PUBLIC - (System) - Install Oshkosh Font

For Alma Print Slip
Kristjan created this font deployment in SCCM. It is available in the software center:
Click Start menu and type Software Center
Under Applications, click LTG Fonts
Deployed to all Tier 2s
Installs Oshkosh and 3of9 Barcode Font
6/21 The deployment is fixed
File is also available in the Y: Drive under "Oshkosh Font" 

For information on the Alma Print Slip Fonts, see :

Font Required:Oshkosh
Here is the file:    oshkosh.ttf

For automated installation: (instructions for IT staff)

//deploy Oshkosh fonts for backward Alma labels

xcopy /y /s "…oshkosh.ttf" "c:\windows\fonts"

reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts" /v "Oshkosh (TrueType)" /t REG_SZ /d oshkosh.ttf /f

Manual installation: (only for machines managed by LTG, KMEMxxxx, SMEMxxxx for example) 

1. Download the file (there is a TEM task to push this to a LTG workstation , then reboot.)
2. Navigate to where it is downloaded
3. Right click the file and left click "Install"
4. After installing, reboot the machine


Keywordsalma print slip,resource sharing shipping slip letter,customize letters,pick slips, backwards, font, alma, print, slip, oshkosh, 3of9, barcode   Doc ID64205
OwnerKatie S.GroupUWLSS
Created2016-06-17 13:27:09Updated2024-08-02 11:37:12
SitesUW Libraries Shared Systems, UW-Madison Libraries
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