University Committee Meeting Minutes 2014-07-07
approved July 14, 2014
July 07, 2014
Present: Fair, Broman, Farrar-Edwards, Meyerand, Petty, Wendt
1. Meeting called to order: 1:05
a. Updates and Announcements:
i. New Secretary of the Faculty: Steve Smith
ii. Report from Fair re Jason Vick introductory meeting
iii. Shared governance group met 7/7; release time (12 hours per year) agreed for governance activities by Classified Staff; discussion of Charter power plant
c. Discussion of topics for discussion with Ray Cross
2. Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration update: Darrell Bazzell
Reviewed 150 funds (Handout: “2013-14 Fund 150 Budget and Estimated Carryover Balancesâ€Â); goal of 10% of annual research expenditures (~$110m) in 150 as hedge; tuition dollars also set at max of 10% of operations (~$180m).
3. Provost Update: Paul DeLuca
a. Compliance (Handout: “Indirect Supervision/Coordination & Direct Oversightâ€Â): Non-financial compliance issues around teaching, learning, and research. New structure necessary, but cost should be low (VP + ~2 people + investigations if triggered + office person + contract work for database, webpage, etc.).
b. Enrollment: decrease in transfers.
c. Committees related to bullying and civility: UC informed provost of campus efforts and concern re language being used and how it relates to FP&P and faculty governance. Proposal: Thank committee for its work and turn it into a governance committee (out of HR). Provost will look into.
4. Chancellor Update: Rebecca Blank
Four-year graduation rate is about middle of peers; 6-year is better (at top of peers). MIU significantly helped with advising and that impact has likely not been completely felt yet. General sense from advisors: variety of valid and less valid reasons – major switch, study abroad, low tuition, uncertainty, no branding of classes, issues related to class and first-generation, and so on. Not just an advising issue; something to be more conscious of after learning more about.
5. UW System President: Ray Cross
Opening comments and context followed by Q&A discussion with committee.
6. Broman moved and Petty 2nd to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c), and (f) to discuss personnel matters: Committee Appointments. Motion passes 4:06 PM.
7. Farrar-Edwards moved and Wendt 2nd to reconvene in open session. Motion passes: 4:19 PM
8. Follow-up discussion on Cross visit
9. Meeting Adjourned: 4:29 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Steven K. Smith
Secretary of the Faculty