University Committee Meeting Minutes 2014-10-20
approved October 27, 2014
October 20, 2014
Present: Broman, Edwards, Fair (chair), Meyerand, Petty, Wendt
1. Meeting called to order: 12:30 PM.
3. Follow-up discussion on Recreational Sports and broader discussion of how to select motivated faculty to serve on committees.
a. Proposed change to FPP for next Faculty Senate: Delete 2nd paragraph of 6.48.B.
b. Proposed change to FPP for next Faculty Senate: Change composition of Rec Sports committee to 3 faculty, 2 academic staff, 2 classified staff, and 6 students. One of faculty must be from shared-used groups.
c. Secretary of Faculty will contact Rec Sports representatives to present at Senate.
4. Campus Transportation (Casey Newman and Shelly Casto) presented draft plan for new Base Lot Renewal System. Revised system to be decided on by end of 2014, implemented next academic year. Passive renewal of payroll deduction akin to insurance payment method. Some concern expressed about loss of seniority system for reassignments. UC suggested creation of system to accommodate new hires not yet in payroll system.
5. Discussion of PROFS bylaws and organization (Michelle Felber and Jack O’Meara). UC encouraged expansion of on-campus information role and increased person-to-person contact.
6. Representatives from ASM (Calla Born and Kate Wiedel, accompanied by the chair of the ASM University Affairs committee) presented information on the impact of textbook costs on students. There is extreme variability by class, but the biggest concern is unpredictability, both as to what books will be required and when book lists are made available. They suggest that early textbook adoption is one of the keys to creating predictability and reducing overall costs. UC agreed that textbook cost is a serious problem, but pointed out that there are many factors involved, notably that publishing is not a free market. Fair will discuss Faculty Senate procedure and presentation with the presenters.
7. Provost update (Sarah Mangelsdorf)
a. Provost was present for end of previous item. Conversation continued on this topic.
b. Discussion about reactions to new budget model.
c. Discussion of campus-wide compliance structure.
8. 2:08 PM: Broman left
9. Reorganization of Office of Human Resources from title-centered model to function-based structure (Bob Lavigna). This new system is intended to address the following five recommendations from the external OHR review: consolidate customer-facing functions, add capability around certain areas, improve communication execution, develop centers of HR expertise, and enhance data and analytic capability. This reorganization represents a cultural shift and will require a lot of communication.
10. Interim VCRGE update (Marsha Mailick): Discussion of best process for development of University Research Council and differences between working group report and Senate-approved plan. UC and VCRGE will create an advisory group charged with developing the URC and rationalizing with existing committees.
11. Mailick informed the UC that the authors of the PNAS article on structural problems in the biomedical field will be on campus in April 2015 to participate in discussions on the topic.
12. 3:30 PM: Broman returned.
13. Discussion of FPP and Faculty Legislation proposals on hostile and intimidating behavior (Don Downs and Howard Schweber).
14. Wendt moved and Petty 2nd to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Motion passed 5:10 PM. Discussion of possible nominations for PROFS president and VCRGE search and screen.
15. Edwards moved and Meyerand 2nd to reconvene in open session. Motion passed: 5:56 PM.
16. Meeting adjourned: 5:57 PM.