Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 03-10-16

Approved 3-24-16
ASEC Minutes
2:00 – 4:30 p.m. Thursday, March 10, 2016
67 Bascom Hall

Members Present:  Bruno Browning; Aaron Crandall; Trish Iaccarino; Sarah Kuba; Michael Moscicke; Heather McFadden, Chair; Kevin Niemi

Guests: Jackie Hank, Diana Hess, Jake Smith

The meeting was called to order at 2:03 p.m.

The minutes of March 3, 2016, were approved.

General Reports
•    Chair Heather McFadden reported the Faculty Senate delayed endorsing a resolution to create an open access policy.  There was also much discussion about the Children in the Workplace policy.  There were suggestions regarding changes to the University Research Council.  The first reading of the new budget committee was postponed until April so the University Committee can consult with the interim Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration.  There was no discussion on the shared governance statement.  
•    Secretary of the Academic Staff Heather Daniels reported there have been more than 1,000 votes cast this year for ASEC.  Preliminary dates are available for the finalists for the Dean of Nursing position.  The subcommittee on Assembly orientation met on Monday.  Their proposal is to hold orientation activities for the Assembly in three parts.  The first meeting in August would be for new representatives only.  This session would cover structure of shared governance, how to be an an effective representative, and a panel of reps.  On the day of the first Assembly meeting, anyone who would like to arrive 30 minutes prior to the meeting will be given a brief presentation regarding the set up in the room and various positions involved.  They will also have the opportunity to hear what they sound like in the microphone.  In late September or October, there would be a skills session that includes a Robert’s Rules demonstration and mock exercise in writing resolutions and motions.  A small group of Assembly representatives would organize the August event and the pre-Assembly session.  

Liaison Reports
•    Board of Regents-Michael Moscicke reported that the Board of Regents passed the three policies relating to tenure.  They passed an amendment to mention academic and university staff separately for the policy on program discontinuation.  
•    Academic Staff Representatives-Kevin Niemi reported that Shenita Brokenburr will be coming to discuss job security for academic staff at the reps meeting tomorrow.  


•    April Assembly Agenda
ASEC reviewed the Assembly agenda for April.  There are four different voting items including two ASPP changes on election ties and appointment types as well as the Shared Governance Values Statement and AAU survey resolution.  The Chancellor will also address the Assembly.  
•    ASM Meyerhoff Award Selection Committee
Motion to appoint Benjamin Duval for this committee (Kuba).  Seconded.  Approved.
•    Academic Staff Chats for 2016-17
ASEC brainstormed topics for academic staff chats next year.  Ideas include performance evaluations (giving and receiving-possibly two topics); promotions; job Security; budget (how to get involved in the process); professional development; understanding your grant funding/preparing your grant budgets; instructional technology in the classroom; social media for your department/lab/unit, etc., technology for research, and how to advocate for yourself professionally with limited resources
•    Survey on academic staff governance priorities
ASEC decided to conduct this survey every three years or so rather than every year.  A survey will not be developed and distributed this year.  

Guest: Diana Hess, Dean of School of Education
Since starting her new position, Diana has been working on getting a better understanding of the breadth of the school and how it works.  There are three parts to the school: health, educational sciences and the arts.  UW-Madison is the only School of Education with this particular configuration of disciplines.  In addition to the academic departments, there are research centers and libraries, which are part of the school.  Childcare centers apart from those in the Waisman Center and School of Human Ecology also reports to the School of Education.  

She spoke about the problem of compensating academic staff adequately.  There are not enough resources coming from central campus to do this and many units need to figure out how to give raises to staff without money from central campus.  She would like to get data on how staff salaries compare to other institutions and internally.  

The School of Education has academic staff on their Academic Planning Committee.  They are planning to triple the number of academic staff on this committee.  

Guest: Jackie Hank, Athletic Board academic staff member

Jackie reported that the process for hiring the men’s basketball coach was similar to the recommendations that were established in the policies and procedures for the Athletic Board.  A subcommittee was formed well before the PVL was listed.  The subcommittee knew the PVL was being released and were able to see a draft of it.  The subcommittee met with Barry Alvarez twice during the process.  The finalist Greg Gard met with the hiring subcommittee so they could assess his qualification regarding student welfare and compliance.  

Meeting adjourned at 4:27 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Heather Daniels, Secretary of the Academic Staff

ASEC Minutes 
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff