PDRC Minutes September 11, 2015

Minutes from the PDRC meeting September 11, 2015

PDRC Meeting Minutes

Friday, September 11, 2015

8:32-9:33 am


_X_Jeff Armstrong: jeff.armstrong@wisc.edu

_X_Jeffrey Bohrer: jeff.bohrer@wisc.edu

_X_Nick Ewoldt: nick.ewoldt@wisc.edu

__Jay Ford: jhfordii@wisc.edu


X__Stephanie Jones: SGJONES2@WISC.EDU

X__Stephanie Kutz: skutz@fpm.wisc.edu

__John Klatt: john.klatt@wisc.edu

X__Christine Lupton: christine.lupton@wisc.edu

X__Alison Rice: alison.rice@wisc.edu

X__Jacob Rome: jarome@medicine.wisc.edu

X__Matthew Vieth:  matt.vieth@wisc.edu


Automatic consent business

- Minutes for August 14, 2015: Passed majority voice vote with  Jeff Armstrong and Stephanie Jones abstaining


Standing subcommittee reports

1.      PD Grants: Stephanie J.

-Co-Chair elected: Jake Rome

-Six people signed up to assist with the Fall 2015 PD grants

-September 22, 23 brown bag events

-Deadlines posted on web

2. Awards: Jeff B.

            -Co-Chair elected: Christine Lupton

            -Next month: sign-up sheet for awards

3. Exec Ed Grants: Alison

            -Co-chair elected: Matthew Vieth


Committee business

1.      Passed sub-committee co-chairs (see above) and general committee co-chair is Nick Ewoldt

2.      Web sub-committee will need feedback on website change proposal by October 31. Then, they will connect with Jake Smith in the Secretary’s office regarding the changes (November)



KeywordsPDRC, minutes   Doc ID57851
OwnerLesley F.GroupThe Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
Created2015-10-29 10:04:56Updated2020-07-13 16:08:46
SitesThe Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
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