CAE Filespace Over Quota

This is the article describing how to reduce Filespace when it is out of quota space.

Checking Disk Quota and Usage

There are a few ways to check available and used disk quota. Detailed information can be found in here

Reducing disk quota

There are several ways to delete your unnecessary files from your files space:

1) log in to CAE Windows machines and delete all the files that you won't need. 

2) go to and log in using your CAE log in and password and delete files from there.

Note: if you are trying to access this page outside the campus, you need to be connected to VPN first.

3) use Linux machines to open up Terminal, and remove files using "rm file_name" command.

After deleting files, make sure that Recycle Bin is also emptied. Please allow system to update and reflect the changes, it will take about 30 mins. Re-check disk space usage.

If that doesn't clear up enough space, you can move files to DoIT's Box service.

Alternatively, you can trying moving some of the files to a flash drive or other storage media.

Reducing disk quota after grace period passed

There is a 7 day grace period given to access your files safely and get the account under disk quota. Moving files is restricted after this period passed. If your filespace is grossly over quota, you will not be able to move files at all. The grace period will not apply. You must delete files until your account is below quota. 

First thing you can do is empty the Recycle Bin and see if it brings the account under the quota, if it is delete files as outlined in above instructions.

If not, there are couple options to chose from:

1) use Linux machines to empty the trashcan in the Gui, or open up Terminal, and remove files using "rm file_name" command.

2)  if using windows file explorer, highlight the files you wish to delete, and press Shift+Delete which will lead to "permanent" deletion of files

If you still have problems with deleting files and going under the quota, contact CAE Help Desk.

Over Quota disk space group filespace grace period delete 
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Owned by:
Noel K. in CAE
Computer-Aided Engineering