University Committee Meeting Minutes 2014-10-27

approved November 3, 2014
October 27, 2014

Present: Broman, Edwards, Fair (chair), Meyerand, Petty, Wendt 

1. Meeting called to order: 12:31 PM.
2. Campus Diversity and Climate Committee update (Patrick Sims): Sims updated the UC on the status of the diversity framework goals and requested assistance with selecting co-chairs for the committee. UC recommended working with existing structure as defined and then gathering input from the committee on potential changes to FPP.
3. 12:39 PM: Edwards arrived.
4. Follow-up discussion of Rec Sports committee, which has concerns about the new proposal.
5. Research, Safety, and Compliance Oversight Committee update (Chuck Czuprynski, Diane Gooding): A draft annual report was distributed and discussed. Committee will submit final version for December Senate meeting. Consensus that committee still has a role, but original charge needs to be changed. Committee will continue conversations with stakeholders and suggest how it would be most useful in restructured research enterprise organization.
6. Petty moved and Broman 2nd to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Motion passed: 1:31 PM.
7. Discussion of committee nominations with interim VCRGE.
8. Broman moved and Petty 2nd to reconvene in open session. Motion passed: 2:04PM.
9. Provost update (Sarah Mangelsdorf): 
a. Broman updated Provost on communications with CIC reps re 360 review.
b. Provost distributed Updating Campus Strategic Framework and requested UC input. Will not undertake another all-campus strategic planning effort. Plan is to update current framework for next 5-year period, maintaining similar goals and priorities, as guiding principles and basic vision have not changed.
c. Discussion of role of ad hoc bullying committee moving forward.
10. 2:07 PM: Broman left.
11. Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank): 
a. Homecoming weekend was very successful.
b. VCRGE search process moving forward.
c. Handout: Budget in Brief will be distributed at November Faculty Senate.
d. Discussion of Labor Codes Licensing Advisory committee.
e. UC asked about proposed virus research ban. Chancellor indicated that response is forthcoming and that science community agrees on need to let the process continue.
f. Chancellor provided update on Ebola preparation. Very low probability of anything occurring on this campus, but structure is in place.
g. UC asked about FOIA request on primate research. Chancellor indicated that university is responding appropriately and coordinating with DOJ.
13. Discussion of November Senate agenda and review of revisions to proposed legislation.
14. Meeting adjourned: 4:01 PM.

Steven K. Smith, Secretary of the Faculty

KeywordsUniversity Committee october   Doc ID60161
OwnerJulie S.GroupUW Secretary of the Faculty
Created2016-01-27 12:56:11Updated2023-12-07 17:49:45
SitesUW Secretary of the Faculty
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