AWS - Closing an AWS Account

Closing an AWS Account

To close an AWS account, contact

Please note that your monthly usage of AWS services is calculated and billed during the following month. If you have used AWS services this month, you will receive a bill at the  following month for usage that occurred prior to your account termination. If you own a Reserved Instance for which you have elected to pay in monthly installments, you will continue to be billed your monthly recurring payment (after account termination) until the Reserved Instance is sold on the Reserved Instance Marketplace or it expires.

Prior to closing an account, log into the AWS Management Console and backup any data that you wish to preserve. After an AWS account is closed, the data associated with the account will be deleted and unrecoverable.

If possible, please include confirmation from the account owner (FAQs about UW Cloud Account Request Process ) in the request, and provide your Account ID.    We will also notify all contacts related to the account that it is being closed.

If you have any questions, feedback or ideas please Contact Us

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Steve T. in Public Cloud
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