Academic Staff Assembly Minutes 02-08-16
Approved 3-14-16
Provost Sarah Mangelsdorf called the meeting to order at 3:32 p.m.
Automatic Consent: The Academic Staff Assembly minutes of Monday, December 14, 2015, were approved.
Guest: Elizabeth Foste, President-Elect of Madison Academic Staff Association.
Elizabeth reported on the spring activities of the Madison Academic Staff Association. They include: Native American Tribes of Wisconsin brownbag discussion on Feb 24 from 12-1 in Union South; Nuclear Reactor Tour in March; Wisconsin Legislative Redistricting brownbag on April 12 from 12-1 in Union South; and MASA Annual Luncheon with Diana Hess, Dean of the School of Education on May 9 from 11:30-1 at the University Club. The cost to join the Madison Academic Staff Association is $10.
Standing Committee and Other Reports
Academic Staff Executive Committee (ASEC) – Kevin Niemi, Vice Chair of ASEC, announced that the Vice Chancellor for University Relations finalists will give public presentations during their visits to campus. The presentations are from 10:45-12:15 am in Union South. The dates are Feb. 16 for Charles Hoslet, Feb. 22 for Brent Colburn and Feb. 23 for Richie Hunter. The survey for the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration Search and Screen Committee is open until Wed., Feb. 10 at noon for those interested in participating. The WPRI (Wisconsin Policy Research Institute), a think tank supported by the Bradley Foundation sent out a survey to instructional academic staff last Thursday. There is no link between this survey and UW-Madison or UW System, and participation is voluntary. Due to the efforts of ASPRO, ASEC and UW-Madison representatives on the Tenure Task Force, academic staff are now included as part of the program discontinuation process in new UW System draft policies on financial emergency and program discontinuance. Lastly, the University Committee (executive committee of the Faculty Senate), University Staff Executive Committee, and Academic Staff Executive Committee have been working on draft language for a new shared governance committee on the budget.
Ad Hoc Committee on Assembly Engagement - Tim Markle, chair of the Ad Hoc Committee on Assembly Engagement, reported that all Assembly representatives and alternates should have received a short survey from the Ad Hoc Committee on Assembly Engagement. He encouraged everyone to take the survey, which will close on Wed, Feb 17 at noon.
Academic Staff Professionals Representation Organization (ASPRO) – Board member Kevin Niemi reported that the bills relating to fetal tissue research, changes to the retirement system and campus carry legislation will likely not be passed during this session. Both the Assembly and Senate are trying to finish up business in the next 3-4 weeks. There have been 470 bills introduced since January 1. ASPRO will be holding a introductory session on Tuesday, February 23, from 12-1 in 1360 Genetics/Biotechnology Center. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Report from Ad Hoc Committee on Selection of Committee Appointments/Nominations by ASEC
Jim Rogers, chair of the Ad Hoc Committee on Selection of Committee Appointments/Nominations by ASEC reported that this ad hoc committee was charged to develop criteria for ASEC to use in the selection of individuals for nominations and appointments (search and screen committees and ad hoc committees). ASEC will continue to send out surveys to collect nominations when they receive requests for committee nominations and appointments. The survey has been altered so the candidate will see the exact questions they will be evaluated on. ASEC will then use these criteria in making their selections.
Report from Ad Hoc Committee on Instructional Titles
Mark Connolly, chair of the Ad Hoc Committee on Instructional Titles, reported on the process undertaken by the Ad Hoc Committee on Instructional Titles. The current titles have hindered recruitment of academic staff, and many academic staff with these titles feel deprofessionalized and marginalized. The committee researched attempts at UW-Madison to change instructional titles. They then examined the titling practices at 26 different institutions and then did a closer study of 4 of the Big Ten institutions with titles similar to the ones the committee felt would be most appropriate here. The committee recommended adding a teaching professor title series and modifying the lecturer and faculty associate titles.
Standing Committees Annual Reports
The 2014-15 annual reports for the Communications Committee, Districting and Representation Committee and Personnel Policies and Procedures Committee were distributed with the Assembly materials. There were no questions on these reports.
