Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 10-22-15
Approved 10-29-15
Members Present: Bruno Browning; Aaron Crandall; Trish Iaccarino; Sarah Kuba; Heather Mc Fadden, Chair; Michael Moscicke; Deb Shapiro
Guests: Michael Bernard-Donals, Jenny Dahlberg
The meeting was called to order at 2:05 p.m.
The minutes of October 8, 2015, were approved.
General Reports
• ASEC Chair Heather McFadden reported on the University Committee meetings. Discussion has been around deferred maintenance and Voter ID cards for students. There was also a long discussion about the proposed concealed carry bill. The University Committee is planning to review a draft shared governance policy next week. ASEC will look at it after the University Committee is done.
Heather M., Kevin, and Heather D. met with Mark Walters and Patrick Sheehan from the Office of Human Resources. Heather M. reminded them about the Assembly’s request for the numbers of layoffs and positions vacated due to the budget cuts. Heather M. also asked them for data on academic staff leaving in a given year. The Office of Human Resources is looking to work with ASEC regarding the issue of Category A maximum. The Titling and Compensation Study Advisory Committee should be convened within the next month. The Office of Human Resources asked ASEC to provide one academic staff member for an instructional overload committee.
• Secretary of the Academic Staff Heather Daniels reported the Distinguished Prefix Committee met to review 13 dossiers this fall. The Ad Hoc Committee on Compensation and Titling met for the first time. Bruno Browning was the interim convener. Russell Dimond and Carol Van Hulle were elected co-chairs. The committee is currently looking for a permanent meeting time.
Liaison Reports
Nursing & SMPH CASI-Aaron Crandall contacted the School of Nursing CASI. They are working on a five-year review. The SMPH CASI just sent out a call for nominees for a new election.
• November Assembly Agenda
ASEC reviewed the agenda. Final approval of the agenda will take place next week.
• Concealed Carry Bill
ASEC decided to wait at this point and see what develops with the possible bill.
• UW System Strategic Plan
ASEC brainstormed ideas of what to send back to the Chancellor. Based on these notes, Heather D. will draft a document for ASEC to review next week.
• Category A Proposal
Heather D. prepared what an 11% increase in the caps would look like for academic staff.
• Review of FPP Chapter 6
ASEC decided to not take any action beyond the ad hoc committee regarding these changes.
• Next ASEC Meeting, October 29, 2015 – for decision
Michael distributed a draft of UW-Madison Policy of Minimum Qualifications for Instructional Staff. The basic premise is you must have master’s degree to teach students working on their bachelor’s degree and a terminal degree to teach graduate students. The policy contains an exception that allows departments to define alternative qualifications to employ instructors no meeting minimal qualifications.
In regards to the Faculty Supervision Ad Hoc Committee, the Office of Learning and Talent Development created information sheets for the committee to review. The committee worked on revising these information sheets for dissemination to faculty, department chairs, and PIs. The next step will be to decide how to build professional development around the information. They plan to work with the Office of Learning and Talent Development to develop these trainings. The information and training needs to not only include mechanics, but also why performance management is important. The documents and training will also include some information about onboarding.
Michael also reviewed the report on FPP Chapter 6 Committees. He discussed ways to move forward with the report.
• Ad Hoc Committee on FPP Chapter 6 Committees Report
There was discussion about how to move forward with the report. The committee will decide if they want to do anything else before ASEC can take action on it.
Convened in Closed Session Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c), and (f) to discuss appointments to the Educational Innovation Advisory Committee. Motion: Browning. Seconded. Approved.
Motion to reconvene in open session (Browning). Seconded. Approved.
Motion to appoint Bruno Browning, and Shirin Malekpour to the Educational Innovation Advisory Committee (Kuba). Seconded. Approved.
Meeting adjourned at 4:05 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Heather Daniels, Secretary of the Academic Staff
ASEC Minutes
2:00 – 4:10 p.m. Thursday, October 22, 2015
67 Bascom Hall
2:00 – 4:10 p.m. Thursday, October 22, 2015
67 Bascom Hall
Members Present: Bruno Browning; Aaron Crandall; Trish Iaccarino; Sarah Kuba; Heather Mc Fadden, Chair; Michael Moscicke; Deb Shapiro
Guests: Michael Bernard-Donals, Jenny Dahlberg
The meeting was called to order at 2:05 p.m.
