Wisc Account Admin Site - Administer your domain using the REST API

This doc will explain how to gain access to the Wisc Account Administration site's REST API to administer your domain.

UW-Madison's Office 365 Team has created a REST API that allows domain administrators to programmatically administer their domain(s). To obtain credentials to access the API for your Office 365 domain:

    1. Navigate to https://email.wisc.edu/admin and select your domain. Click to open the "Domain Administration" menu on the left of the screen, and click on Domain Admin API. Next, click on Domain Admin API Credentials Request.

API Credential Request Page

    1. Fill in all required information and click Submit Credentials Request to request access to the domain administration API.

API Credential Request Form

Please Note: when requesting access to the Wisc Account Administration site's API, basic familiarity with using a REST API is expected. Support is limited to clarification of the API's methods and responding to bug and feedback requests. Utilization of access credentials will also be monitored.

wisc account admin microsoft 365 m365 o365 office rest api domain administration request 
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WAA S. in Wisc Account Admin
DoIT Help Desk, Microsoft 365, Wisc Account Admin