PDRC Agenda 09/11/2015

meeting agenda

PDRC Meeting Agenda

Friday, September 11, 2015

8:30-9:30 am


__Jeff Armstrong: jeff.armstrong@wisc.edu

__Jeffrey Bohrer: jeff.bohrer@wisc.edu

__Nick Ewoldt: nick.ewoldt@wisc.edu

__Jay Ford: jhfordii@wisc.edu


__Stephanie Jones: SGJONES2@WISC.EDU

__Stephanie Kutz: skutz@fpm.wisc.edu

__John Klatt: john.klatt@wisc.edu

__Christine Lupton: christine.lupton@wisc.edu

__Alison Rice: alison.rice@wisc.edu

__Matthew Vieth:  matt.vieth@wisc.edu


Automatic consent business

- Minutes for August 14, 2015


Standing subcommittee reports

1.      PD Grants: Stephanie J.

-Signup sheet

-co-leader with Stephanie J. needed


-Work with mentoring committee: Matt will assist at October 21 (11-1pm, Gordon commons) event 

            -Award recipient post-activity reporting update

2. Awards: Jeff B./John?

            -Review of email to email sent to prior year’s excellence award nominators

3. Exec Ed Grants: Jay/Alison

            -Update on policy on prior awardees applying again (similar criteria as for grants?)


Committee business

1. Website update: Chris, Amy H., Stephanie J.

2. Sub-committee membership discussion

3.  Goal Matrix: from secretary’s office

4. Stephanie K. unable to attend 10-09 and 11-13 meetings   

5. Action items from last meeting:

·         Stephanie J.:

o   Create signup sheet for PD grants

o   Determine dates: brownbag and deadlines


·         Web sub-committee (Chris, Stephanie J., Amy H.)

o   Meet and propose changes to the PD section of the website


·         Stephanie K:

o   Email regarding communication committee

o   Email regarding nominating committee

o   Email PDRC BOX access

o   Email regarding descriptions for awards on website more visible

o   Email mentoring committee regarding PD grants

o   Email Heather recommend lotto for DCS again in the spring


·         Jay:

o   PDF creation function is still cutting off text email Heather Daniels

Check on policy for Exec. Ed.

PDRC, agenda 
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff