Academic Staff Assembly Minutes 09-14-15

Approved 10-12-15

272 Bascom Hall
Monday, September 14, 2015
3:30 to 5:00 p.m.

Provost Sarah Mangelsdorf called the meeting to order at 3:31 p.m.

Automatic Consent: The Academic Staff Assembly minutes of Monday, May 11, 2015, were approved.  
The Academic Staff Assembly minutes of Wednesday, June 17, 2015, were approved.

Guest: Mallory Musolf, Madison Academic Staff Association (MASA)
Mallory Musolf introduced herself as the current president of the Madison Academic Staff Association.  The Madison Academic Staff Association is a membership group that works in a complimentary fashion with governance and others.  They have some events scheduled this fall.  Kathi Kilgore, ASPRO lobbyist, will have a program on state relations.  October 1 will be the annual fall breakfast, and October 28 will be the Just Mercy book discussion.

Guest: Michael Moscicke, Academic Staff Professionals Representation Organization (ASPRO)
Michael Moscicke explained that ASPRO is an advocacy organization that represents academic staff across the state.  ASPRO recently took a position opposing AB305 the fetal tissue research bill.  Other issues ASPRO is keeping an eye on include the task force on the technical colleges and UW System colleges, eliminating sick leave conversion for state legislators, and eliminating sick leave conversion for local governments unless there is an actuarial study.

Standing Committee and Other Reports
•    Academic Staff Executive Committee (ASEC) – Heather McFadden welcomed and thanked those assembled for their service.  Heather M. informed the Assembly that there will be a shared governance reception on October 7 from 3-5 pm in Union South.  She also mentioned that there will be an ad hoc titling committee that will be charged soon even though it is part of the Priorities document that the Assembly will review in October.  This committee will be doing work prior to the titling study that is part of HR Design.  Because the title study will begin in late winter/early spring, it is important the committee begin as soon as possible.  
•    Professional Development and Recognition Committee – Stephanie Kutz, co-chair of the committee, reminded the Assembly that the deadline for Professional Development Grants is October 23.  Brown bags will be held September 22 from noon-1pm in Union South and September 23 from noon-1 pm in Health Science Learning Center.

Nominating Committee Member

Jennifer Heintz was elected to the Communications Committee.

Resolution Regarding Legislative Restrictions on Fetal Tissue Research
Carol Van Hulle (District #140) moved to approve the Resolution Regarding Legislative Restrictions on Fetal Tissue Research.  Seconded.
Jeanne Hendricks (District #458) moved to replace “from” in the second whereas clause with “for.”  Seconded.  Amendment approved.
Jeanne Hendricks (District #458) moved to replace in the last therefore clause “with implications for research from the bill” with “language prohibiting a person from knowingly providing, receiving, or using for experimentation a fetal body part including cells or cell lines.”  Seconded.  Amendment failed.  
Amended motion approved.

Report on 2014-15 Academic Staff Assembly Business
Heather McFadden congratulated the Assembly on all the work that was done in the body over the past year.  A total of 16 resolutions were voted on last year.  

Provost Report
The Provost reminded Assembly members of the outcome of the last state budget.  The UW System cut was $250M for 2015-17 biennium.  UW-Madison’s share is $59M.  Other specific cuts were also added.  $86 million is the total reduction for UW-Madison.  To fill this gap, there was an increase in tuition for non-resident undergraduate tuition to generate $17.5 million.  There was $21.2 million in direct cuts to budgets.  Additional taxes from auxillary units and other assessments will bring an extra $13 million.  There is still a shortfall that needs to be filled.

Other things that are going on include an assessment of how summer session is structured and the types of courses that are offered.  The new budget model is being implemented slowly.  There are also campus efforts to reduce time to undergraduate degree.  The biggest predictor of student debt is taking longer to finish.  The Provost is serving as one of three UW-Madison members of the UW System Tenure Task Force.  They have only met once, but she is hearing reassurance that the tenure policy will be line with UW-Madison’s peer group and AAUP standards.  

The Provost doesn’t see that there will be any changes to the way shared governance functions on this campus.  Provost Mangelsdorf, Chancellor Blank and Vice Chancellor Bazzell all remain committed to shared governance as it has functioned on this campus and find it to be extremely valuable.

There are several Dean reviews that are getting underway.  These reviews should happen every five years.  Those Deans under review include Jeff Russell (Division of Continuing Studies), Margaret Raymond (Law School) and Francois Ortalo-Magne (School of Business).  Deans or former deans will chair the reviews.  Everyone will be able to send feedback or request an interview with the review committee.  In addition, Dean Katharyn May has announced she will be stepping down.  A search will get under way shortly.  

Adjourned at 4:27 pm.

Minutes submitted by Heather Daniels, Secretary of the Academic Staff

ASA Minutes 
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff