UWMSN - JEMS Hire - Summer Appointments

This KB document explains summer appointments including how to set up summer appointments, when the Summer Hire function can be used, and how to pay lump sum payments to current employees for summer appointments.
  • This document applies only to UW-Madison. Users from other campuses should refer to documentation intended for their campuses.

Procedure At a Glance

Category: Summer Appointments
Audience: HR and Payroll professionals who hire and manage summer appointments
Overarching Process: Overview of hiring summer appointments (summer service and summer session)


NOTE:   There is also a To the Top link at the end of each section.


This KB covers:

  • How to add summer appointments into JEMS using the Summer Hire function
  • When to use JEMS Summer Hire function
  • How to add lump sum payment information to summer appointments

    Key Terms

    Here is a list of key terms that may be used with managing summer appointments:

    • Academic Year Employees - also known as C basis or C pay basis - employees paid on a 9-month contract.
    • Summer Service - separate Research/Other job during the summer for employees who hold a C basis position during the academic year or are hired from outside the university only for summer employment.
    • Summer Session - separate Teaching job during the summer for employees who hold a C basis position during the academic year or are hired from outside the university only for summer employment.
    • Expected Job End Date (EJED) - the last day the employee is in pay status in a job.
    • Short Work Break - Academic Year Jobs expected to continue in the fall are placed on Short Work Break through a batch process run by UW Shared Services at the end of the contract year. This makes their payroll status on that job inactive until the start of the fall contract.
    • Return from Short Work Break - Academic Year Jobs that are renewable positions are returned from Short Work Break on the first day of the fall contract through a batch process run by UW Shared Services. This returns the payroll status of that job to active.
    • Auto Termination - a nightly process that automatically adds a termination row to a job (with an EJED) with an effective date of one day after the EJED.

     To the top

      Frequently Asked Questions

    What is a Summer Appointment?

    • A summer appointment is a separate appointment for employees who are C basis employees during the academic year; or for a person from outside the university whose appointment falls outside the academic year (i.e., dates between late May to late August).

    What is the Summer Hire function and when can it be used?

    • The Summer Hire function can be used when hiring someone who has an active C-Basis appointment that will work over the summer. The continuity code of the active C-Basis appointment must be either renewable or terminal with the EJED being after the end of the current academic year. The C-Basis job also cannot have any change in job title, rate of pay, and department.

    What if the employee being hired does not meet the requirements to use the Summer Hire function?

    The JEMS Hire/Transfer function should be used.

    Can employees hold multiple summer appointments?

    • Yes, employees can hold multiple summer appointments. Divisions should monitor multiple appointments to ensure the employee is not in overload status or exceeding their academic year salary equal to 6.5 biweekly pay periods for the summer.

    When are PVL waivers required for hiring?

    • A waiver is required when the employee does not have an active C-Basis job in HRS, or the summer job is in a different department, or the rate of pay or job code are different.

    What appointments are eligible for a summer lump sum payment?

    • Divisions have the option to pay current C-Basis faculty, academic staff, and limited appointments a lump sum instead of by FTE on summer session (SS) or summer service (SV) pay basis, and that amount will be included when calculating the limits on the total amount available to pay C-basis employees in the summer. If you want to pay a lump sum in the summer instead of by FTE, the appointment must be created through the JEMS Hire/Transfer function.

    Is there a policy on Summer Appointments for C-Basis employees?

    Are there benefits to using lump sum versus paying based on FTE?

    • It may be helpful if there is a need to have the lump sum payment amount rather than FTE payment amount. Most appointments will continue to be hired using Summer Hire.

    To the top

    Procedural Steps

    Processing a Summer Appointment Using the Summer Hire Function

    Processing a Summer Appointment using the Summer Hire function.

    Step 1

    A) Access the Summer Hire Function through the JEMS Hire System

    JEMS Menu Summer Hire Button

    Step 2

    A) Search for person using Empl ID and click search
    B) Select the record to use
    C) Enter pay basis
    D) Click add hire

    Summer Find/Add Hire tab

    Step 3

    A) On the Position Tab - Fill in FTE

    Summer Hire Position tab FTE field

    Step 4

    A) Enter effective date
    B) Enter EJED

    Summer Hire Job tab date fields

    Step 5

    A) Enter HR Contact information

    Summer Hire HR Contact tab

    Step 6

    A) Once Step 5 is complete it is time to choose one of the following actions:
    - Submit - submit the form for divisional approval (if department)
    - Approve - approve summer hire (if your position is responsible for approving summer help)
    - Send to HRS - push data to HRS


    Hire Processing for a new C-Basis employee hired to start in the fall but will begin working prior to the appointment start date

    These steps should be used when a new employee has been hired for a fall appointment, but will start prior to the appointment start date. These steps should be followed if the hire is not yet in HRS.

    Steps for Academic New Hire Working in the Summer
      Step System
    1 Check the PVL to make sure the Assured Consideration Date has passed. PVL
    2 Create the C-Basis job first, using the same effective (hire) date as the intended summer position
    JEMS Hire/Transfer
    3 Division manually places the employee's C-Basis job on a short work break with the same effective date as the hire, with a sequenced row = 1.

    4 Create a PVL waiver for the summer job using waiver reason Summer Service or Summer Session
    5 Once OHR approved, complete summer hire in JEMS Hire/Transfer function JEMS Hire/Transfer

    When summer employment for a new fall hire is unknown, OHR asks that you wait to enter the fall appointment until 60 days prior to the start of the fall semester, if feasible. This will give units time to consider summer appointment needs. Consult with OHR in extenuating circumstances.


    Steps to take if a person is hired for fall and hire has already been made in HRS

    These steps should be used when a new employee has been hired for a fall appointment, but will start prior to the appointment start date, and the appointment is already in HRS.

    Fall Hire Working in the Summer
      Step System
    1 If the C-Basis job was entered before the summer start was known, contact UW Shared Services (UWSS) to change the start date of the job to match the start date of the summer job. UWSS will automatically place the job on short work break. HRS
    2 Create PVL waiver for the summer job. Select waiver reason 'Summer Session' or 'Summer Service.'
    3 Complete the summer hire using JEMS - Hire/Transfer function.
    JEMS - Hire/Transfer


    Steps to take when an individual will work multiple summer appointments

    Steps for Setting up Multiple Summer Appointments for a Person

    1. Always enter the appointment with the earlier effective date first.
    2. Create separate Employment records (Empl Rcds) for each appointment.

    Steps for Adding Lump Sum Payments

    Follow these steps when hiring a current C-Basis employee on a lump sum instead of by FTE. The appointment must be set up using the JEMS Hire/Transfer function within the JEMS Hire system. Note: Lump sums cannot be used if an employee must record hours for effort reporting.

    Step 1

    A) Access the Hire/Transfer feature through the JEMS Hire System

    JEMS Menu Hire/Transfer button

    Step 2

    A) Search for person using Empl ID and click search B) Select the Recruitment Type: No associated PVL/Waiver

    JEMS Find/Add Hire tab

    Step 3

    A) The Person and Person Contact tabs need to be completed per normal JEMS Hire.
    B) The Position tab need to be completed. Fill in the FTE as 0 and the Continuity as 02A.
    C) All the other fields on the Position tab should be filled in to match the hiring information.

    JEMS Position tab

    Step 4

    A) Complete the Job tab (The effective date and expected end date must fall within the summer calendar.)
    B) The Additional Pay/Lump Sum field should be filled in with the proposed amount of the lump sum (This information does not push to HRS - Once approved, the payment should be set up in Additional Pay in HRS).
    C) The pay basis must be Summer Session (SS) or Summer Service (SV).
    D) The comp rate must be $0 since you are paying a lump sum payment.

    JEMS Job tab

    Step 5

    A) Complete the remaining JEMS tabs and send the hire to HRS. Once the appointment is in HRS, the Additional Pay must be entered by the Division into HRS.

    Additional Considerations for Lump Sum Payments

    When adding Additional Pay, choose the correct employment record (Not C Basis empl record).
    FAASLI Lump earnings code = LWR (Use this when FTE <1.0).
    Effective date = beginning of the pay period or if they were hired mid-pay period, use the hire effective date.
    Expected End Date = expected last day of the summer appointment.

     Additional Resources

    summer appointments, lump sum, JEMS, JEMS HIRE Summer Help, 2/9ths policy, cbasis appointments, PVL Waiver, jemshire 
    Doc ID:
    Owned by:
    Caitlin R. in HR COP
    HR Communities of Practice