Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 01-21-16
Approved 1-28-16
Members Present: Bruno Browning; Aaron Crandall; Trish Iaccarino; Sarah Kuba; Heather Mc Fadden, Chair; Michael Moscicke; Robert Newsom; Kevin Niemi, Deb Shapiro
Guests: Ron Harris, Sarah Mangelsdorf, Matthew Mayrl, Lesley Moyo, Ed Van Gemert
The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m.
The minutes of January 7, 2016, were approved with one change.
General Reports
ââ¬Â¢ ASEC Chair Heather McFadden reported on discussions with Mark Walters and Patrick Sheehan that included tuition reimbursement procedures, the possible change to FLSA, the status of the choice program for university staff to become academic staff, and the report that the UW System titling and compensation committee will hopefully kick off in March. She also reported on the Office of the VCRGE charging a research misconduct policy committee to revise current policy.
ââ¬Â¢ Deputy Secretary of the Academic Staff Jake Smith reminded ASEC members about the joint discussion with the University Committee and USEC regarding a budget committee. He also reminded them about the upcoming UW System Strategic Planning sessions on January 27 and 28. Finally, he reported on the upcoming University Roundtable sessions.
Liaison Reports
Librarians Assembly ââ¬â Trish Iaccarino reported that the Librarians Assembly recently sent out a summary of comments on the consolidation plan.
UW System Academic Staff Representatives ââ¬â Kevin Niemi reported that the next meeting will be on January 29. Topics will include the tenure task forceââ¬â¢s report, the tuition task force, titling and compensation and rolling horizon appointments.
SMPH CASI ââ¬â Aaron Crandall reported that Kristin Cooper is the new chair for the CASI.
Guest: Sarah Mangelsdorf, Provost
Provost Mangelsdorf discussed the reconvening of a subset of the Budget Model Development Committee, which last met in 2013-14. The purpose of the committee would be to see what progress has been made on the new budget model. (The plan is to constitute the committee with people who served on the last committee.) Provost Mangelsdorf said that there was no update from the tenure task force and no update about a budget request at this time.
ââ¬Â¢ February Assembly Meeting Agenda
ASEC looked at a draft agenda and will finalize it next week.
ââ¬Â¢ ASEC Seating at Assembly Meetings
ASEC discussed the possibility of changing seating during Assembly meetings so that ASEC was not at the front of the room. ASEC decided to remain at the front of the room, but decided that microphones should be turned from ASEC to the Assembly and that ASEC should go to the microphone stands instead of using the ones at the front table.
Guest: Ed Van Gemert, Vice Provost for Libraries and University Librarian, and Lesley Moyo, Associate University Librarian for Public Services
Ed and Lesley discussed the status of the library consolidation planning project. They have worked with the University Library Committee throughout and stressed their commitment to working with governance in this process. They acknowledged concerns over the project and have done their best to alleviate them through communication. They have heard from many people how important libraries and library services are on this campus, and they have also heard concerns from students over mindfulness toward student study spaces. The link to the survey on library consolidation planning is still open ( ), with the purpose of the survey being to collect peopleââ¬â¢s concerns over library usage going forward.
The working group interviewed libraries and department chairs and discussed the planning process with governance groups, and the recommendations in the report were endorsed by the ULC before the winter break. Now the shift is from planning to implementation. Chemistry, Geography, the School of Business and the School of Human Ecology will be the first in terms of thinking through repurposing spaces and relocating materials. Ed emphasized that each implementation team would include people from the departments as well as librarians, and that implementation will be unique and tailored for each location/department. This will be between a 3- and 5-year effort. Ed also mentioned that they are working with FP&M to develop a library master plan, and he thanked academic staff who have helped in the planning effort. ASEC asked whether or not communication had gone out to staff now that the report was completed. Ed said that he would double check and also mentioned that this is an agenda item on the February 3 all staff meeting.
ââ¬Â¢ Appointments/Nominations Selection Criteria
Bruno will draft operating procedures around the committeeââ¬â¢s report. ASEC will return to this at a future meeting.
ââ¬Â¢ Academic Staff Governance Representative for Bursar and Director of Risk Management Search and Screen Committeees
Jake will send a Qualtrics link to academic staff at large to gauge interest in serving on these committees.
Motion to Convene in Closed Session Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c), and (f) to discuss nominations to the Nominating Committee. (Newsom). Seconded. Approved.
Motion to convene in Open Session (Crandall). Seconded. Approved.
