InterPro - Online Learning - Tools & Technology - Canvas - Canvas LMS Quick Start for InterPro Online Instructors
A targeted list of instructor resources for getting started with Canvas LMS. Primarily for InterPro online instructors.
Getting Started / Setup
- Canvas Overview Video (6:42)
- Setting Email/Push Notification Preferences (so you don't miss important student discussion posts).
- Edit your Canvas Profile
Canvas Basics
- Canvas Course Site Navigation & Layout
- Publish Canvas Course site
- Canvas Modules for organizing course content and activities
- Canvas People Page (learning about your students)
Communication Options
Assignments & Grading
Course Site Analytics
- Canvas Course Analytics (i.e., view course site stats and student activity)
- New Analytics Overview
Mobile Apps for Canvas (Android and Apple iOS)
Full Canvas Guides
- Link to the entire Canvas Instructor Guide
- Link to Canvas Video Guide (All Videos)
- Link to the Canvas Student Guide