ASEC Committee Slate
Tom Browne, co-chair of the Nominating Committee, presented the ASEC slate to the Assembly.
ASPP Changes-Chapter 11
Bruno Browning (ASEC) moved approval of the changes to ASPP Chapter 11. Seconded. Approved.
Resolution in Recognition of Darrell Bazzell
Michael Moscicke (ASEC) moved approval of the Resolution in Recognition of Darrell Bazzell. Seconded. Approved.
Standing Committee Slates
Tom Browne, co-chair of the Nominating Committee, read the names of the committee slates for the Communications Committee, Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee, Districting and Representation Committee, Mentoring Committee, Personnel Policies and Procedures Committee, and the Professional Development and Recognition Committee. He asked for nominees from the floor after each slate was presented. Deb Brauer was nominated from the floor for the Personnel Policies and Procedures Committee.
Nominating Committee Slate
Kevin Niemi, vice chair of ASEC, read the names on the Nominating Committee slate. No nominations were added from the floor.
Discussion of ASEC Term Limits
Tom Browne, co-chair of the Nominating Committee, presented information regarding a possible change to ASPP regarding the number of terms an ASEC member can serve. The current policy does not address what to do with partial terms that people are elected to. The Nominating Committee proposes the language be added that would allow people who are elected to partial terms of up to two years to serve two full three-year terms.
Provost Report
Provost reported that the Chancellor plans to appoint an interim for Darrell Bazzell’s position. A search and screen committee will be appointed quickly.
The Education Committee of the Board of Regents reviewed and approved the policies for tenure, post-tenure review, and program discontinuance and financial emergencies. The full board is expected to take action of these policies at their March meeting. The Provost believes that the policies at UW-Madison will be very similar to policies at our peers.
Adjourned at 4:31 pm.
Minutes submitted by Heather Daniels, Secretary of the Academic Staff
272 Bascom Hall
Monday, February 8, 2016
3:30 to 5:00 p.m.
272 Bascom Hall
Monday, February 8, 2016
3:30 to 5:00 p.m.
Provost Sarah Mangelsdorf called the meeting to order at 3:32 p.m.
Automatic Consent: The Academic Staff Assembly minutes of Monday, December 14, 2015, were approved.
Guest: Elizabeth Foste, President-Elect of Madison Academic Staff Association.
Elizabeth reported on the spring activities of the Madison Academic Staff Association. They include: Native American Tribes of Wisconsin brownbag discussion on Feb 24 from 12-1 in Union South; Nuclear Reactor Tour in March; Wisconsin Legislative Redistricting brownbag on April 12 from 12-1 in Union South; and MASA Annual Luncheon with Diana Hess, Dean of the School of Education on May 9 from 11:30-1 at the University Club. The cost to join the Madison Academic Staff Association is $10.
Standing Committee and Other Reports
Academic Staff Executive Committee (ASEC) – Kevin Niemi, Vice Chair of ASEC, announced that the Vice Chancellor for University Relations finalists will give public presentations during their visits to campus. The presentations are from 10:45-12:15 am in Union South. The dates are Feb. 16 for Charles Hoslet, Feb. 22 for Brent Colburn and Feb. 23 for Richie Hunter. The survey for the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration Search and Screen Committee is open until Wed., Feb. 10 at noon for those interested in participating. The WPRI (Wisconsin Policy Research Institute), a think tank supported by the Bradley Foundation sent out a survey to instructional academic staff last Thursday. There is no link between this survey and UW-Madison or UW System, and participation is voluntary. Due to the efforts of ASPRO, ASEC and UW-Madison representatives on the Tenure Task Force, academic staff are now included as part of the program discontinuation process in new UW System draft policies on financial emergency and program discontinuance. Lastly, the University Committee (executive committee of the Faculty Senate), University Staff Executive Committee, and Academic Staff Executive Committee have been working on draft language for a new shared governance committee on the budget.
