Using the Stockroom Checkout System

The stockroom checkout system changed in March 2016. This document will walk you through the new system.

login button from stockroom computer

To start using the new stockroom checkout system, simply click the “Login” button.
net id login image
You will be directed to the campus NetID authentication page.  Enter your NetID and corresponding password to continue and click “Log in”.
stockroom item id checkout box
As with the older system, you will enter each item by its SKU, the four digit code found on the shelf the item was located.  You do not need to enter leading zeros, as the system will recognize the code with or without them.  After you have entered the item’s SKU, click “Submit”.
enter quantity image
You are now presented with some information about the item you entered, including a description, its SKU number, its cost, and the current stock.  If you notice the stock quantity does not match what is on the shelf, please notify Julio Leon or Josh Cutler.  Enter how many of the item you are checking out in the quantity box and click “Add”.  If this is not the item you want, click “Cancel” and try again.
update and remove buttons images
At any time after adding an item to your cart, you may change the quantity by clicking “Update” or remove the item entirely by clicking “Remove”.
checkout button
When you have added all of your items to the cart, you will need to select a funding source.  This will default to your lab or division, but if you want to charge a specific fund you may click “Other” and enter the desired fund in the text box.  If you are unsure what fund to use, select “Other” and enter the login code from the old system in the box.  When you are done, click “Checkout”.  You will be automatically logged out and returned to the initial login screen.

stockroom checkout 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Eric R. in School of Pharmacy
School of Pharmacy