PDRC Minutes April 10, 2015

PDRC Minutes

PDRC Meeting Minutes

Friday, April 10, 2015

9:00 - 10:00 am

Union South


Present: Jeff Armstrong, Nick Ewoldt, Jay Ford, Elisabeth McInnis Foster, Amy Hawley, Stephanie Jones, John Klatt, Stephanie Kutz, Chris Lupton, Alison Rice


The meeting was called to order at 9:06 am.


Automatic consent business

- Minutes for March 2015 were approved without dissent.


Standing subcommittee reports


- PD Grants: Amy/Stephanie J.

·         04/10/2015 last day for Deans approval

·         ~52 applications with 8 PDRC reviewers

·         Jeff will work with Amy on spreadsheet tool for grant assignments

·         Next week Amy will send the list out to PDRC

·         Final PD decisions are due mid-May


- Awards: Elisabeth/Jeff B./John

·         Awards process is complete for the year

·         Jeff will present recipients at the AS Assembly meeting next week


- Exec Ed Grants: Jay/Alison

·         ~42 applications (Curtis, Nick, Alison, and Jay are reviewing)

·         The language on the first page needs revising to clarify that "no supervisor/dean approval" is required

·         PDF creation function is still cutting off text; Jay will email Heather Daniels


Committee business

- Committee size

·         Reminder to PDRC to speak informally with PPPC members you know regarding this; Jeff will send email

·         It is not clear from ASPP what the mechanism is to approve committee-size change

·         Further discussion tabled until May meeting


- Mentoring Committee outreach: Stephanie K.

·         Voted to collaborate on events with Mentoring Committee; approved without dissent. Stephanie K. will connect with Aygul Hoffman regarding this.


- Academic Staff governance priorities for 2014-2015

·         Ad hoc subcommittee on funding professional development grants

o   There is an Academic Staff Endowment account set up already at UW Foundation. Any new accounts in the Foundation need a minimum of $10000 to start. PDRC discussed concerns that there is no guarantee that funds placed in the AS endowment account would be available for Professional Development Grants.


·         Promotion/Communication

o   Communications Committee collaborations: AS profiles

-       John forwarded names to Diane S. on the communication committee; no update as of this meeting. John will check in with Diane.


o   Updates to PD Grants web page

-       Chris, Stephanie J., Amy proposed website changes

-       PDRC agreed changes are beneficial

-       Jay suggested that we work toward having the post-award report as an on-line form (easier tracking, easier reporting)

-       New web page draft will be reviewed at the May meeting


The meeting was adjourned at 9:57 am.

PDRC Minutes 
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff