Until it is in CPAN, put it in the box location above and created this doc.
Code (and POD), as of the version mentioned at the top of the code, may not be current:
In your config.yml
logger: log4perl
log: core
config_file: log4perl.conf
In your log4perl.conf
log4perl.rootLogger = DEBUG, LOG1
log4perl.appender.LOG1 = Log::Log4perl::Appender::File
log4perl.appender.LOG1.filename = /var/log/mylog.log
log4perl.appender.LOG1.mode = append
log4perl.appender.LOG1.layout = Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout
log4perl.appender.LOG1.layout.ConversionPattern = %d %p %m %n
This class is an interface between Dancer's logging engine abstraction layer and the Log::Log4perl library. In order to use it, you have to set the logger
engine to log4perl
Dancer's core
level messages are passed to Log4perl as level trace
but will not be passed unless Dancer's log
config is core
should be set a lower priority than the lowest priority as set in your Log4perl configuration. If it isn't, Dancer::Logger::Abstract will not pass the message to Log4perl.
If you don't specify config_file
then Log4perl will easy init with the appropriate log level, as specified by Dancer2.
- config_file
You can specify the log4perl configuration file using the
option:logger: log4perl engines: logger: log4perl: config_file: log4perl.conf
- config_watch_interval
You can optionally specify the watch interval, either in seconds or as 'HUP':
logger: log4perl engines: logger: log4perl: config_file: log4perl.conf config_watch_interval: 30
package Dancer2::Logger::Log4perl; $Dancer2::Logger::Log4perl::VERSION = '0.02'; use Log::Log4perl qw( :easy ); use Moo; use Dancer2::Core::Types; with 'Dancer2::Core::Role::Logger'; has config_file => ( is => 'ro', isa => ReadableFilePath, ); has config_watch_interval => ( is => 'ro', isa => sub { my $config_watch_interval = shift; # Can either be 'HUP' or a number Str->( $config_watch_interval ); if( $config_watch_interval eq 'HUP' ) { return; } else { Num->( $config_watch_interval ); } }, ); sub _initialize_log4perl { my $self = shift; # If config_file is defined, then use that if( defined $self->config_file ) { # ...optionally with the watch interval if( defined $self->config_watch_interval ) { Log::Log4perl->init_and_watch( $self->config_file, $self->config_watch_interval ); } else { Log::Log4perl->init( $self->config_file ); } } # Otherwise we'll easy init with the appropriate log level else { my $log_level_mapping = { 'error' => $ERROR, 'warn' => $WARN, 'warning' => $WARN, 'info' => $INFO, 'debug' => $DEBUG, 'trace' => $TRACE, 'core' => $TRACE, }; Log::Log4perl->easy_init( $log_level_mapping->{ $self->log_level } ); } } sub log { my ( $self, $level, $message ) = @_; # Need to initialize Log4perl if it isn't yet if( !Log::Log4perl->initialized() ) { $self->_initialize_log4perl(); } # Need to convert Dancer2 log levels to Log4perl levels $level = 'warn' if $level eq 'warning'; $level = 'trace' if $level eq 'core'; # Couldn't get $Log::Log4perl::caller_depth to work Log::Log4perl->get_logger( scalar caller(4) )->$level( $message ); } 1; __END__ =head1 SYNOPSIS In your config.yml logger: log4perl log: core engines: logger: log4perl: config_file: log4perl.conf In your log4perl.conf log4perl.rootLogger = DEBUG, LOG1 log4perl.appender.LOG1 = Log::Log4perl::Appender::File log4perl.appender.LOG1.filename = /var/log/mylog.log log4perl.appender.LOG1.mode = append log4perl.appender.LOG1.layout = Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout log4perl.appender.LOG1.layout.ConversionPattern = %d %p %m %n =head1 DESCRIPTION This class is an interface between L<Dancer>'s logging engine abstraction layer and the L<Log::Log4perl> library. In order to use it, you have to set the C<logger> engine to C<log4perl>. L<Dancer>'s C<core> level messages are passed to L<Log4perl> as level C<trace> but will not be passed unless L<Dancer>'s C<log> config is C<core>. C<log> should be set a lower priority than the lowest priority as set in your L<Log4perl> configuration. If it isn't, L<Dancer::Logger::Abstract> will not pass the message to L<Log4perl>. =head1 CONFIGURATION If you don't specify C<config_file> then Log4perl will easy init with the appropriate log level, as specified by Dancer2. =over =item B<< config_file >> You can specify the log4perl configuration file using the C<config_file> option: logger: log4perl engines: logger: log4perl: config_file: log4perl.conf =item B<< config_watch_interval >> You can optionally specify the watch interval, either in seconds or as 'HUP': logger: log4perl engines: logger: log4perl: config_file: log4perl.conf config_watch_interval: 30 =back