Faculty Senate Minutes 2012-02-06

University of Wisconsin--Madison

shared governance document
February 6, 2012
Audio Recording

The meeting was called to order by Interim Chancellor David Ward at 3:32 p.m. with 137 voting members present.

1. Memorial resolutions were presented for:.

Professor Emerita Norma Jane Kolthoff. faculty document 2308
Professor Emeritus John F. Morrissey. faculty document 2309
Professor Emeritus Robert W. Swick. faculty document 2310
Professor Emeritus Garit Henry Tenpas. faculty document 2311
Professor Emeritus Murray A. Thompson. faculty document 2312
Professor Emeritus William L. Williamson. faculty document 2313

2. Announcements/Informational Items.

Assistant Professor Noah Feinstein announced an educational innovation event for assistant professors and new faculty, which will take place 15 February 2012.

Vice Chancellor for Administration Darrell Bazzell gave a brief overview of the human resources system redesign project. There was one question.

Chancellor Ward spoke about the recently appointed legislature’s Special Task Force on UW Restructuring and Operational Flexibilities.

3. Question Period.

There were no questions.


4. The minutes of5 December 2011 were approved as distributed.


5. Provost Paul DeLuca submitted for informational purposes the Campus Planning Committee Annual Report for 2010-2011. faculty document 2314

There were no questions.

6. Professor Philip O’Leary, chair of the Committee on Committees, presented the slates of candidates for faculty-elected committees from the Committee on Committees. faculty document 2315

The slates of nominees are:

Commission on Faculty Compensation and Economic Benefits
Louis Armentano, Dairy Science (CALS), biological sciences
Thomas Givnish, Botany (L&S), biological sciences
Anna Haley-Lock, Social Work (L&S), social studies; non-tenured
Rafael Lazimy, Business (BUS), social studies
Douglas Rosenberg, Art (EDUC), arts and humanities
James Tinjum, Engineering Professional Development (ENGR), physical sciences; non-tenured
Margarita Zamora, Spanish and Portuguese (L&S), arts and humanities
David Zimmerman, English (L&S), arts and humanities

There were no nominations from the floor.

Chancellor Ward declared the nominations closed for the Commission on Faculty Compensation and Economic Benefits.

Committee on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities
Douglas Maynard, Sociology (L&S), social studies
Patricia McManus, Plant Pathology (CALS), biological sciences
James Steele, Food Science (CALS), biological sciences
Kenneth Sytsma, Botany (L&S), biological sciences
Douglas Wiegmann, Industrial and Systems Engineering (ENGR), physical sciences
Kirsten Wolf, Scandinavian Studies (L&S), arts and humanities

There were no nominations from the floor.

Chancellor Ward declared the nominations closed for the Committee on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities.

Library Committee
Steven Barkan, Law (LAW), social studies
Andrea Harris, Dance (EDUC), arts and humanities
Larry Nesper, Anthropology (L&S), social studies
Mary Trotter, Theatre and Drama (L&S), arts and humanities

There were no nominations from the floor.

Chancellor Ward declared the nominations closed for the Library Committee.

University Committee
Thomas Broman, History of Science (L&S), arts and humanities
Jo Ellen Fair, Journalism and Mass Communication (L&S), arts and humanities
Grant Petty, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (L&S), physical sciences
Parameswaran Ramanathan, Electrical and Computer Engineering (ENGR), physical sciences
Dietram Scheufele, Life Sciences Communication (CALS), social studies
John Sharpless, History (L&S), social studies

There were no nominations from the floor.

Chancellor Ward declared the nominations closed for the University Committee.

Chancellor Ward announced that electronic balloting information will be distributed to all faculty
in late March.

7. Professor Katrina Forest submitted for informational purposes the Information Technology Committee Annual Report for 2010-2011. faculty document 2316

There were no questions.

8. Professor David Hildner submitted for informational purposes the Lectures Committee Annual Report for 2010-2011. faculty document 2317

There were no questions.


9. Professor Brad Barham moved to adopt the Faculty Senate Districts and Apportionment for Academic Years 2012-2013 and 2013-2014. faculty document 2318

The motion passed by voice vote.

10. Professor Barham presented for discussion the first reading of the University Committee Recommendation to Amend Faculty Policies and Procedures 6.48. Recreational Sports Board Membership. 2319

There were two questions and one comment.

11. Professor Bruce Thomadsen (District 88) asked to make a motion but was ruled out of order and was advised to refer the motion to the University Committee for the March 5 Faculty Senate meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 4:25 p.m.

David Musolf
Secretary of the Faculty

Keywordsfaculty policies and procedures   Doc ID53481
OwnerJulie S.GroupUW Secretary of the Faculty
Created2015-06-30 15:28:34Updated2024-10-01 08:08:05
SitesUW Secretary of the Faculty
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