Kaltura - What Is the Entry Identifier (EntryId) for a Media Item and How Do I Find It? [UW-Madison]

This page shows you how to identify and acquire the entry identifier (EntryId) for a media item in Kaltura MediaSpace.

When working on support issues, it is often handy for administrators to have the identifier for the media item with which you are having issues. The entry identifier is a short series of 10 characters that uniquely identifies a piece of media for troubleshooting. It is the last part of a media's direct URL within Kaltura MediaSpace. In the screenshot below, you will see the URL bar of a browser that is on a media item's page within Kaltura MediaSpace. This is the page you navigate to when you want to preview a media item that you have uploaded to Kaltura MediaSpace. The EntryId in this example is "0_nsq4ges3":
A screenshot showing a browser URL bar- there is a red outline around the last set of numbers and letters indicating the Entry ID for the piece of media that is loaded.

Alternately sometimes a user will notice an issue with a previously embedded piece of Kaltura media in a website. This is an example of Kaltura MediaSpace iframe embed code generated from Kaltura MediaSpace's "share" function. The EntryId is immediately between the "id=" and "&flashvars" text. In this embed code the EntryId is "0_du820xo9":
A screenshot showing Kaltura MediaSpace embed code. The entryID is outlined in red to help point it out. In this embed code it is "0_du820xo9".

This is an example of Kaltura iframe embed code generated from Kaltura's Canvas integration prior to 8/15/24. The EntryId is immediately between the "entryid%2F" and "%2F" text. In this embed code the EntryId is "0_du820xo9".:
A screenshot showing Kaltura-Canvas integration embed code. The entryID is immediately after the "entryid%2F" text. In this embed code the entryID is "0_du820xo9".

For players embedded from Kaltura's Canvas integration after 8/15/24, the EntryID is not shown in the html embed code.  You can find the EntryID using Chrome by right clicking the video and selecting "View frame source".  This will open a new tab and showing the EntryID.

Kaltura EntryID code from Canvas embed

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