University Committee Meeting Minutes 2014-04-21
approved April 28, 2014
April 21, 2014
Present: Bernard-Donals, Farrar Edwards, Fair, Meyerand, Petty
Absent: None
1. Minutes of the meetings of April 13 & 14, 2014 (Document 130484). Two corrections were made to 4/14 minutes. The April 13 minutes were approved as distributed and April 14 minutes were approved as corrected.
2. Meeting convened in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c), and (f) to discuss personnel matters at 1:15 p.m.
3. Meeting reconvened in Open Session at 1:30p.m.
4. Dietram Scheufele presented highlights of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Integrated Tenure Case Criteria report.
Update on the committee is that it existed a year or so before this group started meeting. Charged to look at the bioscience div. comm. 2 things. Especially integrated case. Spelled out in report. 1) How changes to took place…looks like change took place per as laid out in fpp about what changes can be made within div. 2) they can get rid of intergrated case or get rid of because it overlaps with their outreach case. Or B) if decide not change need to communicatikng with chairs…establish guidelines for chairs. In writing establish early on just exactly what the metrics are. Don’t want cases where at the last minute switches to integrated case. In the long term may be the div chairs should together to talk through.
Possible FPP changes: If there are substantive changes that cut across divisions from divisions should be a practice to get to the senate for approval.
Dorothy sees integrated case as different from outreach case. Outreach cases are defined at the beginning of the appointment. There are very clear guidelines for an outreach case. “Outreach” is defined differently in Bioscience than in social science for example. Everything in the report refers to outreach as defined by bio sci.
Changes to fpp to facilitate uc to …coordination across divisions. May see more of this as research becomes more problem-focused. Chpr 4 changes and what happens with changes that get made within the divisions then don’t get reported. Need be reported out to senate and and the other divisions.
Mark…short term rec are really to the bioscience division. Communicate early and document early if they keep. Much more important that this be done with candidate right away. Can’t switch criteria on jr. faculty.
What problem is being solved. Chairs response was that without it we have a recruitment problem. RO1 V. No RO1. Issue. They think that a lot of deparment chairs don’t know how to write a successful clinical case. Clinical dept. chairs need a lot more coaching on how to write the letter.
1) Send report to bio and ask them what they are going to do.
2) Is there a need to bring this up to the faculty senate?
3) Divisional committee
Ask four divisions to come together to discuss this. Ask deitram to come to Senate to talk to the senate about it.
Send to chairs incoming out going to inform and bill ask division coordinator and chairs to meet to discuss.
Ask Bio to respond to the report in writing.
5. (2:00) VCR/DGS—University Committee
Consensus of people that mick talked to problems boil down to:
Warf gift
Reporting lines & duties of these positions
Fix one issue by saying the warf gift won’t change. “warf gift currently supports the following things. These allocations are made by faculty committees and will continue.
Governance---divisional representation. Fixable by a recommendation that says that assoc. deans divison represtanat which report (mike has in his draft).
Reporting lines….feelling that it’s all over the road. Is there some wisdom of having the VCRGE head of the grad school. Instead of dean of grad school, have dean of graduate education.
Mark had PVL outlined for both vcrdge dgs that he created.
VCR coordinates and strategies, the DGS implements
How WARF gift currently used would be a footnote in the report.
WARF allocations committee….mark sees this group covering other area beside the traditional gift that goes to the faculty. Next year UC might want to Revisions to FPP 6.553b. change so that there is transparency of how the WARF gift is used.
Need more language about why we need 2 positions….and the reason can’t be that we need a presence in Washington. In addition to numbers showing a downward trend. PLUS the funding environment has changed so much…more regulation, sequestration. Funding models are changing and graduate training mechanisms are shifting and changing.
6. (2:30) Chancellor Update
Public announcement of the Interim VC for Research by next Monday. The exact nature of the responsibilities and titles will depend on discussions with faculty. Start the 4th of august but get the title first of September.
Hearing with JOKR on Wed. Ray Cross and Becky testifying to legislature. If all goes well they will approve our HR flexibility plan (about 80% of what we wanted). Some statutes need to be changed legislatively. Can’t do merit pay without a leglislative action. Our design will make it and another package for everyone else.
Series of conversations with key stakeholders about professional school tuition and secondly, out of state tuition. 4 professional schools 4 yrs. Of phase in to get them up where they are at median level of parity with their peers. Argument she wants to make to the gov. is pthat she needs to spend more state dollars on wi ugrads.
Darthmouth pres. Speech on hazing and drinking on campus. Started a new alcohol training program…”” One of things that came out of the data was high levels of drinking in the dorms…so have changed the rules. Alos high rates in frats and soroties. We don’t have a lot control/authority. Want to gauge with them Greek community around hazing, rush involvement and formation of rules. ASM doesn’t want chance to talk directly to Greeks. ASM wants to appoint those who chance speaks with. Leadership of the Greek community is who needs be responsible for this.
Michael updated the chance on vcr issue; repeated his list of the main three themes. Deans have great power in our system. Grad School has about a 25 mil operation. This is bigger than some of our schools and colleges. New challenges in both areas demands are big enough to warrant two jobs. Grad school is one component of the research enterprise but there a lots of other components.