Meeting adjourned at 4:21 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Jake Smith, Deputy Secretary of the Academic Staff
ASEC Minutes
2:00 ââ¬â 4:30 p.m. Thursday, January 21, 2016
67 Bascom Hall
2:00 ââ¬â 4:30 p.m. Thursday, January 21, 2016
67 Bascom Hall
Members Present: Bruno Browning; Aaron Crandall; Trish Iaccarino; Sarah Kuba; Heather Mc Fadden, Chair; Michael Moscicke; Robert Newsom; Kevin Niemi, Deb Shapiro
Guests: Ron Harris, Sarah Mangelsdorf, Matthew Mayrl, Lesley Moyo, Ed Van Gemert
The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m.
The minutes of January 7, 2016, were approved with one change.
General Reports
ââ¬Â¢ ASEC Chair Heather McFadden reported on discussions with Mark Walters and Patrick Sheehan that included tuition reimbursement procedures, the possible change to FLSA, the status of the choice program for university staff to become academic staff, and the report that the UW System titling and compensation committee will hopefully kick off in March. She also reported on the Office of the VCRGE charging a research misconduct policy committee to revise current policy.
ââ¬Â¢ Deputy Secretary of the Academic Staff Jake Smith reminded ASEC members about the joint discussion with the University Committee and USEC regarding a budget committee. He also reminded them about the upcoming UW System Strategic Planning sessions on January 27 and 28. Finally, he reported on the upcoming University Roundtable sessions.
Liaison Reports
Librarians Assembly ââ¬â Trish Iaccarino reported that the Librarians Assembly recently sent out a summary of comments on the consolidation plan.
UW System Academic Staff Representatives ââ¬â Kevin Niemi reported that the next meeting will be on January 29. Topics will include the tenure task forceââ¬â¢s report, the tuition task force, titling and compensation and rolling horizon appointments.
SMPH CASI ââ¬â Aaron Crandall reported that Kristin Cooper is the new chair for the CASI.
Guest: Sarah Mangelsdorf, Provost
Provost Mangelsdorf discussed the reconvening of a subset of the Budget Model Development Committee, which last met in 2013-14. The purpose of the committee would be to see what progress has been made on the new budget model. (The plan is to constitute the committee with people who served on the last committee.) Provost Mangelsdorf said that there was no update from the tenure task force and no update about a budget request at this time.
ââ¬Â¢ February Assembly Meeting Agenda
ASEC looked at a draft agenda and will finalize it next week.
ââ¬Â¢ ASEC Seating at Assembly Meetings
ASEC discussed the possibility of changing seating during Assembly meetings so that ASEC was not at the front of the room. ASEC decided to remain at the front of the room, but decided that microphones should be turned from ASEC to the Assembly and that ASEC should go to the microphone stands instead of using the ones at the front table.
Guest: Ed Van Gemert, Vice Provost for Libraries and University Librarian, and Lesley Moyo, Associate University Librarian for Public Services
Ed and Lesley discussed the status of the library consolidation planning project. They have worked with the University Library Committee throughout and stressed their commitment to working with governance in this process. They acknowledged concerns over the project and have done their best to alleviate them through communication. They have heard from many people how important libraries and library services are on this campus, and they have also heard concerns from students over mindfulness toward student study spaces. The link to the survey on library consolidation planning is still open ( ), with the purpose of the survey being to collect peopleââ¬â¢s concerns over library usage going forward.
The working group interviewed libraries and department chairs and discussed the planning process with governance groups, and the recommendations in the report were endorsed by the ULC before the winter break. Now the shift is from planning to implementation. Chemistry, Geography, the School of Business and the School of Human Ecology will be the first in terms of thinking through repurposing spaces and relocating materials. Ed emphasized that each implementation team would include people from the departments as well as librarians, and that implementation will be unique and tailored for each location/department. This will be between a 3- and 5-year effort. Ed also mentioned that they are working with FP&M to develop a library master plan, and he thanked academic staff who have helped in the planning effort. ASEC asked whether or not communication had gone out to staff now that the report was completed. Ed said that he would double check and also mentioned that this is an agenda item on the February 3 all staff meeting.
ââ¬Â¢ Appointments/Nominations Selection Criteria
Bruno will draft operating procedures around the committeeââ¬â¢s report. ASEC will return to this at a future meeting.
ââ¬Â¢ Academic Staff Governance Representative for Bursar and Director of Risk Management Search and Screen Committeees
Jake will send a Qualtrics link to academic staff at large to gauge interest in serving on these committees.
Motion to Convene in Closed Session Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c), and (f) to discuss nominations to the Nominating Committee. (Newsom). Seconded. Approved.
Motion to convene in Open Session (Crandall). Seconded. Approved.
Meeting adjourned at 4:21 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Jake Smith, Deputy Secretary of the Academic Staff