Faculty Senate Minutes 2012-10-01

University of Wisconsin--Madison

shared governance document

October 1, 2012

The meeting was called to order by Interim Chancellor David Ward at 3:32 p.m. with 166 voting members present.
1. Memorial resolutions were presented for:
Professor Emeritus Ova B. Combs. faculty document 2352
Professor Emeritus Albert R. Erwin. faculty document 2353
Professor Emeritus William F. “Jack” Fry. faculty document 2354
Professor Emeritus John H. Juhl. faculty document 2355
Instructor Emerita Lydia B. Kalaida. faculty document 2356
Professor Emeritus John A. Kidwell. faculty document 2357
Professor Emeritus James Eugene Kuntz. faculty document 2358
Professor Jane Larson. faculty document 2359
Professor Emeritus Hakki B. Ögelman. faculty document 2360
Professor Emerita Joyce Elinor Stribling Steward. faculty document 2361
2. Chancellor Ward presented his State of the University address.  He spoke about the challenges to securing revenue to fund higher education and the university’s principles for educational innovation.
3. Announcements/Informational Items.
Professor Mark Cook introduced the University Committee and spoke about initiatives that the UC will address in 2012-2013 including: Division of International Studies governance committee, proposed College of the Arts, interdivisional ad hoc tenure committee, CFCEB’s examination of the effectiveness of the critical compensation fund, CURAFA examination of the qualities and characteristics of the first-year class, ad hoc committee to examine policies on educational innovation, and the HR redesign project.
Human Resources Director Bob Lavigna presented a summary of the status of the HR system redesign project.  There were several questions and significant discussion.
4. Question Period.
There were no questions.
5. The minutes of 7 May 2012 were approved as distributed.
6. Chancellor Ward called attention to the Summary of Faculty Legislation and Faculty Senate Business for 2011-2012. faculty document 2362
7. Professor Cook moved to confirm the appointment of Associate Professor Ankur Desai (Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences) to serve on the Library Committee for 2012-2013.
The motion passed without negative vote.
8.Professor Bradford Brown submitted for informational purposes the Advisory Committee to the Office of the Dean of Students Annual Report for 2011-2012. faculty document 2363
There were no questions.
9. Professor Thatcher Root submitted for informational purposes the Committee on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities Annual Report for 2011-2012. faculty document 2364
There were no questions.
10. Professor Mark Cook submitted for informational purposes the University Committee Annual Report for 2011-2012. faculty document 2365
There were no questions.
The meeting adjourned at 5:28 p.m.
David Musolf
Secretary of the Faculty

faculty policies and procedures 
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Julie S. in UW Secretary of the Faculty
UW Secretary of the Faculty