7. (3:00) VCR/DGS—Rich Townsend
Concerns with the working group report. Concerns that were expressed in astron. Dept. they can see the need to split the 2 positions but worried how was described in the report. Astron. Doesn’t fit very will with the vision that captures lots of revenue and patents etc. Astron. Is more grounded in basic research and graduate training. If there is really clean split between the tow and the vrc only concerned with funding …ast. will be pursueing that won’t be on the vrc’s radar. So by implication astro. Feels like tghey wont’ get a fair share.
Grad school…grad school doesn’t do a lot right now but it does recognize the importance of graduate education. Working group report outlined too subordinate a position to vcr. The question will the money continue and flowed through the vcr rather than the dgs. Need a mechanism to assure that the grad school monies don’t get choked off and funneled elsewhere.
Could see the split, especially with the idea of someone in Washington. Split it make it more likely the university a voice. Ast. More Concerned over framing and structure. Ast. Doesn’t really know what the grad school does other than the fall competition.
Role played by RSP---last concern. Would have liked to see rsp coming back up under more faculty oversight. Preaward very good. Post award is really a problem. Won’t let them buy computers. Rsp no longer helping departments but acting as their own police force.
Wiconsin idea wasn’t mentioned very much the in the document. Would helped to know that the changes were’nt going to lose mission of serving the people of Wisconsin.
Not so much detail as much as needs to be more specific. More clarity. MBD concludes…One of the principles of any structure that is adopted should be cleared through faculty governance. Grant Lay out principles and then the details be worked out with oversight.
8. (3:30) Transportation Services Program Changes—Casey Newman
Programmatic and rate changes for next year. In the process of consolidating down to 2 rates but do that have to go four then at the end of 6 years will have only 2 rates. Increases for next year. Some increases reflect the fact that some lots were’nt kept up well. All this has gone through the campus transportation committee. They have endorsed the changes but have not acknowledged the 6 year plan.
On line availability on website to see visitor parking availability. Gated have helped visitor find spaces and or capturing greater revenues from the in out traffic.
9. (3:45) Performance Management & Onboarding—Judith Burstyn
Shared governance hr committee. New empolyyee on boarding . Requirement for new onboarding; only limited part applies to faculty. Minimum program requirements. Units are going to develop their own pieces. Has to be some training through OHR department. Onboarding program requirements; must be in the first year. Limited applicability to student employees.
Performance management ….faculty become managers where they become responsible for performance management. Much more of an evaluation than an annual letter. Goal setting at the start of the employee; mid point feedback coaching coverstaion; mid way through each performance year thereafter. Summary evaluation.
Grant has had concerns from centers that this imposes way too much bureaucracy. Could be a check list. (bh ask steve for his list). Raises the floor of what is required to be more prescriptive. Michael …let’s get copies of the documents and perhaps revisit after reading.
10. (4:00) VCR/DGS—Past UC Chairs: Judith Burstyn, Murray Clayton, Brad Barham
What do we need to bear in mind…
Brad: Think hard about separating the position. Avoid a significant investment in new administrative staff. Make clear that the WARF $ is completely unharmed. Research Committee good and UW represented in the “big” research world. Why go away from a design that already
Judith: Not ever implemented the model that was implemented in 2009. Multiplicatoin of administrative effort. Could be a significant duplication of administrative structure in the face of need for increased research dollars. Real paranoia about the use of WARF money feel them draining away.
Murray: 1)case is not made that we are on the brink of a challenge. His thought is that we move really slowly before we wreck something that works. 2) Premises in the report a) VCR would have commitement to various roles; DGS have strong commitments and are they realistic and what happens if they are not met when separated.
Strong sense of the report unless there is additional funding. If true? Then it will fail because no new money. OR if new money what is to say that new money wouldn’t help make it better. Things that were said 4 yrs ago (forecasts) did not come true but are being said now, may not be actually come true now.
Things in the DeLuca report were not implemented…like the way RSP is funded.
Judith….doesn’t agree that the job is too big for one person. Can you find one person who can do both well? Whatever we do, can’t separate the two (research/education). Executive Deans in L&S is used as an example of way not separate (and CALS). VCR and one or 2 executive deans (research) (grad education). One person with a set of people who handle all the other functions.
Intertwine should not be broken up….brad.
WARF Board rewrote its charter to funding grad school to funding grad school and WID so some monies have been lost. See it as another way of siphoning off resources.
What is it that we are not doing now that we could do better.
Murray…slowly over time create top guy and the assistant guy..then the fleet of vice vices. Then break them apart.
(4:30) VCR/DGS—Thomas Broman cancelled
11. (5:00) Follow-up
Tuition….meet with Regents about shared governance before the June meeting. May be in June as a way of acculturation for new Regents. Need someone to talk about this from an administrative point of view. Mark though Guido did a great job of talking about the value of shared governance. Soyon also might have good things to say.
Rich Townsend….was very interesting someone who actually is in favor of the idea. Grant: Murray’s idea of doing things incrementally.
Grant: faculty oversight of the WARF gift. Make clear that the structure that the faculty committee be in charge of the WARF gift before it hits the VCR or the Deans Office.
Put a footnote on the warf gift that the committees with divisional representation set how the monies are distributed/allocated.
VCRGE is the ultimate leader of the Grad School Research Enterprise.
Total income slide and the arc downward on NIH good slides to have.
Looked some additional data from the vice chance for admin.
Mark led off with history piece.
The big question….is the chancellor going to fund the new positions! Adding increments on 101 salaries..a matter of 9ths.