Ad Hoc Committee on Assembly Engagement - Tim Markle, chair of the Ad Hoc Committee on Assembly Engagement, reported that all Assembly representatives and alternates should have received a short survey from the Ad Hoc Committee on Assembly Engagement. He encouraged everyone to take the survey, which will close on Wed, Feb 17 at noon.
Academic Staff Professionals Representation Organization (ASPRO) – Board member Kevin Niemi reported that the bills relating to fetal tissue research, changes to the retirement system and campus carry legislation will likely not be passed during this session. Both the Assembly and Senate are trying to finish up business in the next 3-4 weeks. There have been 470 bills introduced since January 1. ASPRO will be holding a introductory session on Tuesday, February 23, from 12-1 in 1360 Genetics/Biotechnology Center. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Report from Ad Hoc Committee on Selection of Committee Appointments/Nominations by ASEC
Jim Rogers, chair of the Ad Hoc Committee on Selection of Committee Appointments/Nominations by ASEC reported that this ad hoc committee was charged to develop criteria for ASEC to use in the selection of individuals for nominations and appointments (search and screen committees and ad hoc committees). ASEC will continue to send out surveys to collect nominations when they receive requests for committee nominations and appointments. The survey has been altered so the candidate will see the exact questions they will be evaluated on. ASEC will then use these criteria in making their selections.
Report from Ad Hoc Committee on Instructional Titles
Mark Connolly, chair of the Ad Hoc Committee on Instructional Titles, reported on the process undertaken by the Ad Hoc Committee on Instructional Titles. The current titles have hindered recruitment of academic staff, and many academic staff with these titles feel deprofessionalized and marginalized. The committee researched attempts at UW-Madison to change instructional titles. They then examined the titling practices at 26 different institutions and then did a closer study of 4 of the Big Ten institutions with titles similar to the ones the committee felt would be most appropriate here. The committee recommended adding a teaching professor title series and modifying the lecturer and faculty associate titles.
Standing Committees Annual Reports
The 2014-15 annual reports for the Communications Committee, Districting and Representation Committee and Personnel Policies and Procedures Committee were distributed with the Assembly materials. There were no questions on these reports.
ASEC Committee Slate
Tom Browne, co-chair of the Nominating Committee, presented the ASEC slate to the Assembly.
ASPP Changes-Chapter 11
Bruno Browning (ASEC) moved approval of the changes to ASPP Chapter 11. Seconded. Approved.
Resolution in Recognition of Darrell Bazzell
Michael Moscicke (ASEC) moved approval of the Resolution in Recognition of Darrell Bazzell. Seconded. Approved.
Standing Committee Slates
Tom Browne, co-chair of the Nominating Committee, read the names of the committee slates for the Communications Committee, Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee, Districting and Representation Committee, Mentoring Committee, Personnel Policies and Procedures Committee, and the Professional Development and Recognition Committee. He asked for nominees from the floor after each slate was presented. Deb Brauer was nominated from the floor for the Personnel Policies and Procedures Committee.
Nominating Committee Slate
Kevin Niemi, vice chair of ASEC, read the names on the Nominating Committee slate. No nominations were added from the floor.
Discussion of ASEC Term Limits
Tom Browne, co-chair of the Nominating Committee, presented information regarding a possible change to ASPP regarding the number of terms an ASEC member can serve. The current policy does not address what to do with partial terms that people are elected to. The Nominating Committee proposes the language be added that would allow people who are elected to partial terms of up to two years to serve two full three-year terms.
Provost Report
Provost reported that the Chancellor plans to appoint an interim for Darrell Bazzell’s position. A search and screen committee will be appointed quickly.
The Education Committee of the Board of Regents reviewed and approved the policies for tenure, post-tenure review, and program discontinuance and financial emergencies. The full board is expected to take action of these policies at their March meeting. The Provost believes that the policies at UW-Madison will be very similar to policies at our peers.
Adjourned at 4:31 pm.
Minutes submitted by Heather Daniels, Secretary of the Academic Staff