Windows 10 Laptop Only Shows Airplane Mode

Laptop only displays airplane mode in system tray, no option to turn on wifi or browser for wifi.

This recommendation makes a few assuptions, an alternative to try after exhausting more agressive steps. 

After attempting the usual round of running the network troubleshooter, resetting network settings or uninstalling and reinstalling the wifi adapter eventually the laptop reverts to only showing airplane mode for wifi options. 

Open sytem services run "services.msc" and scroll down to "WLAN AutoConfig" open the service, toggle the service to "Start" if the Wifi returns you have found the problem. Something on your laptop is interfering with the automatic startup process of this service. Switching it to manual will force the application calling the service to turn it on or off rather than relying on it to be automatically on.

As you can see from the statement below this is the service that turns on/off your computer capability for Wifi networking. If you continue to encounter problems, trying setting it to “Automatic (Delay start)”.

 “The WLANSVC service provides the logic required to configure, discover, connect to, and disconnect from a wireless local area network (WLAN) as defined by IEEE 802.11 standards. It also contains the logic to turn your computer into a software access point so that other devices or computers can connect to your computer wirelessly using a WLAN adapter that can support this. Stopping or disabling the WLANSVC service will make all WLAN adapters on your computer inaccessible from the Windows networking UI. It is strongly recommended that you have the WLANSVC service running if your computer has a WLAN adapter.”

Keywordsairplane mode, no wifi adapter, wifi, airplane mode, no wifi   Doc ID53188
OwnerDavid L.GroupDermatology
Created2015-06-24 15:31:33Updated2022-01-03 18:38:48
SitesDepartment of Dermatology
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