Academic Staff Assembly Minutes 11-09-15

Approved 12-14-15

272 Bascom Hall
Monday, November 9, 2015
3:30 to 5:00 p.m.

Provost Sarah Mangelsdorf called the meeting to order at 3:36 p.m.

Automatic Consent: The Academic Staff Assembly minutes of Monday, October 12, 2015, were approved.  

Guest: Rebecca Scheller, Co-Chair Committee on Women in the University
Rebecca stated that she is serving as a co-chair of the committee this year with Natalia De Leon.  The charge of this committee is to recommend changes in priorities, policies, etc. to administrative offices, consult and collaborate across campus, and evaluate and monitor the status of women employees at the University.  

From 2013-15 the primary accomplishments of the committee have been changing the composition and charge of the committee in FPP Chapter 6 through the Faculty Senate, working with campus partners to expand childcare spaces on campus, and examining the tenure rates in the social sciences division.  Additional projects include assisting with annual campus events for women, participating on the Ad Hoc Committee on Bullying and the Diversity Framework Committee.

Their priorities for 2015-17 include child care, supporting recommendations arising from the AAU survey on sexual assault and misconduct, parental leave and equality in compensation.

Guest: Aaron Crandall, Campus Transportation Committee

Aaron reported that the Campus Transportation Committee met six times during the 2013-14 academic year.  The bicycle-pedestrian subcommittee didn’t meet and was later disbanded.  It will be reactivated as needed.  

There are companion bills pending in the state legislature that would change the wording in state law regarding what types of things parking fees can support.  The committee has discussed these bills and were in favor of them.  
The number of permits for mopeds has decreased, flex permits have increased, and the bicycle resource center had fewer visitors than their first year.  Safe walks increased by 78%.  Campus Transportation Services also implemented two new park-and-ride lots for employees.

The committee is currently monitoring the Campus Master Plan and looking at the disabled parking policy on campus.

Standing Committee and Other Reports
Academic Staff Executive Committee (ASEC) – Heather McFadden announced that a proposal for changes to Category A maxima will likely come before the Assembly next month. Jenny Dahlberg, Jason Jankoski, Heather Mc Fadden and Kevin Niemi will meet with Office of Human Resources this week regarding this topic.  

Heather said there had been questions about when the Assembly would take up a resolution regarding the proposed concealed carry bill.  The bill was introduced in the State Senate the day the Academic Staff Assembly agenda for November was approved. At that time, ASEC members felt it was premature to vote on a resolution. If there is forward movement on a bill, ASEC will likely bring a resolution to the Assembly for a vote.

The original legislation with revised criteria for the Distinguished Prefix passed by the Assembly in December 2011 (Academic Staff Assembly Document #473) called for ASEC to review the new Distinguished Prefix guidelines in 3-5 years. In January 2010, there were 44 academic staff with the distinguished prefix. As of July 2015, there are 63, with approximately 80% of those being new awards. Since the number of awards have increased for academic staff with a wider variety of titles during this period, ASEC felt the new guidelines seem to be working as intended, with no further changes suggested at this time.

During the summer, ASEC formed a committee to review proposed changes to FPP Chapter 6, which is where campus governance committees are described. The committee presented its report to ASEC, which accepted it and is sending it to the University Committee for further consideration.

Lastly, at their meeting last week, the Faculty Senate approved a change to the membership of the University Curriculum Committee. The committee will now include four academic staff members with instructional titles. Those who are interested in serving on the committee should contact the chairs of the Nominating Committee.

Standing Committees Annual Reports
Eric Giefer reported that in 2014-15 the Nominating Committee met 9 times and forwarded 116 names for an estimated 35 committee positions.  The committee continues to encourage academic staff interested in participating on committees to fill out the Qualtrics survey.  The committee is working with the Secretary’s Office on a new database to track committees, and also working to clarify term limits for ASEC members.  The clarification will likely involve changes to language in ASPP, which will require Assembly approval.

Stephanie Kutz reported on activities for the Professional Development and Recognition Committee.  For professional development grants, 31 awards were made out of 67 applications in the fall round and 25 awards were made out of 44 applications in the spring.  For the Executive Education grants, 21 applications were received for the five available slots.

Ad Hoc Committee on Academic Staff Assembly Engagement
Tim Markle (District #446) moved to form an Ad Hoc Committee on Academic Staff Assembly Engagement.  Seconded.  Approved.

Provost Report

Provost Mangelsdorf reported that there is a $1 million Discretionary Compensation Fund available towards academic staff and university staff salary adjustments.  This fund can be used to recognize merit, market and equity.  Category-A Academic Staff may receive an increase up to 10% even if they are at the current title maximum and cannot be promoted because of their title.

Provost Mangelsdorf expressed that shared governance has been invaluable to helping her understand the university.  There is nothing like the way shared governance is practiced here.

The launch of the UW Foundation fundraising campaign will be held on Thursday of this week.  The Provost explained that the campaign is important to academic staff because anything that helps expand campus resources helps everyone.  Gifts to the Foundation will help academic staff indirectly.  Occasionally gifts will go to directly support academic staff.  Part of the recent Chazen gift goes to pay staff salaries to maintain the museum and the art collection.

The Provost reported that there were power outages on campus for three Saturdays in a row.  There have been many discussions regarding these events, but there is still no answer about why this is happening.  

Adjourned at 4:28 pm.

Minutes submitted by Heather Daniels, Secretary of the Academic Staff

ASA Minute 
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff