Faculty Senate Minutes 2013-11-04

University of Wisconsin--Madison

shared governance document
November 4, 2013

The meeting was called to order by Chancellor Rebecca Blank at 3:35 p.m. with 154 voting members

1. Memorial resolutions were presented for:
Professor Emeritus Paul Bass. faculty document 2441
Professor Emeritus E. Edward Bittar. faculty document 2442
Professor Emeritus Walter T. Bjoraker. faculty document 2443
Professor Mason A. Carpenter. faculty document 2444
Professor Emeritus Jens T. Carstensen. faculty document 2445
Professor John A. Hoopes. faculty document 2446
Professor Emerita Margaret A. Kohli. faculty document 2447
Professor Emeritus L. Joseph Lins. faculty document 2448
Professor Emeritus James D. Whiffen. faculty document 2449

2. Announcements/Informational Items.

Chancellor Blank spoke about changes planned for 2014 Spring Commencement, which include holding a single ceremony for undergraduates in Camp Randall Stadium in lieu of the four undergraduate ceremonies in the Kohl Center. She is pushing for individual schools, colleges and departments to hold their own ceremonies in recognition of their graduates. A special projects person will be hired to organize the university-wide ceremony and to work with schools and colleges in planning their individual events. The ceremony for doctoral and professional degree candidates will remain unchanged.

Professors emeriti Patricia Wolleat and Christopher Kleinhenz spoke about services available from the Ombuds Office and noted that the office is presently seeking applicants to fill two ombuds vacancies.

Chancellor Blank noted that the creation of a classified staff governance group is underway.

3. Question Period
There were no questions.

4. The minutes of 7 October 2013 were approved as distributed.

5. Professor Michael Bernard-Donals moved to confirm the appointment of Professor Thomas Broman (History of Science) to serve on the Commission on Faculty Compensation and Economic Benefits for 2013-2014, replacing Professor Margarita Zamora who is on leave.

The motion passed without negative vote. 

6. Professor Morton Gernsbacher submitted for informational purposes the Committee on Access and Accommodation in Instruction Annual Report for 2012-2013. faculty document 2450.
There were no questions or comments. 

7. Chancellor Blank called attention to the informational report on the membership of the Faculty Consultative Committee on Financial Emergency for 2013-2014, as required by Faculty Policies and Procedures 6.36.
There were no questions or comments. 

8. Professor Katrina Forest submitted for informational purposes the Information Technology Committee Annual Report for 2012-2013. faculty document 2451
There were no questions or comments. 

9. Professor Bernard-Donals introduced Professor Jolanda Vanderwal Taylor to present background information for discussion of the first reading of the University Committee Recommendation to Amend Faculty Policies and Procedures 4.20., 4.32., 4.40. and 5.31. Regarding Processes for Approving, Modifying and Discontinuing Courses; and to Amend Chapter 6 to Create the University Curriculum Committee. faculty document 2452.
There were no questions or comments. 

10. A motion was made and seconded to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85 (1)(c) and (f) to consider the recommendation of the Committee on Honorary Degrees. The motion passed without negative vote.

Professor David McDonald, chair of the Committee on Honorary Degrees, presented background information on the nominees for honorary degrees.

Senators voted by paper ballot whether to award the honorary degrees.

The meeting adjourned at 4:29 p.m.

Andrea Poehling 
Secretary of the Faculty

Keywordsfaculty senate, faculty policies and procedures, November 4, 2013   Doc ID52864
OwnerJulie S.GroupUW Secretary of the Faculty
Created2015-06-19 14:25:27Updated2023-12-07 17:44:47
SitesUW Secretary of the Faculty
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