CEBC minutes September 17 2015

CEBC Meeting
September 17, 2015, 1:30pm

Present: Jenny Dahlberg, Jason Jankoski, Carol Van Hulle, Russell Dimond, Ilia Guzei, Janet Newlands, Sharon Gehl
Absent: Ann Reynolds, Denise Zang

Future meetings will take place on the 2nd Wed of each month.

Jenny Dahlberg presented an update from the ASA meeting.
Jenny Dahlberg will complete a first draft of the CEBC’s annual report detailing last year’s activities.
Jason Jankoski will reach out to HR to draft a document of 2016 Benefit changes that affect academic staff.
Jason Jankoski will update the pay tools document.
Members discussed the need to continue to highlight staff compensation as a priority despite recent budget cuts.
Members discussed a resolution on academic staff inclusion in choosing a vendor to conduct the rate and titling change survey slated for spring 2016.  Carol Van Hulle (ASA district #140 rep) will present a resolution at the October ASA meeting.
Jenny Dahlberg and Jason Jankoski were voted as co-chairs of the committee.   

Note Taker: Carol Van Hulle

cebc minutes 
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Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff