Justice Teachin-In.”(; Wisconsin Energy Institute, Office of Sustainability, and Nelson Institute, March 30, 2022.

  3. Wattiaux, M. A. 2021. Panelist; Global Conversation; Feeding the World; CLAS Global; January 22, 2021.

  4. Wattiaux, M. A. 2018. Use of as an effective website for teaching and learning. UW-Madison Active Learning Labs Series, April 16, 2018.

  5. Stefanos, S., M. A. Wattiaux, E. Silva, and A. Morales. 2017. Using Debate Preparation in and Interdisciplinary, capstone-like College Course to Promote Critical Thinking About Food System, Sustainability and Climate Change. UW-Madison Teaching and Learning Symposium, May, 17th, 2017.

  6. Wattiaux, M. A.. 2015. Recognizing and Rewarding Effective Teaching. Animal Science Graduate Seminar, September 29, 2015.

  7. Wattiaux, M. A., E. Silva, A. Morales, and K. G. Anderson. 2015. Team teaching, flipped classroom and class website in an interdisciplinary class on food systems, sustainability and climate change. Teaching and Learning Symposium, UW-Madison Union South, May 20-21, 2015.

  8. Wattiaux, M. A. 2013. Planning, Conducting and Evaluating Classroom Discussion in Blended Learning Environments. UW-Madison School of Engineering Teaching Improvement Program (TIP) workshop, Engineering Hall, January 17, 2013.

  9. Wattiaux, M. A. 2012. Changing students’ world’s view with faculty-led program in Mexico. UW-Madison, Delta Roundtable, Memorial Union, February 29,

  10. Wattiaux, M. A. 2012. Dairying in Mexico: Big Decisions in Small Scale Dairy Farming. Featured presentation: ½ day DoIT Engage / CALSIP Internationalizing the Sciences with Online Learning.. Sept 24, 2012.

  11. Wattiaux, M. A. 2011. Internationalization of the Dairy Science Curriculum; Panel presentation. Teaching Academy Summer Institute, Arboretum Visitor Ctr. June 9.

  12. Wattiaux, M. A. 2011. Effective Teaching in a Global College Classroom: Using International Students and International Faculty Perspectives to Address Diversity Issues and Effective Teaching Practices. Teaching and Learning Symposium, UW-Madison Pyle Center, May 2011.

  13. Wattiaux, M. A. 2010. Excellence in Teaching at a Research University. Dairy Science Graduate Student Seminar; UW-Madison, Department of Dairy Science, April 19.

  14. Wattiaux, M. A., G. Don, and H. Klebesadel. 2009. Exploring Signature Pedagogies — Approahces to Teaching Disciplinary Habits of Mind. Teaching and Learning Symposium, UW-Madison Pyle Center, May 2009.

  15. Wattiaux, M. A. 2009. Teaching Reconsidered. Forum of the CALS Teaching and Learning Council, DELTA/CIRTL and UW-Madison Teaching Academy, March 18.

  16. Wattiaux, M. A. 2007. Getting Tenured on The Basis of Excellence in Teaching. Winter Retreat Teaching Academy, January 19.

  17. Wattiaux, M. A. 2007. Balancing Scholarship of Research and Teaching. New Faculty Workshop, Provost Office, March 2007.

  18. Wattiaux, M. A. 2005. Teaching Excellence, Teaching Expertise, and Scholarship of Teaching. Teaching Academy Friday Discussion, Engineering Center. December 9.

  19. Wattiaux, M. A. 2005. Learning to do Research in Teaching. Teaching Academy Summer Institute, Fredrick Ctr. June 9.

  20. Wattiaux, M. A. 2004. Using Case-Study in Classroom Teaching. CALS Curriculum Improvement Committee Brown Bag series, April 8.

  21. Wattiaux, M. A. 2004. Leading Class Discussion. CALS Curriculum Improvement Committee Brown Bag series. March 25.

  22. Wattiaux, M. A. 2003. Teaching Environmental Management of Livestock Operations. UW-Madison (USDFRC) and Cornell University joint Workshop on Nutrient Management Software for educational and extension programs. June 4, Madison, WI.

  23. Wattiaux, M. A. 2003. N-CyCLE, and Optimization Tool for Whole Farm Nutrient Balance. Nutrient Management Tools for Protecting Environmental Quality While Maintaining Economic Sustainability seminar series. UW-Madison-Cornell University seminar series, October 28.

  24. Wattiaux, M. A. 2003. Using Case-Study to shift the teaching/learning paradigm. Case-Study workshop, College of Engineering Teaching Improvement Program (TIP). August 28.

  25. Wattiaux, M. A. 2003. What is the Scholarship of Teaching? Dairy Science Graduate Student seminar. January 24, 2003.

  26. Wattiaux, M. A. 2002. Making teamwork work. CALS Curriculum Improvement Committee Brown Bag series September 26.

Educational CDs

  1. M.A. Wattiaux. 2003. CD-ROM, Environmental Management of Livestock Operations: Understanding the Balance and Flow of Nutrients.

