Directory of Tech Services

Resource for new Law School Faculty and Staff

How/when to use

Please direct new Faculty and Staff to the Directory of Tech Services upon arrival.

If a meeting is scheduled with them, please bring a hard copy as well as provide a link to the Box document.

The document can also be used as a point of reference.

How to get

The document can be found here and is resticted access.

A share link exists -- but can be confusing, they need to click the "Have an Account" link at the bottom to be presented with a normal login screen.

Recommended:  Download and include a copy of the word doc if corresponding with someone, but also include the share link with instructions on how to log in to access.

The link is (

Other thoughts

It will also be distributed yearly to all the mailboxes on 5th floor.

directory, tech, tech services, staff, faculty, new hire 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Deb M. in Law School
Law School