Kaltura - What Is the Entry Identifier (EntryId) for a Media Item and How Do I Find It? [UW-Madison]
When working on support issues, it is often handy for administrators to have the identifier for the media item with which you are having issues. The entry identifier is a short series of 10 characters that uniquely identifies a piece of media for troubleshooting. It is the last part of a media's direct URL within Kaltura MediaSpace. In the screenshot below, you will see the URL bar of a browser that is on a media item's page within Kaltura MediaSpace. This is the page you navigate to when you want to preview a media item that you have uploaded to Kaltura MediaSpace. The EntryId in this example is "0_nsq4ges3":
Alternately sometimes a user will notice an issue with a previously embedded piece of Kaltura media in a website. This is an example of Kaltura MediaSpace iframe embed code generated from Kaltura MediaSpace's "share" function. The EntryId is immediately between the "id=" and "&flashvars" text. In this embed code the EntryId is "0_du820xo9":
This is an example of Kaltura iframe embed code generated from Kaltura's Canvas integration prior to 8/15/24. The EntryId is immediately between the "entryid%2F" and "%2F" text. In this embed code the EntryId is "0_du820xo9".:
For players embedded from Kaltura's Canvas integration after 8/15/24, the EntryID is not shown in the html embed code. You can find the EntryID using Chrome by right clicking the video and selecting "View frame source". This will open a new tab and showing the EntryID.