Ownership of L&S IT Resources
The purpose of this document is to clarify the legal ownership of information technology within the College of Letters & Science and enumerate responsibilities of faculty and staff with respect to information technologies (hardware, software and services) provided for their use and purchased with University-administered funds. Examples of information technology include, but are not limited to, desktop computers, laptop computers, tablets, mobile devices, peripherals, software, and services.
University property
As with all University purchases, information technologies that are purchased using University-administered funding sources of any type are the property of the University of Wisconsin. University property is subject to property control and purchasing policies which incorporate applicable State and Federal policies.
Compliance with security, inventory management, and responsible use policies
As a condition of use, faculty and staff must fully cooperate in meeting all campus, college and departmental IT policies and procedures related to security, responsible use, inventory management, and software licensing. This includes delivery of new equipment for initial configuration, labeling, and creation of inventory records. This may include prompt return of equipment to the department for required updates; retiring of equipment that cannot be updated for technical or budgetary reasons; and cooperation with inventory management procedures (especially mobile devices) including proper disposal. See UW-Madison IT Policies for more information.
Exclusively for business use
Technologies provided to faculty and staff are to be used for business purposes that benefit the institution’s teaching, research, or service goals, with possible incidental, de minimis personal use in accordance with UW System Regent Policy Document 25-3 Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources.
When business purposes are completed, or employment is terminated, all University-owned equipment and software must be promptly returned to the department for reallocation or proper disposal.
Reallocation for business use
A department may reallocate technology for business uses within the department, or transfer surplus equipment to another UW unit, but may not otherwise dispose of equipment by sale, donation, gift, loan, or other forms of transfer. See UW-Madison Procedure #110.9 Change in Custody to another Department.
Equipment purchased with grant funds will, at the expiration of the grant, remain University property. If required by the grantor’s specific contract language, equipment purchased with grant funds (e.g. sponsored projects) may be transferred to the ownership of another institution with prior approval from the L&S Dean. In such cases, software licensed exclusively to the University of Wisconsin must be removed prior to the transfer. See UW-Madison Procedure #110.11 Departing Employee Request to take Capital Equipment to a New Institution
University property cannot become the personal property of an individual faculty or staff member under any circumstances.
Disposal of surplus university property
Technology that is no longer of use within the College, regardless of value, must be returned to the department and disposed of (by the department, not individual faculty and staff) via the State of Wisconsin SWAP program. See UW-Madison IT Disposal and Reuse Procedures.
Prior to pick-up by SWAP, all software and data must be removed (wiped) from the equipment. The method of deletion must meet current campus IT Security standards. Relevant equipment inventory records within the department, College, or University must be updated to reflect when and how the equipment was retired from service (e.g. date sent to SWAP).
Emerit faculty & staff
Retired faculty and staff who have been granted emerit status may, with prior approval of their department chair, retain the use of their University-owned laptop, or other devices as authorized by the department. The equipment remains University property and subject to the usual rules.