Wireless UWNet Access for Guests and Affiliates

This document provides information for obtaining a guest UW Net ID for visiting speakers and conference attendees.


  • Entomology, Plant Pathology, and Forest & Wildlife faculty, students, and staff; Hub staff


Guest wireless access is used to provide wireless internet access for individuals who are guests of the UW Madison Campus. 

Affiliates may be able to use Eduroam, UW Madison affiliates with a NetID can access UWNet with their NetID and password after they have accepted the Terms of Use to log in. This method will register that particular device on the network for the remainder of the current semester, after which you will need to renew your registration. 

For Guests

The Guest wireless access service is intended for people who are guests of campus for up to two weeks, such as conference attendees and visiting professors who are not enrolling as professors or students at the University. 


  • Guest wireless access can only access Wireless UWNet and WiscVPN dynamic profiles. 
  • A Guest wireless access does not grant access to the portal, calendar, email, or other NetID accessible utilities. 
  • It will last for a maximum of 14 days.

How to Obtain

Visit https://kb.wisc.edu/helpdesk/page.php?id=22915 to access to the guest or affiliate wireless access. You will need to login with your NetID and password.

For Affiliates

Guest NetIDs can be issued by employees of UW-Madison only. 

Employees with affiliated organizations (e.g. UW Hospitals, Wisconsin Alumni Association, etc) must also have a valid appointment with UW-Madison in order to be able to create Guest NetIDs. 


  • The employee must put an expiration date on the Guest NetID when creating it. 
  • Once the account expires, it cannot be re-issued. 
  • If a guest needs to have their access extended, their host can create a new Guest NetID. 


There is no charge for this service.



russell labs hub administration, faculty, guest netid, wireless login, network 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Tom H. in Russell Labs Computing
Russell Labs Computing