  2. M.A. Wattiaux. 2002. CD-ROM, Electronic Dairy Herd Management Short Course.

  3. M.A. Wattiaux. 1995/1999. CD-ROM, Electronic Electronic Technical Dairy Guides.


  1. Erickson, M. G., Haningan, M. D. and M. A. Wattiaux. 2023. Teaching with the narrative and model in NASEM 2021 Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle. J. Dairy Sci. Vol 106 (Suppl. 1):43. 

  2. Ronk, E., M. G. Erickson and M. A. Wattiaux. 2023. Emerging topics and pedagogies in anima and dairy science: A survey of student preferences. 2023 NACTA annual meeting Las Cruces, NM.

  3. Erickson, M. G. and M. A. Wattiaux. 2022. Educational psychology methods to advance teaching scholarship and improve student learning in dairy science. J. Dairy Sci 105 (Suppl. 1):96.

  4. Wattiaux, M. A., M. G. Erickson, and D. Pizarro. 2021. Discussion-based strategies for remote teaching and learning. J. Dairy Sci 104 (Suppl. 1):369.

  5. Erickson, M. G., J. L. Wickenhauser, E. Simmermeyer, E. L. Karcher, and M. A. Wattiaux. 2021. Making science reading motivating: Comparing post-reading support activities. NACTA J. 65 (Suppl. 1):10.

  6. Erickson, M. G., L. Schroeder, H. Zoerb, and M. A. Wattiaux. 2021. Concept-testing a dairy innovation challenge for university students and dairy industry mentors. NACTA J. 65 (Suppl. 1):44.

  7. Wattiaux, M. A. 2020. Uses of Technology to increase interest and learning. J Dairy Sci 103 (Suppl. 1):106.

  8. Erickson, M., D. Marks, E. Karsher, and M. A. Wattiaux. 2020. PSIV-34 Program Chair Poster Pick: Validating adapted scales to measure individual and situational interest in animal science undergraduates. J. Anim. Sci. 98:(Suppl. 4):469-470 (

  9. Erickson, M., D. Marks, E. Karsher, and M. A. Wattiaux. 2020. Brief reflections improve interest of introductory animal sciences students: a randomized controlled intervention study. NACTA J. 64 (Suppl. 1):48. Oral presentation available here.

  10. Wattiaux, M. A. 2019. Changing students’ worldviews on animal agriculture and global sustainable development. CALS Go Global Spring 2019 Symposium, UW-Madison.

  11. Wattiaux, M. A. 2018. College classrooms as active learning environments. J. Dairy Sci. 101(Suppl. 2):215-216 (download).

  12. Wattiaux, M. A., W. Wang, and P. Crump. 2018. Pre-class online quizzes on reading assignments: Students behavior and relation with achievement. NACTA J. 62 (Suppl. 1): 92. (download volume 62 here; or the poster here).

  13. Wattiaux, M. A. 2017. Effectiveness of a Discussion-Based course for future faculty. NACTA J. 61 (Suppl. 1):40.

  14. Wattiaux, M. A., A. Fasciola, and C. C. Williams. 2017. How to teach and how to learn effectively: A review of the recent literature. J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 100, Suppl. 2:5. (Abstract; or here see above for handout of invited workshop facilitation).

  15. Wattiaux, M. A., and P. Crump. 2017. Effectiveness of a discussion-based course for future faculty. NACTA J. 61 (Suppl. 1):40.

  16. Stefanos, S., M. A. Wattiaux, E. Silva, and A. Morales. 2017. Using debate preparation in and interdisciplinary, capstone-like college course to promote critical thinking about food system, sustainability and climate change. UW-Madison Teaching and Learning Symposium, May, 17th, 2017.

  17. Ranathunga. S. D., M. A. Wattiaux, and P. Crump. 2015. Learning gains and teaching strategies for a 21st century education in animal sciences: Results of a nation survey. NACTA J. 59(Suppl. 1):27.

  18. Wattiaux, M. A. 2015. What are the best methods for conducting research in teaching. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 93, Suppl. s3/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 98, Suppl. 2: 617-618 (Abstract; see above for invited presentations slides).

  19. Ranathunga. S. and Wattiaux, M.A. 2015. Instructors’ Perceptions of the Importance and Adequacy of “High-Impact Educational Practices” in the Animal Science Undergraduate Curriculum in the United States. . J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 93, Suppl. s3/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 98, Suppl. 2:501 (Abstract - Poster).

  20. Wattiaux, M. A. 2013. Courses and high-Impact Practices to Equip Students with Knowledge, Skills, and Experiences for the 21st Century: Views of Animal Sciences Faculty. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 91, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 96, E-Suppl. 1 Abstract (0.2 MB pdf).

