PPPC Meeting Agenda - November 11, 2015

Agenda for the PPPC meeting on November 11, 2015

PPPC Meeting 

Wednesday November 11, 2015
304 Middleton Building
2:30 PM


  1. Request for PPPC assistance from ASEC (Carol): This is a recent request from Heather D. regarding an ASEC term issue. ASPP (14.12.A.5.b) says that ASEC members are limited to two consecutive three year terms.  Because ASEC members may be elected to terms of less than three years, however, the question arose regarding what happens when someone serves a one or two year elected term to fill a vacancy followed by election to a full three year term. Carol and Linda advised ASEC to propose some language if it wished to see this addressed in ASPP. The current language and the proposed revisions are uploaded in Box for review.
  2. Distinguished Prefix Review Committee (DPRC) (Deb): This issue concerns how many members the DPRCs are supposed to have.  These committees are discipline-specific and the committee members are supposed to (at least partially) be folks who have a distinguished prefix title. As a result, these requirements limit the number of qualified people available to serve on the committee, yet the committees are supposed to have quite a few members.  Please review assembly doc 109 for additional context https://kb.wisc.edu/images/group171/33846/109._Distinguished_Prefix_Policies_and_Procedures_Legislation.pdf  as well as https://kb.wisc.edu/images/group171/34992/473-DistinguishedPrefixGuidlines.pdf
  3. Nominating Committee (aka, Nom Com) (Deb): In 14.12.A.7.b & C, Nom Com is supposed to provide a slate of nominees according to a specific schedule. The question brought to assembly last year by PPPC (i.e., Deb) was about whether that schedule is perhaps too restrictive.  There was a discussion about this in the assembly and Deb will remember more about how things were left (e.g., whether we should propose language changes in ASPP).

  4. Proposed revision to ASPP 11.05 (Carol): Heather Daniels contacted the PPPC co-chairs regarding an inconsistency between language in 11.05 and state law regarding retention of personnel files following termination.  11,05 currently says that personnel files are retained 6 years past employment termination, but state law says this should be 10 years.  OHR is recommending 11.05 be revised either to mirror state law or just reference state law. Please review 11.05 in preparation for the meeting.

personnel policies procedures committee academic staff 
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Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff