Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 07-07-16

Approved 7-21-16
ASEC Minutes
2:00 – 4:30 p.m. Thursday, July 7, 2016
67 Bascom Hall

Members Present:  Bruno Browning; Jenny Dahlberg; Sarah Kuba; Heather McFadden; Michael Moscicke; Robert Newsom; Kevin Niemi, Chair; Deb Shapiro

Guests: Tom Browne, Barb Gerloff, Sarah Mangelsdorf

The meeting was called to order at 2:01 p.m.

The minutes of June 23, 2016, were approved.

General Reports
•    Chair Kevin Niemi discussed the annual priorities planning sessions and proposed the notion of having sessions every 2-3 years for academic staff governance strategic planning, with the alternating years serving as networking/check-in sessions. The idea would be to take last year’s document as a starting point to measure current progress during a half-day session in August. ASEC agreed with this idea but also wanted to ensure that the chairs of standing committees retain their own agency in setting the agenda for their committee’s activities. Kevin will contact the chairs and get their thoughts on this new schedule. ASEC also plans to involve the Assembly again, as was the case last year.

Kevin also reported on his meeting with Michael Bernard-Donals. They discussed performance management information going to faculty supervisors. Michael will also be sharing data with ASEC in the future on job security at other Big 10 institutions, as well as attrition data and possible comparison data with the WISELI survey. The Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE) has published data on why faculty depart from institutions, and Michael would like to see similar data for academic staff.

•    Secretary of the Academic Staff Heather Daniels reported that the Chancellor is scheduled to meet with both ASEC and the Academic Staff Assembly twice in the upcoming year. She has been asked to participate in interviews for a new consultant in the Employee Assistance Office.  Charles LaTorre is leaving the office at the end of this month.  Changes to UWS 11 that were made because of Title IX will take effect on July 1.  
Heather D. and Jake have completed as much work as is possible for now on the new committee database.

Heather D. will submit a request to the provost to cover the salary of researchers who are 100% on sponsored funds and want to serve on the Academic Staff Appeals Committee but do not have non-sponsored funds to cover their effort. The aim would be to ensure that appeals regarding individuals in the research field, as well as research misconduct appeals, are heard by people with direct experience in research.

Guest: Sarah Mangelsdorf, Provost

Provost Mangelsdorf gave an update on the academic calendar, focusing on the changes to 9-month appointment contracts to begin and end 1 week earlier, enabling summer session teaching without having to have overload appointments. She mentioned wanting to have a discussion about the report and the possible changes in the Academic Staff Assembly. They will be voted on in the Faculty Senate.

The Provost indicated that there was no update on how much UW System would request in their budget request, which will be presented to the Board of Regents in August.

Provost Mangelsdorf was informed by Mark Walters and Bob Golden that SMPH HR was working through the backlog of salary adjustment requests and that the school did communicate this to staff. ASEC informed the Provost that they also sent a follow-up communication providing further details and clarification. Heather D. will send the Provost copies of the communications.

Provost Mangelsdorf also discussed the potential compensation plan for faculty and staff in the upcoming year, but the figures have not been finalized. There will be two separate funds for faculty and staff.

Guests: Tom Browne, Nominating Committee Co-Chair, and Barb Gerloff, Appeals Committee Chair

Tom discussed the process for recruiting for the Academic Staff Appeals Committee. The Nominating Committee wants to understand the concerns with having senior-level members of Human Resources serve on the committee, so that they can provide an explanation to the candidates. ASEC discussed the question of language around this issue. There is an issue of potential conflicts of interest with senior-level individuals being put on the committee, due to issues of networking between HR people, as well as maintaining the integrity of the process to avoid perceptions of conflicts. There is also the notion that those same HR personnel are those who often speak on the University’s behalf during appeals proceedings. ASEC agreed to draft a policy on this, and the language would be included with the committee description on the academic staff website.  

•    RFP Language for Titling and Total Compensation Study
ASEC finalized their feedback on the RFP and ranked the evaluative criteria for the selection of a vendor.
•    Charge for Category B Ad Hoc Committee
ASEC finalized the charge for this committee. An invitation will be sent to all academic staff. The membership will include 1 member from the Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee
•    Resolution on Budget for Fall Assembly Meetings
ASEC made further changes to the resolution, which will be on the September Assembly Agenda.
•    Results of Assembly Survey
Based on the results of the survey, the Secretary’s office’s current practice of having paper copies of documents and cover sheets will continue.
•    Liaison Assignments
ASEC made liaison assignments to Assembly standing committees, campus-wide committees, and other governance committees.
•    Assembly Statistics
ASEC reviewed the number of district e-mails sent by representatives, as well as representative attendance figures for the previous year. Heather D. will send results to the former members of the Ad Hoc Committee on Academic Staff Assembly Engagement.

Motion to convene in Closed Session Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c), and (f) to discuss appointments to Search and Screen Committees for the Chief of Police and Director of Human Resources, Campus Planning Committee and University Academic Planning Council, and the Memorial Library Committee (Browning). Seconded. Approved.

Motion to Convene in Open Session (Newsom). Seconded. Approved.

•    Nominations/Appointments

Motion to appoint Deb Shapiro as the ASEC representative to the UAPC (Browning). Seconded. Approved.
Motion to appoint Aaron Crandall as the ASEC representative to the Campus Planning Committee (Newsom). Seconded. Approved.
Motion to appoint Sharon Gehl to the Director of Human Resources Search and Screen Committee (Shapiro). Seconded. Approved.
Motion to appoint Derrian Jones to the Chief of Police Search and Screen Committee (Browning). Seconded. Approved.
Motion to appoint Ryan Engel to the Memorial Library Committee (Shapiro). Seconded. Approved.

Meeting adjourned at 4:35 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Jake Smith, Deputy Secretary of the Academic Staff

ASEC Minutes 
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff