CALS Honors in Research Checklist

For Students who Enter UW-Madison in Fall 2017 or after.
All forms cited in this document & additional details are available via the CALS Honors Program web page.

  • Identify a mentor
  • Identify a general area of research
  • Begin to become familiar with common research tools, language, and processes through engagement in a research activity (such as reading, lab work, field work, etc).
  • There should be frequent interactions with the mentor or the research group associated with the mentor.
  • Consider involvement with the CALS Health and Research Society (CHARS).
  • Maintain a 3.25 GPA
  • Enroll in Inter-Ag 288 (1 er) during the spring.1

  • Conduct an introductory research project (through Biocore, Biology 152, or 299/699 independent study credit).
  • Continue development of research skills. (For experimental sciences, this might involve reading the scientific literature but primary emphasis is on developing laboratory skills through interaction with the faculty & other scientists. In the social sciences, it might involve reading the literature as well as beginning the types of data acquisition & analysis or other personal involvement appropriate to the discipline.).
  • Near the end of the year, present the research results in an appropriate research forum to an informed audience such as a poster session at a local meeting or symposium, or an oral presentation to the mentor's research group.
  • There should be frequent interactions with the mentor or his/her research group.
  • Maintain a 3.25 GPA
  • Enroll in Inter-Ag 388 (1 er) during the spring.2

  • Prepare a thesis proposal suitable in content, length, and format to the field in which the research is being conducted.
  • Apply for funding to support the senior honors thesis research. CALS and campus deadlines are typically in mid-February of each year and are posted on the CALS Honors website along with application materials. Off-campus funding may be available in certain cases. Applications for funding are not strictly required but are strongly recommended.
  • Maintain a 3.25 GPA.
  • Enroll in Inter-Ag 488 (1 er) during the spring.

  • Complete 2-4 credits of Senior Honors Thesis 681 (or 699 if 681 is unavailable in the mentor's department).
  • Complete 2-4 credits of Senior Honors Thesis 682 (or 699).
  • Present the Thesis results in a public forum (CALS Undergraduate Symposium and/or UW Undergraduate Symposium are recommended venues) and document this presentation by filing a Senior Honors Thesis Presentation Form.
  • Submit an electronic copy of the Abstract Page, Cover Sheet, Presentation Form and Senior Thesis to the 116 Ag Hall.
  • Achieve a cumulative GPA of 3.25 or higher.

1Students who began at UW-Madison prior to fall 2017 are not required to complete Inter-Ag 288 (though they may choose to do so during their sophomore year). Instead, activities and accomplishments during the first year should be documented by filing a First-Year Requirements Form and Letter. For students intending to complete the honors program in 3 years rather than 4, it is permissible to combine the first and second-year letters.

2Students who began at UW-Madison prior to fall 2017 are not required to complete Inter-Ag 388 (though they may choose to do so during their junior year). Instead, activities and accomplishments during the second year should be documented by filing a Second-Year Requirements Form and Letter. For students intending to complete the honors program in 3 years rather than 4, it is permissible to combine the first and second-year letters.

CALS Honors in Research: Sample Student Situations
Sally Student - freshman in fall 2017
Freshman Fall
  • Apply to CALS Honors Program
  • Get involved with the CALS Health and Research
  • Consider Undergraduate Research Scholars(URS)
Freshman Spring
  • Enroll in Inter-Ag 288
  • Identify research mentor and complete mentor/mentee contract*

Sophomore Fall
  • Complete mini (one semester) independent research project* (BIOCORE, BIO 152, Ind. Study) and presentation {OR SPRING)
  • Meet with mentor
Sophomore Spring
  • Enroll in Inter-Ag 388
  • Complete mini {one semester) independent research project* {BIOCORE, BIO 152, Ind. Study) and presentation {OR FALL)
Junior Fall
  • Draft senior thesis proposal
  • Continue research experience (optional)
  • Meet with mentor

Junior Spring
  • Enroll in Inter-Ag 488)
  • Finalize and submit senior thesis proposal* for funding (Hilldale, Holstrom, CALS Research Award))
  • Continue research experience (optional)
Senior Fall
  • Draft senior thesis proposal
  • Continue research experience (optional)
  • Meet with mentor

Senior Spring
  • Enroll in senior honors thesis {682/699, min. 2 crs)
  • Continue writing group through library
  • Present thesis results
  • Submit thesis and documentation*

*indicates a portfolio piece

John Doe - sophomore in fall 2017; already applied to Honors Program
Sophomore Fall
  • Complete mini (one semester) independent research project* (BIOCORE, BIO 152, Ind. Study) and presentation (OR SPRING)
  • Meet with mentor
Sophomore Spring
  • Enroll in Inter-Ag 288 (OPTIONAL) or complete Second-Year Requirements Form and Letter
  • Complete mini {one semester) independent research project* {BIOCORE, BIO 152, Ind. Study) and presentation {OR FALL)
Junior Fall
  • Draft senior thesis proposal
  • Continue research experience (optional)
  • Meet with mentor

Junior Spring
  • Enroll in Inter-Ag 388 (OPTIONAL) or complete 388 Substitution Form
  • Complete Third-Year Requirements Form and Letter
  • Finalize and submit senior thesis proposal* for funding (Hilldale, Holstrom, CALS Research Award)
  • Continue research experience (optional)
Senior Fall
  • Enroll in senior honors thesis {681/699, min. 2 crs)
  • Join writing group through library
  • Meet with mentor

Senior Spring
  • Enroll in senior honors thesis {682/699, min. 2 crs)
  • Enroll in Inter-Ag 488 (OPTIONAL) or complete Inter-Ag 488 Substitution Form
  • Continue writing group through library
  • Present thesis results
  • Submit thesis and documentation*

*indicates a portfolio piece

Buckingham Badger -junior in fall 2017; has not applied to Honors Program
*Note: student must have completed mini (one semester) independent research project (BJOCORE, BIO 152, Ind. Study) and presentation*

Junior Fall
  • Apply to Honors Program
  • Complete missing documentation to catch up: First Year Form, Second Year Form, 2 page letter about research experiences during first and second years
  • Draft senior thesis proposal
  • Continue research experience (optional)
  • Meet with mentor
Junior Spring
  • Complete Third-Year Requirements Form and Letter
  • Complete Inter-Ag 388 Substitution Form
  • Finalize and submit senior thesis proposal* for funding (Hilldale, Holstrom, CALS Research Award)
  • Continue research experience (optional)
Senior Fall
  • Enroll in senior honors thesis (681/699, min. 2 crs)
  • Join writing group through library
  • Meet with mentor

Senior Spring
  • Enroll in senior honors thesis (682/699, min. 2 crs)
  • Complete Inter-Ag 488 Substitution Form
  • Continue writing group through library
  • Present thesis results
  • Submit thesis and documentation*

*indicates a portfolio piece

CALS, Honors in Research, Checklist 
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Diana A. in CALS Academic Affairs
CALS Academic Affairs