The minutes of October 8, 2015, were approved.
General Reports
• ASEC Chair Heather McFadden reported on the University Committee meetings. Discussion has been around deferred maintenance and Voter ID cards for students. There was also a long discussion about the proposed concealed carry bill. The University Committee is planning to review a draft shared governance policy next week. ASEC will look at it after the University Committee is done.
Heather M., Kevin, and Heather D. met with Mark Walters and Patrick Sheehan from the Office of Human Resources. Heather M. reminded them about the Assembly’s request for the numbers of layoffs and positions vacated due to the budget cuts. Heather M. also asked them for data on academic staff leaving in a given year. The Office of Human Resources is looking to work with ASEC regarding the issue of Category A maximum. The Titling and Compensation Study Advisory Committee should be convened within the next month. The Office of Human Resources asked ASEC to provide one academic staff member for an instructional overload committee.
• Secretary of the Academic Staff Heather Daniels reported the Distinguished Prefix Committee met to review 13 dossiers this fall. The Ad Hoc Committee on Compensation and Titling met for the first time. Bruno Browning was the interim convener. Russell Dimond and Carol Van Hulle were elected co-chairs. The committee is currently looking for a permanent meeting time.
Liaison Reports
Nursing & SMPH CASI-Aaron Crandall contacted the School of Nursing CASI. They are working on a five-year review. The SMPH CASI just sent out a call for nominees for a new election.
• November Assembly Agenda
ASEC reviewed the agenda. Final approval of the agenda will take place next week.
• Concealed Carry Bill
ASEC decided to wait at this point and see what develops with the possible bill.
• UW System Strategic Plan
ASEC brainstormed ideas of what to send back to the Chancellor. Based on these notes, Heather D. will draft a document for ASEC to review next week.
• Category A Proposal
Heather D. prepared what an 11% increase in the caps would look like for academic staff.
• Review of FPP Chapter 6
ASEC decided to not take any action beyond the ad hoc committee regarding these changes.
• Next ASEC Meeting, October 29, 2015 – for decision
-November Assembly Agenda-for decisionGuest: Michael Bernard-Donals, Vice Provost for Faculty and Staff
-UW System Strategic Plan Input
-Guests: Marsha Mailick, Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education; Steve Hahn and Terry Ruzicka, Division of Enrollment Management
Michael distributed a draft of UW-Madison Policy of Minimum Qualifications for Instructional Staff. The basic premise is you must have master’s degree to teach students working on their bachelor’s degree and a terminal degree to teach graduate students. The policy contains an exception that allows departments to define alternative qualifications to employ instructors no meeting minimal qualifications.
In regards to the Faculty Supervision Ad Hoc Committee, the Office of Learning and Talent Development created information sheets for the committee to review. The committee worked on revising these information sheets for dissemination to faculty, department chairs, and PIs. The next step will be to decide how to build professional development around the information. They plan to work with the Office of Learning and Talent Development to develop these trainings. The information and training needs to not only include mechanics, but also why performance management is important. The documents and training will also include some information about onboarding.
Michael also reviewed the report on FPP Chapter 6 Committees. He discussed ways to move forward with the report.
• Ad Hoc Committee on FPP Chapter 6 Committees Report
There was discussion about how to move forward with the report. The committee will decide if they want to do anything else before ASEC can take action on it.
Convened in Closed Session Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c), and (f) to discuss appointments to the Educational Innovation Advisory Committee. Motion: Browning. Seconded. Approved.
Motion to reconvene in open session (Browning). Seconded. Approved.
Motion to appoint Bruno Browning, and Shirin Malekpour to the Educational Innovation Advisory Committee (Kuba). Seconded. Approved.
Meeting adjourned at 4:05 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Heather Daniels, Secretary of the Academic Staff