Faculty Senate Minutes 2010-04-12

University of Wisconsin--Madison

shared governance document

April 12, 2010

The meeting was called to order by Chancellor Biddy Martin at 3:32 p.m. with 156 voting members present.
1. Memorial resolutions were presented for:
Dean and Professor Emeritus August P. Lemberger. faculty document 2187
2. Chancellor Martin presided over the presentation of the 2009-2010 Hilldale Awards.
The recipients are: Arts and Humanities Division: Stephen E. Lucas (Communication Arts); Biological Sciences Division: Ann C. Palmenberg (Biochemistry); Physical Sciences Division: F. Fleming Crim (Chemistry); Social Studies Division: Bruce E. Wampold (Counseling Psychology)
3. Announcements/Informational Items.
Chancellor Martin spoke briefly about her recent trip to China and the UW System’s Task Force on a Competitive Workforce.
Professor William Tracy announced that the secure web-based elections for elected faculty committees would remain open through Friday, 16 April and urged senators to encourage their departmental faculty to vote.  He also spoke about the University Committee’s budget initiative regarding graduate student funding and that PROFS is working to have Senate Bill 523, which addresses issues regarding collective bargaining, amended to ensure that it does not limit academic freedom.
4. Question Period.
There were no questions.
5. The minutes of 1 March 2010 were approved as distributed.
6. Associate Professor Howard Schweber submitted for informational purposes the Committee on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities Annual Report for 2008-2009. faculty document 2188.
There were no questions.
7. Professor Phillip Barak submitted for informational purposes the Informational Technology Committee Annual Report for 2008-2009. faculty document 2189.
There were two comments.
8. Professor Tracy moved to adopt the University Committee Recommendation to Amend  Faculty Policies and Procedures 1.02.B. faculty document 2185.
There were three questions.
The motion passed without negative vote.
9. Professor Donald Downs moved to adopt the Recommendation to Amend Faculty Policies and Procedures 8.01. faculty document 2186.
The motion was seconded.
Professor Ian Dobson (District 36) moved to amend the motion to have people with proper legal training incorporate language that addresses his concern as to whether one must identify explicitly whether the subject about which one is speaking is or is not within one’s area of expertise.
The motion to amend was seconded.
There were two comments.
The motion to amend failed by voice vote.
Associate Professor Kurt Feigl (District 58) moved to amend the motion by deleting its second paragraph.
The motion to amend was seconded.
There were two comments.
The motion to amend failed, 62 yes, 67 no.
There was continued discussion.
Associate Professor Benjamin Singer (District 49) moved to amend the second paragraph by ending the first sentence after the word “obligations” and replacing the remainder of the paragraph with “It is recognized that speech by faculty does not necessarily reflect the views of the institution as a whole.”
The motion to amend was seconded.
There were several comments.
The motion to amend failed, 34 yes, 90 no.
The previous question was moved and seconded, and passed by voice vote.
The original motion passed without negative vote.
10. Professor William Tracy presented for discussion the first reading of the Motion to Restructure UW-Madison’s Research Enterprise. faculty document 2190a.
There was considerable discussion.
11. Professor Murray Clayton presented for informational purposes the Report of the Ad Hoc Committee to Review the Athletic Board. faculty document 2191
There were no questions.
12. Professor Jin-Wen Yu presented for discussion the Recommendation to Create a Department of Dance in the School of Education. faculty document 2192.
There were no questions.
The meeting adjourned at 5:34 p.m.
David Musolf
Secretary of the Faculty

faculty policies and procedures 
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Julie S. in UW Secretary of the Faculty
UW Secretary of the Faculty