  21. Wattiaux, M. A. 2012. The Animal Sciences Curriculum of 2025. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 90, E-Suppl. 3/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 95, E-Suppl. 2:676 Abstract (0.2 MB pdf).

  22. Wattiaux, M. A., M. Wiltbank, and P. Crump. 2011. An Integrated Approach To Curriculum Development in Global Agriculture: Helping Students Understand and Experience US – México Interdependencies. NACTA J. 55:26 (Suppl. 1). Presentation (1.1 MB ppt) | Abstract (0.4 MB pdf).

  23. Ozkaynak, M. and M. A. Wattiaux. 2011. Development and implementation of rapid course assessment techniques for a discussion-based graduate course on effective college classroom in “STEM” Poster presented at the 11th International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL) Conference: Transforming The Academy Through the Theory and Practice of SOTL, Oct. 20-23, 2011, Milwaukee, WI.

  24. Wattiaux, M. A. 2011. Casting a Line — Creating a national Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (SoTL) for animal sciences: adapting to the gaps through scholarship in T&L and networking. J Anim. Sci. Vol 89, E-Suppl. 1 / J. Dairy Sci. Vol 94, E-Suppl. 1: 742.

  25. Wattiaux, M. A. 2010. Excellence in Teaching for Promotion and Tenure in Animal and Dairy Sciences at Doctoral/Research Universities: A Faculty Perspective. Poster WTFS Spring Conference. University of Wisconsin-System, Office of professional and Instructional Development (UW-OPID), 2010 President’s Summit on Excellence in Teaching and Learning, April 29-May 1, 2010, Concourse Hotel, Madison, WI.

  26. Wattiaux, M. A. 2010. Getting Scholarly Teaching Project Published. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1: 520.

  27. Wattiaux, M. A., J. A. Moore, R. R. Rastani and P. M. Crump. 2010. Excellence in teaching for promotion and tenure in animal and dairy sciences at doctoral/research universities: A faculty perspective. Poster presented at the University of Wisconsin System 2010 President’s Summit on Excellence in Teaching and Learning. April 29, 2010. Madison WI.

  28. Wattiaux, M. A. and P. M. Crump. 2009. Reliability of item scores on end-of-semester departmental course evaluation. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 87, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 92, E-Suppl. 1 Poster #M350. ADSA/ASAS Joined Meeting. Montreal QC, Canada, July, 2009.

  29. Wattiaux, M. A. 2008. Teaching and Learning with an Instructional Website. J. Anim. Sci. 86, E-suppl. 2 / J. Dairy Sci. 91, E-Suppl. 1: 346.

  30. Rastani, R. R. and Wattiaux M. A. 2006. Factors associated with students’ self-reported amount of learning in Dairy Science courses. J. Anim. Sci. 84:380, Suppl. 1/ J. Dairy Sci 89:380 (Suppl. 1).

  31. Wattiaux, M. A. 2006. Learning Initiatives to Improve Undergraduate Education (0.9 MB ppt). Presented at ADSA/ASAS Joint Regional Meeting, DesMoines, IA, March 2006.

  32. Wattiaux, M. A. and J. A. Moore 2005. Promotion and Tenure on the Basis of Excellence in Teaching. J Anim Sci 83 Suppl. 1 /J. Dairy Sci. 88 Suppl. 1:288 (Abstract).

  33. Wattiaux, M. A. 2005. Using Web-based Tools to Facilitate Small Class Discussion Presented at ADSA/ASAS Regional Meeting, DesMoines, IA, Mar. 2005.

  34. Wattiaux, M. A. 2004. A Sophomore Pre-Capstone Seminar to Prepare Students for Internships and Independent Learning Experiences NACTA Journal 48(4):75; 50th Annual conference of NACTA, Gainesville, FL, Jun. 2004.

  35. Wattiaux, M. A. 2002. The Pre-capstone Seminar to Prepare Students for Independent LearningJ. Anim. Sci. 80, Suppl 1 / J. Dairy Sci. 85 Suppl 1: 164. ADSA/ASAS National Meeting, Laval, Quebèc, June 2002.

  36. Wattiaux, M. A and K. Kanwar 2001. Student Access of World Wide Web Course Material Posting in Small Class Size ADSA/ASAS National Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, July 2001.

  37. Wattiaux, M. A, J. S. Rowe, and K. H. Shapiro. 2001. Student-defined Barriers to Participation in Study Abroad Programs. NACTA Journal 45 (3):10. Annual conference of NACTA, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, June 2001.

Popular Press

  1. Wattiaux, M. A. 2013. Are We Graduating the Right Graduates? Hoard's Dairyman. p 275, April 2013.

  2. Wattiaux, M. A. 2002. Parker Palmer’s Message on the Art of Good Teaching. Teaching Academy Newsletter: The Learning Link May Issue.

Updated 01/2021.

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