Faculty Senate Minutes 2011-12-05

University of Wisconsin--Madison

shared governance document

December 5, 2011

The meeting was called to order by Interim Chancellor David Ward at 3:32 p.m. with 154 voting members present.
1. Memorial resolutions were presented for:
Professor Emeritus Robert D. Boyd. faculty document 2300
Professor Emeritus Y. Austin Chang. faculty document 2301
Professor Emeritus Clarence S. Clay. faculty document 2302
Professor Emerita Ursula M. Thomas. faculty document 2303
Professor Emeritus Wilber J. “Tip” Tyler. faculty document 2304
2. Announcements/Informational Items.
Mr. Carl Gulbrandsen provided background and an overview of WARF activities.
3. Question Period.
There were no questions.
4. The minutes of 7 November 2011 were approved as distributed.
5. Professor Cynthia Jasper submitted for informational purposes the Library Committee Annual Report for 2010-2011. faculty document 2305
There was one question.
6. Assistant Professor Erica Halverson submitted for informational purposes the Teaching Academy Annual Report for 2010-2011. faculty document 2306
There were no questions.
7. Professor Brad Barham moved to adopt the University Committee Recommendation to Amend Faculty Policies and Procedures 5.13. Affiliations. faculty document 2307
8. Chancellor Ward announced that a discussion on educational innovation would be conducted in a Committee of the Whole.  The chancellor recognized Professor Barham, who, on behalf of the University Committee, moved to convene in a Committee of the Whole and that the discussion end no later than 4:30 p.m.
The motion passed without negative vote.
At 4:31 p.m., Professor Barham asked the senate for unanimous consent to suspend the rules and
allow the Committee of the Whole to extend until 4:45 p.m.  There were no objections.
At 4:45 p.m., the Committee of the Whole rose and reported.
9. Professor Barham, on behalf of the University Committee, moved to adopt the Faculty Senate Resolution on Declining State Budget Support for Higher Education in the State of Wisconsin. faculty document 2307a
There were several comments.
Associate Professor Sara Goldrick-Rab (District 29) moved to amend the seventh WHEREAS
clause by inserting “laboratories,” in front of “technologies”.
The motion to amend was seconded.
The motion to amend passed by voice vote.
Professor Michael Gould moved the previous question.  The motion was seconded.
The chancellor asked if there were any objections, and there were none.
The original motion, as amended, passed by voice vote.
The meeting adjourned at 4:59 p.m.
David Musolf
Secretary of the Faculty

faculty policies and procedures 
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Julie S. in UW Secretary of the Faculty
UW Secretary of the Faculty