UW-Madison - IT - Compliance Agreement

Applies anyone who has a UW-Madison NetID, Guest NetID, or other campus-wide UW-Madison credential.

The IT Compliance Agreement requires the user to agree follow the UW System - Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources, the Electronic Devices Policy, the Password Policy and Standard, and the NetID Terms of Use.

This agreement is to communicate to you the relevant policies and terms of service for using university IT resources. This includes using your university issued credentials (e.g. NetID and password) to connect to the University network and how to manage your personal and university data.


The following policies outline your responsibilities for using campus IT resources.

Additional policies and policy information may be viewed at https://kb.wisc.edu/itpolicy.

NetID Terms of Use

NetIDs and other user credentials are available to applicants, students, faculty, staff and others based on their affiliation with campus and their business need to access certain applications, services and data. Information about you or about others is accessible through your NetID and other campus credentials. In order to maintain the privacy of this information it is vital that you understand your responsibilities to securely manage your NetID/Password and other campus credentials. Please know and comply with the following:
  • You are responsible for securely managing your NetID/Password and other university credentials. This includes not sharing your NetID/Password and other university credentials with any other person, including anyone representing the Division of Information Technology (DoIT). For information on protecting your credentials and secure computing, visit: https://it.wisc.edu/about/cybersecurity/.

  • Create and manage strong passwords. Information on creating a strong password and managing your passwords can be found at: https://it.wisc.edu/about/cybersecurity/.

  • Unauthorized authentication attempts or misuse of UW Madison information resources should be reported to Badger Incident Response Team (BadgIRT). For reporting procedures, visit https://it.wisc.edu/reporting-an-incident-to-it-security/ or contact the Help Desk at 608-264-4357.

  • If you identify issues concerning your NetID and other campus credentials, contact the Help Desk by calling 608-264-HELP or submitting an online form at: http://helpdesk.wisc.edu.

  • If the University receives a credible report that a violation has occurred, or if, in the course of managing the service, discovers evidence of a violation, then the matter will be referred for investigation, University disciplinary action and/or criminal prosecution.

  • Your use of University of Wisconsin data is restricted to authorized University of Wisconsin business. You may only access university data for which you have specific authorization and only in accordance with authorized business need. You may not transfer data to anyone without written prior approval from the data custodian. For more information about handling university data please visit: https://it.wisc.edu/about/cybersecurity/ and https://kb.wisc.edu/itpolicy/.

  • You will be held responsible for security breach(s) traceable to your assigned NetID or other university credentials. Your password verifies your identity (e.g. NetID). You are responsible for keeping your passwords confidential (https://it.wisc.edu/about/cybersecurity/). You should change your password immediately if you suspect another may know your current password.

  • It is your responsibility to comply with the provisions of the Federal Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the University of Wisconsin-Madison Policy on Students Records (https://registrar.wisc.edu/ferpa_overview_fac.htm), the federal law called Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) (https://compliance.wisc.edu/hipaa/), the UW Madison Policy on Faculty and Staff Racial/Ethnic Heritage Data, governed by Wisconsin Public Records Law, and other state and federal law to protect the confidentiality of personal identifiable information.

  • The University has agreements with third-party service providers that allow you to use your NetID/Password to access applications that are external to the University, including some provided by the U.S. Federal Government. This might be only way you are able to access those applications. For a list of service providers that provide applications to the higher education community, see: https://www.incommon.org/federation/incommon-federation-participants/. To enable your access to those applications, the University may send the following information to a service provider:

    • Your First Name
    • Your Last Name
    • Your affiliation with the University (e.g. “Faculty”)
    • Your NetID
    • Your University email address
    • A unique identifier

Keywordspolicies agreement guidelines index policy principles recommendations requirements standard statement agreements guideline principle recommendation requirement requirements standards statements, administrators alumni applicants community faculty guests it-security-staff it-staff managers students supervisors visitors administration information-technology security, cloud-services copyright identity-management intellectual-property mobile-devices network personally-owned-devices records-management resource-management security cloud cybersecurity devices identity intellectual mobile networking personal personally property records resource telecommunications, access archive business-use collection disposal monitoring retention storage transmission distribution, access-control configuration-and-maintenance education-and-training access configuration education maintenance awareness training seta hipaa-data ferpa-data hipaa ferpa cioDoc ID58834
OwnerTim B.GroupIT Policy
Created2015-12-10 08:35:00Updated2022-08-31 16:05:22
SitesIT Policy
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